Recycling. First stage (description)
Conditions and Processing .
fig.17 Plate chopper.
Financing is minimal, investments return in 6-12 months if there’s no stealing by sorter people. An area of 300 square meters is established and guarded. The surface of the area is asphalt or concrete. Sorting tables are mounted with covers protecting from sun and rainfalls.
Equipment used: (chopper) shredder for wood and leaves, press compactor, metallic container (barrel, 200m3) for artisanal remelting of polymers, forms of metal profile for casting of polymer-sand stuff.
What about dirty bags and packaging? A civilized way is using “Nazarov” system – recycling of plastics of any contamination level into “flakes” stuff for sale.
Less civilized way is to melt them in a big barrel till they get a consistency of sour cream. After that we add some dry sand, mix it, so it becomes like dough. Then it comes to metallic forms to create road tiles. It’s desirable to press it to obtain maximum durability. Hand and electric power tools are used for splitting combined waste (shoes, domestic appliances). All unsorted polymers go into the barrel to get melt till a liquid condition. Sand and dyestuff are added to get a consistency needed. Then it goes to forms. Heating device is made of bunch of mirrors to focus the sunlight to heat the energy source.
fig.18 Flowsheet of equipment, communication, movement and collection of waste.
On fig.18 there’s a road leading to a sorting area, the place of temporary storage of SMR, HW, HCW.
Recycling (processes done with waste)
Shipping SMR to buyers;
Melting waste in a barrel;
Putting glass and plastic bottles in bags;
Briquetting of raw stuff;
Weighing of raw stuff;
Fragmentation and shredding of waste and raw stuff;
Sorting of raw stuff and waste;
Casting of polymer-sand products (boards);
Construction of multi-tiered flowerbed;
Fig. 19 Multi-tiered flowerbed of polymer-sand
Schedule for workers.
Waste collectors.............................3 people;
Waste sorters.....................4 people;
Organic waste workers…...2 people;
Raw stuff processing.............................1 person;
Brigadier of the recycle area...............1 person;
Ordering tools and instruments from the recycling department.
1. Shovels….. 2 items,
2. Mattock…… 2 items,
3. Hammer….. 1 item,
4. Nails…. 3 kg, 100mm,
5. Buckets… 10 items, 7 - 12 litres,
6. Containers or barrels…. 5 items,
7. Plywood 20 mm….. 4 sheets,
8. Push carts…. 2 items,
9. Chairs….. 5 items,
10. A table
11. Old commercial banners or tarpaulin for an overhang cover.
12. Big, thick-walled cauldron for polymer melting.
13. A shredder.
14. Cut pieces of timber from construction area……. 5 m3 , for sorting tables.
15. 3 locks with cables
16. 2 padlocks,
17. Uniform for 5 people: pants and a shirt.
18. Gloves…. 100 items
19. Boots ….. 5 pairs.
20 Raincoats …. 5 items
21. Big umbrellas…. 2 items
22. A bicycle
23. Overhanging cover for tables - 100m2
24. Baskets, forks, shovels…… 4 items
25. A scrap, scales of 100 kg, 40 kg, 20 kg
26. Reaping hooks…. 2 items