Acute abdomen in gynecology
! Fallopian gestation more often is terminated in the stages of pregnancy (weeks)
* 3-4
* 5-6
* 7-8
* 9-10
* 11-12
! Fallopian gestation is characterized by following morphological changes of the endometrium
* Cystic glandular hyperplasia
* Decidual transformation
* Chorionic villae
* Proliferation
* Atrophy
! Diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is proved by following histological report of macroscopic specimen examination
* Atrophy
* Proliferation
* Chorionic villae
* Decidual transformation
* Cystic glandular hyperplasia
! The most informative method of diagnostics of progressive fallopian pregnancy is
* laparoscopy
* hysteroscopy
* finding the human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) in urine
* aspiration biopsy of the endometrium
* puncture of abdominal cavity over the posterior vaginal fornix
! The volume of surgical intervention in case of progressive fallopian pregnancy
* ovariotomy
* adnexectomy
* salpingotomy
* salpingectomy
* hysterectomy
! A woman of 29 years old has a lower abdominal pain in the rectum, spotting bloody discharge, delay of menstruation to 2 weeks. Per vaginum: uterus soft, increased, there is a «dough» consistency tumour on the right side, painfull, posterior fornix of vagina is swelling, painfull. Clinical finding matches to following diagnosis
* Torsion of ovarian cyst pedicle
* Ectopic pregnancy
* Rupture of ovarian cyst
* Ovarian apoplexy
* Acute adnexitis
! During salpingotomy following anatomical structures are crossed
* Infundibulo-pelvic ligament and round ligament of uterus
* Pars uterinatubaeuterinae, mesosalpinx
* Infundibulo-pelvic ligament, mesosalpinx
* Ovarian ligament, mesosalpinx
* Round ligament of uterus, ovarian ligament
! Additional methods of diagnostics of an ectopic pregnancy
* Hysteroscopy, colposcopy, cystoscopy
* Colposcopy, cytological analysis of smear
* Metrosalpingography, pelviography, uterus scintigraphy
* Puncture of abdominal cavity over the posterior vaginal fornix, ultrasonography
* Bacterioscopic and bacteriological test of the cervix’s secret
! A woman of 29 years old with delay of menstruation and positive pregnancy test has a bloody discharge. Per vaginum: external orifice of uterus is slightly open, uterus soft, increased to 8 weeks of pregnancy, appendages aren’t determined. Clinical finding matches to following pathology
* Aborted tubal pregnancy
* Exacerbation of inflammatory process of uterine appendages
* Uterine pregnancy, inevitable abortion
* Progressive fallopian pregnancy
* Ovarian apoplexy
! The following volume of surgical intervention is preferred for patient of reproductive age in case of gynecological peritonitis
* Sanation and draining of an abdominal cavity
* Supravaginal hysterectomy with the fallopian tubes
* Supravaginal hysterectomy with uterine appendages
* Total hysterectomy with the fallopian tubes, sanation and draining of an abdominal cavity
* Total hysterectomy with the uterine appendages, sanation and draining of an abdominal cavity
! Dark blood of 150 ml, cyanotic left tube, thickened in a isthmic section 2,0* 2,5* 1,5 cm, which integrity is preserved, dripping blood from the ampullar section in the diagnostic laparoscopy of an abdominal cavity of 25 years old female patient. Future tactics
* Left-sided salpingectomy
* Left-sided adnexectomy
* Draining of an abdominal cavity
* Left-sided salpingectomy, removing the ovum
* Extruding and removing the ovum from the ampullar section
! A woman of 23 years old presenting from the women's medical clinic to the department of emergency gynecology with possible ectopic pregnancy. Future tactics
* Uterine probing
* Elective laparotomy, salpingectomy
* Dynamic observation in ICU (intensive care unit) of a hospital
* Emergency diagnostic laparoscopy
* Curettage with a histological study of the scrape
! Typical volume of surgical intervention in case of cervical pregnancy
* adnexectomy
* amputation of the uterus
* defundation of the uterus
* hysterectomy
* curettage of the cervix
! Classification of the ovarian apoplexy depending on the clinical forms
* mild, moderate, severe
* acute, subacute, chronic
* anemic, painful, mixed
* primary, secondary, recurrent
* central, peripheral, recurrent
! Characteristic signs of the ovarian apoplexy
* delay of menstruation, nausea, vomiting, positive pregnancy test
* spasmodic pain, delay of menstruation, signs of internal hemorrhage
