Organic waste recycling (plan of a basement floor, composting, worms, bio-solutions)
Technological operations of organic recycling.
Sorting out non-organic components;
Preparing, shipping of manure and humus;
Forming heaps of 1m3 volume to get compost;
Scheduled heap turning (with shovels)
Creating natural processes (lakes, creek, swamp, meadow, wood, bushes, etc);
Landscape designing and creating of garden beds;
Collecting and sorting of seeds;
Seed bank managementn(exchange, maintaining the diversity, plant breeding );
Planting herbs into organic waste;
Harvesting, watering, taking care of plants;
fig.20 Compost turning schedule [5]
Guide to the organic waste composting.
Monoculture increases expenses on growing plants and maintaining soil out from degradation. Permaculture improves the quality of soil and decreases cost price of agricultural products. It is necessary to cooperate with soil and its symbiotic microorganisms, not to destroy it. Because they enrich and feed each other. They decompose cellulose, fiber of fallen leaves and organic leavings to turn it into humus. This compost provides a great stability of soil, makes it productive and holds water. Widespread industrialization destroyed soils’ productivity. So leveling and composting works nice for micro flora and fauna.
Recipe of compost. Anybody can do that.
Taken from book by Geoff Lawton “Permaculture”.
We use a mix of manures from various animals in small quantities. If there are no options, let’s use cow’s manure. Human feces are not recommended to use for Vaishnavs. Porous carbon eases up burning. So we take 1 PART of manure and we take 25 PARTS of chopped straw, dry grass, organic leavings. It contains nitrogen; it also helps keeping fire burn. If there’s too much nitrogen, the mix burns too fast, decreasing the volume and emitting bad smelling methane gas. It is recommended to use a catalyst to activate burning – some substances that destructed soil lacks of. Fresh comfrey and nettle do contain them. So we mix it and leave it for 4 days. By the day 4, microorganisms starts heating their surroundings, then heaps are to be turn with shovels to get colder layers heated. It’s better to chop organic leavings before that. Make sure the mix can “breathe” and air can easily get in it. Charcoal also may be useful. At the hottest day we water the heap and turn it over every 2 days, total of 6-8 times. If the rain falls, cover it with tilt. Compost is ready after the peak of microorganisms activity: it is soft, wet, dark-brown and warm. Using compost is a really efficient way – 1 m3 of it can feed one human being for one year. If one composts 10 m3 or more, the heat from heaps are useful for 6 months
Guide to using bio-solutions.
Soils are mirrors of physical and spiritual appearance of humanity. More than 100 years ago, the foundation father of genetic soil science – Vasily Dokuchaev – explained that fact. Nowadays conditions of the rest of cultivated soils are described by just one word – degradation. To solve the problem of erosion and bad food there was a technique developed and called “noospheric land use”. It is based on principles of nondestructive agriculture: careful land processing, preserving the natural structure of soils and life of micro flora and fauna. The foundation of the technique is a technology of Homobiotic turnover. It combines animal breeding, plant breeding and recycling of organic waste into the one and only, same cycle.
When the Nature becomes a classroom, and communication with Nature becomes a textbook, the harmony of the world will cover all human beings and our society. Homobiotic turnover declares a simple truth: soil productivity is created by living creatures. There’s no productivity if there’s no life. We also managed to recreate the natural process of making a soil solution – we got a concentrated soil solution which people call “wonder-liquid”. Creating of eco-friendly black humus became a first step to creating a gread concept of Homobiotic turnover. HBT is a turnover of organic substances, energy and information controlled by human beings. The technology is waste-free and cost-effective. The introduction of this technology solves the problems of recovering productivity of soils, good food production, prevention of diseases, increasing a performance of agriculture with less cost, creating new jobs, recycling of waste. Let a forest be a forest, let a praire be a praire, if we don’t want them to become deserts.
HBT provides human beings with energy and good food. It means non-destructive cooperation with environment. A limiting factor of HBT is sun energy only. Which is everywhere.
Fig. 21 Plan of a basement floor, processing of waste with bio-solutions and composting.
At the basement floor we make bio-solutions and fertilizers out of organic waste. These fertilizers go to fields and deserts to help planting trees and herbs. As the plants grow, more oxygen is created.
Interesting fact :
Research results of German scientist Victor Shauberg do say that energy of trees forms Earth’s magnetic field. Not young, but mature trees. This feature of old trees is the hint for human beings to save existing plants now, not only to grow new ones and then wait till they make a difference.