Made by: Zhansaya Omarova
Teacher: prof. dr. Giedrius Laukaitis
Kaunas, 2016
2.1 Assessment of the economic effects of research work. 10
ANNEX.. 17
The innovative sphere, the main component of which is the experimental design, research and development is the main engine of economic growth at the present stage of development, and the growth is not quantitative that characterizes economy in recent years, and the growth of high-quality (increase productivity labor, quality of life) that is inherent in the developed economies.
Scientific research, particularly applied research, carried out in order to develop new technologies, equipment, organization of production and labor to obtain on this basis, reduce material and labor costs, improving the quality of products and services, increase income entrepreneurs. Further the question is asked "What is Research work?"
Research work is a search of theoretical and experimental nature, carried out in order to verify scientific hypotheses, scientific generalizations, scientific substantiation of the projects as well as expansion, deepening and systematization of knowledge on a particular scientific problem and create a scientific reserve [1].
For research papers the main characteristics are the novelty, relevance and effectiveness.
Like many other problems the problem of the development of research work encounters on financing. In this work I tried to analyze the organization of research work funding in Russia, to identify current problems and outline ways they can be overcome, based on the organization's method of funding abroad, the opinion of economists transformation of modern research work funding system, logic and knowledge obtained in the course of studying the discipline "Finance "and related disciplines.
Under the cost-effectiveness of scientific research in general the cost savings and public living labor in the production in that sector should be analyzed, which are implementing complete scientific research and experimental development (research work).
The main types of the efficiency of the scientific research:
• Economic efficiency - increase in national income, improving productivity, product quality, reduce the cost of scientific research;
• strengthening the country's defense;
• Socio-economic efficiency - the elimination of hard work, improvement of sanitary and hygienic working conditions, environmental clean-up and etc;
• Prestige of the science [2.3].
Science is the most effective investment sphere. In the world practice it accepted that the return on investment is 100-200%, and much higher profits in all industries. According to foreign economists, one dollar expenditures on science income per year are US $ 4-7 and more. In our country, the effectiveness of science is even higher.
Science gets more and more expensive every year for the society. Huge amount of money spend on it. Therefore, in the science and the economy there is a second problem - the systematic reduction of economic costs of the research, with the increasing effect of their introduction. In this regard, research effectiveness will also possibly be more economical conduct of research.
It is well known how much importance is now given to the issues of accelerated development of science and scientific and technical progress. This is done by deep strategic reasons, which boil down to the objective fact that the system of science and its applications has become a real productive force, the most powerful factor in the effective development of social production.
There are two fundamentally different ways of doing things in the economy: extensive and intensive development path. The path of extensive development – is an extension of the factory area, increasing the number of machines, etc. The intensive path assumes that each plant to each working machine, agricultural enterprise per hectare of sown areas received more and more products. This is ensured by the use of new scientific and technological possibilities of new means of labor, new technologies, and new knowledge.
Concerns and the growth of people qualifying for the intensive factors, and the whole set of organizational, scientific and technical solutions, which is arming modern production [3].
This is a very important fact. From this it follows that in the future our economic policy will aim to solve the problems of further development in all spheres of social production mainly due to intensive factors.
With a particular focus on science, and science itself apply the same requirement. We will refer to specific numbers. Over the past 40-50 years, the number of new knowledge has increased about two or three times, at the same time the amount of information (publications, various documents) has increased about the eight to ten times, and the volume of resources allocated to science - more than 100 times .
These figures make you think. After growth of resources spent on science which is not the end itself.
Consequently, science policy needs to be changed; you need to strongly improve the efficiency of scientific institutions.
There is another important point. In this case, we are interested not in itself gain new knowledge, but also the effect of the increase in production. We must analyze whether all is normal with the proportions between the acquisition of knowledge and its application in the workplace. We need to increase the pace of advanced high investments in the development of scientific and technical progress activities results in production.
There is some theoretical model, built from considerations take full advantage of new knowledge and new scientific evidence.
According to this model, if the provision of basic research is taken as unity, the corresponding figures are: applied research - 4, of engineering - 16, for the development of innovations in the industry - 250.
This model assumes that all reasonable (of new ideas, information capacity) obtained in the basic studies will be used.
For this will be enough available capacity of applied sciences. Then the practical application will be implemented in the form of new technologies, new designs, and so on. N., Those who design, develop leads. And they, in turn, will have enough capacity to accept all this and is fully put to use.
Finally, you must have enough spare capacity and investments intended for the development of innovations in the production, to learn and implement all objectively necessary innovations.
If the total cost of basic and applied research, as well as on the development activities taken as a unit, the relation between investment in the production of new knowledge and the development of these investments in the knowledge of the national economy will be 1:12. In fact, such a ratio of 1:7.
This indicates that the national economy often with no spare capacity is not enough room to maneuver (a ratio of 1:11 in the USA).
In modern science, one in four - head. Leaders in science are more than physicists, chemists, mathematicians.
But mathematicians, physicists, chemists, and other higher education institutions preparing the professional level of their knowledge is usually very high. Guide as their scientific activities are not taught.
They learn it themselves and most unproductive way - from their mistakes. The solution to this issue, too, will be able to raise the efficiency of research.
It is known that the time between investment in science and the impact of science in the economy of our country is measured in nine years.
One way to improve the efficiency of research is the use of so-called free or intermediate results, which are often not used, or used too late and inadequately.
For example, the space program. How are they justified economically? Of course, as a result of their design has been improved radio communications, it is possible further transmission of television programs, increased accuracy of weather forecasting, to get more scientific knowledge of the fundamental results in the world, and etc. All of this have or will have economic significance [7].
The effectiveness of research work directly affects the efficiency of scientific publications, particularly periodicals. Analysis of the term of the articles in the offices of domestic logs showed that they linger twice as long as in similar foreign publications. To reduce these terms, apparently, it is expedient in several magazines experimentally verify new order publications: print only the abstracts of up to 4-5 pages, and publish the full text of the method non-typing printing as prints and are available on request interested people and organizations.
It is known that the growth of instrumental armament of modern science should be about 2.5-3 times higher than the population growth rate of working in this field. In the whole country the figure is still not high enough, and some scientific organizations, which is noticeably smaller units, which leads to an actual reduction in the efficiency of the intellectual resources of science.
Modern scientific instruments morally worn out so fast that within 4-5 years, as a rule, are hopelessly outdated. At the current rate of scientific and technical progress it looks absurd so-called gentle (for several hours a week) use of the instrument.
Rationally acquire smaller devices, but the most advanced and upload them as much as possible, not afraid to wear, and after 2-3 years of intensive exploitation replaced by new, more modern.
Ministry of Industry, updates its products every five, or more years. From total production only 10-13% is released at the level of world figures. Among the reasons for this phenomenon occupies an important place of spraying and the weakness of the scientific potential of the respective companies that make them are not trained to perceive essentially new, and even more to the development of his powers of its scientists and engineers.
However, it should be recognized that in general, the industrial sector of science is still very poorly provided with highly qualified staff of researchers. For every hundred central factory laboratory only one candidate of sciences is hired. Most of the factory scientific divisions, scale works comparable to conventional research institutes, have several times fewer doctors and candidates of sciences.
Of particular note is the problem of targeted training for the industrial sector of science [2].
And we can see construction of the economic model of the research work in pic. 1.
Pic. 1. Construction of the economic model of the research work