* sharp pain, abdominal swelling, nausea, vomiting, hyperthermia without delay of menstruation
* sharp pain, signs of internal hemorrhage in the middle of menstrual period
* sharp pain, abdominal swelling, intoxication in first phase of menstrual period
!The volume of surgical intervention in case of anemic form of the ovarian apoplexy
* drilling
* vaporization
* wedge resection
!A woman of 25 years old on the 15th day of menstrual period after sexual intercourse has sharp lower abdominal pain in the rectum. Per vaginum: the uterus is not increased, right-sided appendages area is painful, posterior fornix of vagina flattened, painful. Clinical finding matches to following pathology
* Torsion of ovarian cyst pedicle
* Ectopic pregnancy
* Rupture of ovarian cyst
* Ovarian apoplexy
* Acute adnexitis
! The volume of surgical intervention in case of the ovarian apoplexy
* Salpingectomy
* Cystectomy
* Ovariotomy
* Adnexectomy
* Sutureorcoagulationof ovary
!. Found after the macroscopic examination papillary excrescence on the internal surface of capsule of ovary tumor indicates the probability of following pathology
* Ovarian cyst
* Ovarian fibroma
* Dermoid cyst
* Papillarycystoma
* Simpleserouscystoma
! A woman of 28 years old was operated by laparoscopy about intra-abdominal hemorrhage, identified rupture of right-sided ovarian cyst. The volume of surgical intervention
* Cystectomy
* Adnexectomy
* Ovariotomy
* Ovary drillling
* Removing capsule of ovarian cyst
! A woman of 35 years old has a bilateral pyosalpinx in the diagnostic laparoscopy. Future tactics
* Stomatoplastics at both sides, draining of an abdominal cavity
* Supravaginal hysterectomy with the fallopian tubes
* Total hysterectomy with the uterine appendages
* Salpingectomy at both sides
* Removing both appendages
! There is an grayishwhite, tuberous, inhomogeneous, 5,0Ч6,0Ч7,0 sm sized ovary tumour on the macroscopic examination. On the cut - the internal surface of capsule is smooth, it contains – hair, teeth, fat. Macroscopic picture matches to the following diagnosis
* Endometrioidcyst of ovary
* Papillary cystoma
* Dermoid cyst
* Ovarian fibroma
* Simple cystoma
! Set volume of inquiry of patients with ovary tumour before elective surgery includes
* Pelviography
* Pneumoperitoneum
* Cervix-, hysterography
* Uterosalpingography
* X-ray of the stomach
! During of diagnostic laparoscopy of female of 25 years old polycystic ovaries was found. Future surgicaltactics
* Ovary drilling
* Ovary removing
* Ovary puncture
* Adnexectomy
* Cystectomy
!Anatomical pedicle of ovary tumour included
* Ovarian ligament, infundibular-pelvic ligament
* Infundibular-pelvic ligament, mesovarium, uterine tube
* Ovarian ligament, mesovarium, uterine tube
* Ovarian ligament, infundibular-pelvic ligament, mesovarium
* Ovarian ligament and mesovarium, infundibular-pelvic ligament, uterine tube
! Surgical pedicle of ovary tumour included
* Ovarian ligament, infundibular-pelvic ligament
* Infundibular-pelvic ligament, mesovarium, uterine tube
* Ovarian ligament, mesovarium, uterine tube
* Ovarian ligament, infundibular-pelvic ligament, mesovarium
* Ovarian ligament and mesovarium, infundibular-pelvic ligament, uterine tube
! The patient is 37 years old. She has sudden pain on the 8th day of the menstrual cycle with bloating, hyperthermia 37,8C; tachycardia. Her tongue is dry. A symptom of Shchetkin- Blumberg is positive. The vaginal examination of the uterus is not enlarged, on the right side is tight-extensible mass, a painful and slow-moving, size 11,0x12,0x13,0. The clinical picture is a pathology
*Acute pancreatitis
*Ovarian apoplexy
* Ectopic pregnancy
*Torsion the pedicle's of ovarian cyst
* Perforation of tuboovarian abscess
! «Acute abdomen» in gynecology because of inflammatory process in pelvic commonly occurs when
* Ovarian apoplexy
* Acute appendicitis
* Ectopic pregnancy
* Torsion the pedicle's of ovarian cyst
* Perforation of tuboovarian abscess
! It is a characteristic symptom for the submucosal fibroids
* Amenorrhea
* Dyspareunia
* Abundant leucorrhoea
* Hyperpolymenorrhea
* Contact spotting
! The internal endometriosis applies is:
* Peritoneum, ampullar and isthmic sections of the fallopian tubes
* Uterine and interstitial sections of the fallopian tubes
* Cervix, retrocervical
* Cervix, uterine, ovary
* The intestine, the ureters
! The most frequent localization of external genital endometriosis
* uterine, fallopian tubes
*fallopian tubes
* the intestine, umbilicus
* cervix
* ovary
Menstrual disorders.
