Сontemporary scientific events

My master thesis

Bachelor – бакалавр

Accumulator ['kjumjlet]

Cruise [kruz] Missile ['msal] - крылатая ракета


Topic of my master thesis is “Design of gas-turbine engine for small-sized aircraft”. Such aircrafts are widely used for photography and video recording, inspection of ecological situation, fire safety, condition of pipelines. Photography and video recording can be realized by very small drones supplied with electric engine, for example, by quadrocopters, which are available for sale and very popular.

For other purposes an aircraft must be in-flight much longer time and electric engine doesn’t fit because of big weight of accumulators. In this case, internal combustion engines are mostly used. The choice of small-sized gas-turbine engines is poor. One of the reasons – complicated design process. Most of such engines designed for cruise missiles.

In master thesis, I will research new configuration of gas-turbine engine with centrifugal compressor and canular diffuser. Compressor is designed by another student. I will count heat cycle for several thrust ratings, evaluate mass-dimensional characteristics of engine, design combustor and turbine. In the end of research, I will be able to draw a conclusion about advisability of offered configuration.


Global problems


deforestation - "обезлесивание", уничтожение лесов

destruction of habitats – разрушение ареалов (животного, растения)

endangered species – вымирающие виды


famine – голод

malnutrition [mælnju'tr()n] - недоедание, недостаточное питание

natural disaster - стихийное бедствие

overpopulation – перенаселённость

poverty - нищета


There are many global problems, such as: famine, poverty, global warming, endangered species, deforestation, destruction of habitats, flooding, malnutrition, natural disasters, overpopulation, cancers, terrorism. Some of them are doubtless but some are disputable and under discussion for many years.

For example, warming of the climate is suggested by some experts to be a part of natural weather cycle. Others are sure that increasing greenhouse effect is the reason. International community had failed to reach an agreement on reducing “greenhouse gas” emission, which raise the earth’s temperature. For now, only European Union, Australia, Switzerland, Norway and Ukraine signed agreements about reducing emission. However, the cumulative share of these countries in global emissions do not exceed 15%, which is almost in half less the share of China.

Many developing countries have refused to sign any pollution agreements. They say it would harm their economic growth. Scientists warned that this would mean more pollution and a greater risk of disasters across the globe.


Modern system of higher education in Russia

undergraduate course - базовый университетский курс

major in - специализироваться по какому-л. предмету (в колледже; в какой-л. области)

undergo - испытывать, переносить

within - в пределах, в рамках

possess - обладать способностями, возможностями (делать что-л.)


Сontemporary scientific events


presumably [pr'zjumbl] - вероятно, предположительно

bacterium [bæk'trm]

genome ['inum]


Russian TV-channel “Science” asked our scientist to call scientific events of the year which are the most important. In the opinion of most scientists the most important event is discovery of gravitational waves. Editing of human genome by bacterial protein holds the second place. On the third place is finding by astronomers presumably inhabited planet. It rotates around the nearest to the Earth star - Centauri Proxima.

Sociologists asked people in cities with population more than 100 thousand people the same question. Results of interview shows that people are informed about the key scientific events but the order of events in rating was different. The most important is finding by Japanese scientists bacterium, which recycles plastics. Editing of human genome is still on the second place. Third place – addition of new elements to the periodic table. According to Russians public opinion, discovery of gravitational waves is only on the fourth place in order of importance. Invention of topological insulator – material, which is dielectric inside and conductor on the surface - is the last in top-5.

Among important events there are: finding of genome of one more forefather of human, coming back to the Earth of space probe "Rosetta", discovery of traces of civilization more ancient than Egyptian, winning of artificial intelligence in game Go.