This plant produces aircrafts.

1. Does this plant produce aircrafts?

2.What produces aircrafts?

3.What does this plant do?

4.What does this plant produce?

5.Does this plant produce aircrafts or cars?

6.This plant produces aircrafts, doesn’t it?

Exercise 1. Make the following interrogative and negative.


1. I write many letters. 2. We have coffee in the morning. 3. His sister sings very well. 4. Our grandmother grows potatoes. 5. She goes to bed at ten. 6. They listen to the radio in the morning. 7. You meet her at the station every day. 8. It often snows in November. 9. His sister teaches English at school. 10. My cousin wants to become an accountant. 11. Her uncle drives a bus. 12. Usually she takes a shuttle taxi to get to work.

Exercise 2. Ask questions about the time of the action.


Models: They play football in summer. – When do they play football?

Tom get up at six. – At what time does Tom get up?


1. They plant trees in autumn. 2. The teacher corrects our dictations in the evening. 3. John comes to school at eight. 4. Our family goes to the Crimea in July. 5. Her father usually comes home at five. 6. We listen to the news at ten o’clock. 7. Their parents gather mushrooms in autumn. 8. The summer holidays begin in June. 9. The school year begins in September. 10. My working day starts at eight o’clock.

Exercise 3. Ask questions about the place of the action.


Models: His son works in London. – Where does his son work?

1. Her brother studies in Lviv. 2. The wolf lives in the forest. 3. They spend their holidays in the country. 4. My mother works at school. 5. His relatives live in Kiev. 6. My group–mates go to the theatre in the evening. 7. They read newspapers at work. 8. His family goes to Germany every year. 9. Many Ukrainians go to Canada every year. 10. I buy bread round the corner.


Exercise 4. Put questions to the italicized words.


1. Our children go to bed at nine o’ clock. 2. Her son knows English well. 3. My father reads newspapers in the evening. 4. My aunt lives in Poland. 5. Our parents dig potato in autumn. 6. This man works at a machine-building plant. 7. It rains in November. 8. Usually we buy candies at this shop. 9. My sister learns many poems many poems by heart. 10. At the lessons we read and speak English.


Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Я живу в Україні. Мій друг також живе в Україні. 2. Звідкіля ти? Де живуть твої друзі? 3. В інституті я вивчаю англійську мову. 4. Я не працюю на підприємстві. 5. Я звичайно прокидаюсь о шостій ранку. 6. Мені необхідно затратити близько години, щоб дістатися в інститут. 7. Звичайно я їду туди на автобусі. 8. Пари тривають до другої години. Потім я їду додому. 9. Дома я обідаю, трохи відпочиваю та сідаю виконувати домашнє завдання. 10. Зазвичай мені потрібно чотири години, щоб підготувати своє домашнє завдання. 11. О сьомій годині я йду на прогулянку зі своїми друзями, або дивлюсь телевізор та читаю газети. 12. О десятій годині я лягаю спати. 13. О котрій годині ти лягаєш спати, 14. Скільки часу потрібно тобі, щоб приготувати домашнє завдання? 15. О котрій годині ти прокидаєшся? 16. скільки часу потрібно тобі, щоб дістатися до інституту? 17. На якій вулиці ти живеш? 18. Що ти робиш у вихідні? 19. У суботу я зазвичай ходжу у кіно. 20. Влітку ми відпочиваємо у Криму.



GRAMMAR STRUCTURES of sentences with the verb to have in the Present Indefinite Tense

Affirmative   Interrogative Negative
I have many books. Do I have many books?   Have I many books? I do not have many books. I have not many books.
You have many books. Do you have many books?   Have you many books? You do not have many books. You have not many books.  
She has many books. Does she have many books?   Has she many books? She does not have many books. She has not many books.
We have many books. Do we have many books?   Have we many books? We do not have many books. We have not many books.  
They have many books. Do they have many books?   Have they many books? They do not have many books. They have not many books.  


Example:Put as many questions as possible.


I have many books.

1. Do I have many books? (or: Have I many books?)

2. Who has many books?

3. How many books do I have? (or: How many books have I?)

4. What do I have? (or: What have I?)

5. Do I have many books or magazines? (or: Have I many books or magazines?)

6. I have many books, don’t I?


Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with have or has.


1. They … a good flat. 2. My neighbour … a car. 3. They … a TV set made in China. 4. I … some English dictionaries. 5. She … a new dress. 6. … you a good dictionary? 7. Our room … two windows. 8. Many farmers …has motor cycles. 9. Our teacher … two daughters. 10. … you a special reason to go there? 11. They … an angry dog. 12. You … a good ear for music. 13. … his wife a mobile phone? 14. Don’t worry! I … her address at home. 15. … he enough money to buy a personal computer?


Exercise 2.Make the following interrogative and negative.


1. John has a new PC. 2. You have many relatives in Poland. 3. My sister has music lessons once a week. 4. Our children have many toys. 5. We usually have coffee in the morning. 6. Her daughter has a car. 7. The clerks have lunch at eleven. 8. I have a textbook on English. 9. We have much snow this winter. 10. We have supper at six. 11. His aunt has a garden. 12. I have enough paper to write three letters. 13. I have a collection of coins. 14. He has a reliable mobile phone. 15. My grandmother has two cats. 16. His niece has friends in Atlanta. 17. She has a bank account. 18. I have a hole in my pocket. 19. I have a camera. 20. She has beautiful blue eyes.


Exercise 3.Put questions to the italicized words.


1. I have a pen. 2. We have many relatives in Lithuania. 3. They have four periods a day. 4. You have a thick magazine. 5. He has a new camera. 6. They have a comfortable flat in Atlanta. 7. You have a nice view from the window. 8. I have a telegramme for you. 9. His father has a business in Paris. 10. We have lunch at eleven.



Exercise 4.Translate the following sentences into English.


1. У мене є фотокамера. 2. У мого товариша є новий словник. 3. О котрій годині ви снідаєте? 4. У мене нема вільного часу. 5. У тебе є англо – український словник? 6. Що у тебе у кишені? 7. Скільки у тебе братів та сестер? 8. Коли у вас відпустка? 9. Ви обідаєте вдома, чи на роботі? 10. скільки чашок кави ви випиваєте на день? 11. У тебе є червона краватка? 12. Скільки у тебе грошів? 13. У нас багато родичів в Литві. 14. У тебе канікули влітку? 15. У мене є дуже товстий кіт. 16. У Джона є непоганий варіант. 17. Вона має дві сучасні автівки. 18. Цей будинок має багато вікон. 19. Він має нерухомість у селі. 20. Вони мають банківський рахунок у Швейцарії.


GRAMMAR STRUCTURESof sentences in the Future Indefinite Tense

Affirmative   Interrogative Negative
I shall go shopping. Shall I go shopping? I shall not go shopping.
You will go shopping. Will you go shopping? You will not go shopping.
She will go shopping. Will she go shopping? She will not go shopping.
We shall go shopping. Shall we go shopping? We shall not go shopping.
They will go shopping. Will they go shopping? They will not go shopping.

Example:Put as many questions as possible: