Роджерс Первый день в Школе
Phillis and Frank Cooper, that they at last decided that Roger shall go to the local Elementary school. For a start, would prefer Phillis that Roger went to one of small "private" schools in the area.
"Duties aren't really high", she told the husband, "and he will mix up with much better children, than he will meet at regular public Elementary school". "I know that duties aren't high", were Frank's answer, "but don't forget that we shall pay for public schools through our rates and taxes. I don't stick to identical views with the idea to pay for content of school and then not to use it. Besides, when you speak about 'better' children at private school, don't do you simply imply what their parents have more money || most of people?" "Perhaps, I do, but some ^ children at Elementary school don't come fro very good houses, isn't it? I don't want that Roger adopted any bad habits of the speech or big impoliteness". But eventually, if Roger came home every day and spoke, loved school dinners better, than your dinners.
21. сра
Self regulation of Preschool
Сам регулирование Дошкольных
In the process of acquiring a basic sense of identity, children also learn which behaviors are considered good and those that are considered bad. They are expected not only to learn and adopt the rules of proper behavior, but also to follow these rules without constant supervision.
Children who suppress an impulse to be protected and look for the alternative answer, display self-checking level.
During the preschool period children begin to spend significant amounts of time interacting with their peers. Through this process children must learn to be accepted by their social group. In so doing they must at times inhibit their anger when their goals are thwarted; at other times their personal desires will be subordinated for the good of the group. Learning to control aggression and to help others are two of the central processes in preschool social development.
22. Сра
The role of Play in Preschool children development
Роль Игры в развитии Дошкольников
Preschool children love to play and they spend hours building and knocking down towers, they play house, and act out stories with their playmates. Play in infancy consists mainly of imitations of repeated actions sometimes with variations. In the preschool years, play expands into much of the child's life. Preschoolers love to play games that test and fine-tune their mastery of their bodies-running, climbing, swinging, throwing. They like to build things with mud, sand or blocks and they love to pretend.
At any age, children's problems and concerns are reflected in their play. Play provides a time when children can control things themselves.
23. сра
The role of imitation of Preschool children in their development
Роль имитации Дошкольников в их развитии
Imitation is one of the most important ways children learn about the social world. During the sensorimotor period, before the capacity for representation develops, infants can imitate an action only at the moment it is observed. One result of representation skills is the capacity for deferred imitation-the process by which a child observes represented to themselves, and then at a later time called up from memory and actively imitated. Imitation also requires the ability to take another's point of view.
24. Сра
Preschool Pedagogy
Дошкольная педагогика
A branch of pedagogy that studies the patterns of upbringing for preschool children. It is closely associated with child psychology, developmental anatomy vj and physiology, pediatrics, hygiene, and a number of other scholarly fields, including linguistics, aesthetics, and_ethics. Preschool pedagogy developed jis a separate field from general pedagogy in the second half of the 19th century as a result of the development of child psychology as an independent branch of knowledge and the (emergence and spread of preschool educational institutions as women took factory jobs. The English Utopian socialist R. Owen was the first to give grounds for the idea of public education for children from the first years of their lives and to create a pre-school institution for proletarian children. The pedagogical system and practical activity of the German pedagogue F. Froebel promoted the development of preschool pedagogy as a special branch of studies.
The basic task of the Soviet preschool pedagogy is the development of the content, methods, forms, of the communist upbringing of preschool children
25. Сра
Jung, Carl Gustav.
Jung, Carl Gustav- the Swiss psychiatrist, the founder of one of the directions of deep psychology — analytical psychology.
Jung considered a problem of analytical psychology interpretation of the archetypic images arising at patients. Jung has developed the doctrine about collective unconscious, in images (archetypes) of which saw a source of universal symbolics, including myths and dreams ("Metamorphoses and symbols of a libido"). The psychotherapy purpose, according to Jung — implementation of an individuation of the personality.
Also the concept of psychological types of Jung has gained fame.
Jung was born in a family of the pastor of the Swiss reformatory church in Kesvil in Switzerland. The grandfather and the great-grandfather from the father were doctors. Carl Gustav Jung has graduated from medical faculty of university in Basel.
In Jung's memoirs we learn that the dead come to him, ring a hand bell and their presence is felt by all his family. Here he sets to "winged Philemon" (to the to "the spiritual head") questions by an own voice, and answers with a falsetto of the female being — anima, here dead crusaders knock on his house … Not casually psychotherapeutic equipment of "active imagination" of Jung developed the principles of communication with the mystical world and included the moments of entry into a trance .
At the same time the unconditional equal-sign between a yungianstvo and esoteric representations of our time can't be put as Jung's doctrine differs from them not only the complexity and high culture, but also essentially other relation to the world of mysticism and spirit