! Opsomenorrhea – is menstrual disorder characterized by the following changes in menstruation
*more frequent periodicity
* slowing periodicity
* Increased bleeding duration
* Compression bleeding duration
* reducing the amount of lost blood
! Epimenorrhea - is menstrual disorder characterized by the following changes in menstruation
*More frequent periodicity
* Slowing periodicity
*Duration of increased bleeding
* Compression bleeding duration
* reducing the amount of lost blood
! Polymenorrhea - is menstrual disorder characterized by the following changes in menstruation
*more frequent periodicity
* slowing periodicity
* Increased bleeding duration
* Compression bleeding duration
* reducing the amount of lost blood
!. Oligomenorrhea - is menstrual disorder characterized by the following changes in menstruation
*more frequent periodicity
* slowing periodicity
* Increased bleeding duration
* Compression bleeding duration
* reducing the amount of lost blood
! Hypomenorrhea - is menstrual disorder characterized by the following changes in menstruation
*more frequent periodicity
* slowing periodicity
* Increased bleeding duration
* Compression bleeding duration
* reducing the amount of lost blood
! Hypermenorrhea - is menstrual disorder characterized by the following changes in menstruation
*more frequent periodicity
* slowing periodicity
* Increased bleeding duration
* Compression bleeding duration
* reducing the amount of lost blood
! Oligoopsomenorrhea - is menstrual disorder characterized by the following changes in menstruation
*short and sparse allocation of blood
* short and scarce allocation of blood
* abundant and short allocation of blood
* rare and painful allocation of blood
* painful and plentiful
! Algodismenorrhea - is menstrual disorder when menstruations correspond to the next parameter
* few
* short
* delayed
* abundant
* painful
! Hyperpolymenorrhea - is menstrual disorder characterized by the following changes in menstruation
* Scarce and short
* Abundant and short
* Painful and plentiful
* Abundant and long
* Painful and scanty
! Hypomenstrual syndrome – is menstrual disorder characterized by the following changes in menstruation
* Short, rare and scarce
* Short, frequent and scanty
* Short, rare and abundant
* Short, frequent and abundant
* Long, frequent and scarce
!. Pathogenesis of dysfunctional metrorrhagia due to the disorder of the frequency allocation
* FSH and luteinizing hormone
* FSH and TSH
* Luteinizing hormone and ACTH
* Luteinizing hormone and prolactin
* FSH and prolactin
!. Lack of ovulation at dysfunctional metrorrhagia due to the disorder of the cyclic products of the gonadotrop(h)in, especially
* Luteinizing hormone
* Prolactin
! Dysfunctional uterine bleeding on pathogenesis are divided into
* Primary, secondary
* Cyclic, acyclic
* Ovulatory, anovulatory
* Acute, subacute, chronic
* Juvenile, reproductive, menopausal
! Classification of ovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding on pathogenesis
* Primary, secondary
* Cyclic, acyclic
* Gipoestrogeniya, hyperandrogenism
* Juvenile, reproductive, menopausal
* Gipolyuteinizm, giperlyuteinizm, shortened follicular phase
! Presented schedule in the picture of basal temperature corresponds to the following form of the menstrual cycle
* gipolyuteinizm
* giperlyuteinizm
* Follicle atresia
* physiological
* Persistence follicle
! Presented schedule in the picture of basal temperature corresponds to the following form of the menstrual cycle
* Persistence follicle
* Extension of the luteal phase
* Shortening of the luteal phase
* Lengthening of the follicular phase
* Shortening of the follicular phase
! Presented schedule in the picture of basal temperature corresponds to the following form of the menstrual cycle
* hypolyuteinizm
* hyperlyuteinizmu
* Follicle atresia
* physiological
* Persistence follicle
! Presented schedule in the picture of basal temperature corresponds to the following form of the menstrual cycle
* hypolyuteinizm
* hyperlyuteinizmu
* Follicle atresia
* Persistence follicle
* Shortening of the follicular phase
! At persistence follicle is noted
* hyperandrogenism
* hyperandrogenism
* hypoestrogeniya
* normoandrogenemiya
* hyperestrogenemia
! Presented schedule in the picture of basal temperature corresponds to the following form of the menstrual cycle
* hypolyuteinizm
* hyperlyuteinizm
* Follicle atresia
* Persistence follicle
* Shortening of the follicular phase
!Presented schedule in the picture of basal temperature corresponds to the following form of the menstrual cycle
* hypolyuteinizm
* hyperlyuteinizmu
* Follicle atresia
* physiological
* Persistence follicle
! In juvenile bleeding treatment begins with
* diagnostic hysteroscopy and endometrial ablation
* Hemostatic therapy and cyclic vitamin therapy
* Hormonal hemostasis and regulating hormone
* Uterotonic, hemostatic and antianemic therapy
* Separate diagnostic curettage of the cervical canal and the uterine cavity
!. If there is no effect of symptomatic treatment of juvenile bleeding, one of the following must be fulfilled
* Surgical hemostasis
* Hormonal hemostasis
* Cyclic vitamin therapy
* Diagnostic hysteroscopy
* Regulating hormone
! If there is no effect of symptomatic therapy and hormonal hemostasis of juvenile bleeding, one of the following must be fulfilled
* Surgical hemostasis
* Hormonal hemostasis
* Cyclic vitamin therapy
* Diagnostic hysteroscopy
* Regulating hormone
! The patient is 26 years old with dysfunctional uterine bleeding in reproductive age, for the purpose of hemostasis the following must be fulfilled
* Hormonal hemostasis
* Hemostatic Therapy
* Uterotonic therapy
* Cyclical vitamin
* Diagnostic curettage
! At bleeding in reproductive and menopausal doing histological study of the scraping from the uterine cavity is mandatory to exclude
* adenomyosis
* endometriosis
* Uterine fibroids
* Uterine sarcoma
* Endometrial cancer
! At menopausal bleeding treatment begins with
* Uterotonic and hemostatic therapy
* Diagnosticheskoygisteroskopii and endometrial ablation
* Hemostatic therapy and cyclic vitamin therapy
* Hormonal hemostasis and regulating hormone
* Separate diagnostic curettage of the cervical canal and the uterine cavity
!. The patient is 47 years, she has abundant bleeding from the genital tract after a delay of menstruation for 3 months. In mirrors cervix is clean, discharge is bloody. At vaginal study of uterus and appendages are normal. The clinic corresponds the following pathology
* Dysfunctional uterine bleeding menopause
* Dysfunctional uterine bleeding reproductive period
* Home spontaneous miscarriage
* Submucous uterine fibroids
* Adenomyosis
! Climacteric syndrome includes changes developing in the female body, on the background of the progressive
* Excess of estrogen
* Excess of androgens
* Deficit of prolactin
* Deficiency of androgens
* Estrogen deficiency
! By clinical pathological forms, the primary, the true amenorrhea of ovarian genesis is referred syndrome of
* Sheehan
* Simmonds
* Cushing
* Chiari-Frommelya
* Turner
! A typical form of gonadal dysgenesis, accompanied by the primary, true, ovarian amenorrhea due to chromosomal aberrations, is called syndrome of
* Sheehan
* Simmonds
* Stein-Leventhal
* Laurence-Moon-Biedl
* Turner
!. One of the clinical forms of pathological, secondary, true, pituitary amenorrhea is a syndrome of
* Sheehan
* Morris
* Stein-Leventhal
* Laurence-Moon-Biedl
* Turner
! Postpartum hypopituitarism manifesting by pathological, secondary, true, pituitary amenorrhea after a massive obstetric bleeding, is called syndrome of
* Sheehan
* Morris
* Stein-Leventhal
* Laurence-Moon-Biedl
* Turner
Non-specific inflammation
!. The normal vaginal flora consists mainly of
* Candido
* gardnerella
* Trichomonas
* Escherichia coli
* Chopsticks Dederleyna
!. For vulvovaginal is characterized
* Serous whites, pale vulva
* Fever, abdominal pain
* Abstsedirovanie, chills, pain in the perineum
* Edema and hyperemia of the vulva, purulent leucorrhea
* Edema and hyperemia of the middle third of the labia
! At the formed purulent inflammation formation of the uterus the following tactics is recommended
* formation puncture through the posterior vaginal vault
* Lymphogenous antibiotics
* surgery
* conservative treatment
* physiotherapy
Specific inflammations
!The diagnosis of "fresh" trichomoniasis is exhibited when disease duration less than
* 2 years
* 2 days
* 2 hours
* 2 weeks
* 2 months
!. The criterion of cured patients with trichomoniasis is a negative result of tuberculosis microscopy smear from the vagina which is obtained at intervals of 1 month for the next number of menstrual cycles
* 1
* 2
* 3
* 4
* 5
! The standard method of diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis is
* clinical
* Vaginoscopy
* Culture method
* bacterioscopy
* colpocytology
! Specific prevention of tuberculosis of female genital mutilation is
* vaccination
* The use of contraception
* Surgical removal of lesions in the lungs
* Clinical examination of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
* Sanatorium rehabilitation of pulmonary tuberculosis