Тема. Здоровый образ жизни. Home task.

Тема. Описание общей симптоматики пациента и уход за ним.

Read and translate the text and tell your own story: Pete caught a cold.

Once Pete came home from school very early. He did not feel well. He shivered and sneezed at school. Granny told him to go to bed and brought him a hot – water bottle. Granny gave him a glass of hot milk he had a sore throat and a bad cough.

She took his temperature. It was high – thirty-eight point five. Granny called a doctor

The doctor came in an hour. He washed his hands in the bathroom, dried them on a clean towel and came up to Pete. The doctor looked at Pete’s tongue and throat, listened to his heart and lungs, examined the whole body and diagnosed a bad cold.

He prescribed to stay in bed and to take some medicine. For two days he had a high t. He lost his appetite and became very pale. He drank much. Some days later his t was normal again. He asked Granny bread with butter. “Our boy is well again but he must do regular morning exercises to strengthen his health,” said Pete’s mother.

Translate in English:

Плохо себя чувствовал, он чихал, больное горло, сильный кашель, чашечка горячего молока, меряла температуру, вызвала доктора, поставил диагноз, виписал лекарства, полоскать горло, оставатися в постели, стал бледным, полностью здоровый.

Make sentences using the words:

Gargled, lost appetite, prescribed, a cough, mustard plaster, a running nose.

  1. Pete had … and his mother put … on his back .
  2. He … and became very weak.
  3. The doctor … some medicine.
  4. She … her throat three times a day.
  5. He has … and a high temperature.

You feel bad. Describe your condition. Write in your copy – book.

Тема. Жалобы. Заболевания. Home task.

March in pairs. Write in your copy - books:

А. 1.То feel not well В. to prescribe some medicine
2.a bad headache to do regular exercises
3.a running nose to put mustard plasters
4.a high temperature to gargle a throat
5.a dry cough to diagnose a cold
6.a sore throat ' to take a temperature
7.a sneezing to give a glass of hot milk
8.a shivering to put a hot - water bottle
9.to feel well to call in a doctor
10.to leave appetite to examine the whole body
11.to become very pale to feel one s pulse
  to give the sick – list
  to listen to the heart and lungs
  to open the mouth and say “A”
  to look at the patients tongue
  to stay in bed


Козырева «Гол. боль» стр. 42 – 43(на занятии) Тема Поликлиника. Вызов врача на дом.

What does it mean to be fit? Read and translate some good rules:

The dictionary says that the explanation means to be in a good physical form.

What do you need to be fit?

Doctors explain that several things are important: what food you eat, how you take care of your body and your clothes, what daily habits you have, how often you exercise.

Here’s their list of advice on keeping fit:

1. Eat well. Choose healthy food and have regular meals.

2. Don’t always sit around – exercise regularly – three times a week.

3. Help your parents with the housework - often.

4. Keep your clothes clean and change them regularly.

5. Take care of you body. Keep it clean and healthy.

6. Sleep more- go to bed earlier.

Answer the questions:

1. Which advice do you follow?

2. Which advice don’t you follow?

3. Why do you do the same?

4. Do you think that you are fit?

5. Which advice can you get fitter?

Tell your classmates about your own opinion, “What we should do to keep fit?

Translate into Russian:

a) very important, must be very careful, very weak, to give him high, to become healthy, you can treat, many diseases by diet, very poor appetite.

b) find in fish, to be healthy, use a mixed, pay special attention to be in good health, be careful, people of physical work, people of mental work, a diet must consist of.

Тема. Здоровый образ жизни. Home task.

Dialog № 1.Сall my family doctor:

- Oh, please, help my son.

- What has happened?

- He has a stomachache. He has eaten tin mushrooms half an hour.

- Do not worry. How old is he?

- 10 years old

- Empty the stomach as soon as possible! Give much drink. Be calm and act without panic!

- My husband is doing it now.

- My dear, remember; do not let children tasty mushrooms before 12 years. I’ll be soon.

- We’ll wait you.

Dialog № 2.

- You have called 103.What has happened?

- Something wrong with my friend.

- What symptom has he?

- He has a headache and a pain in his bones.

- How old is your friend?

- He is 18.

- What’s your address?

- My address is house 3, Pushkina Street.

- Wait the ambulance.

Dialog № 3. - You have called 103.What …happened? - Something … with my friend. - What symptom has he? - He … a headache and a pain in …. - How old is … friend? - He is 18. - What’s … address? - My address is house …, …. .. - Wait the ambulance.   Dialog № 4. - Show me your … the place where you hurt it. - Here it is. - Does the … goes to another place? - It goes to… - Does it complain … - … - Well, Make X-rays of your … take the blood test and urinary test, After it I’ll prescribe you some treatment …. - …..

Козырева «В аптеке» стр. 69 – 70 (работа на занятии) Тема Аптека (дом. работа)

Explain this words. Match the words with:

the words; their meaning:
1. a patient a) to send air of your throat with a sudden loud voice
2. fever b) a pain that last for a long time
3. a hospital c) a special van that takes people who are ill or hurt to a hospital
4. cough d) a place where doctors and nurses look after sick people
5. ache e) a sick person that a doctor is looking after
6. ambulance f) the filling that you have in your body when you are ill.

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box:

a) chemist’s, b) recovery, c) complaints, d) recover, e) medicines, f) throat, g) eye.

h) smoking, i) toothache, j) ambulance.

  1. May I make an appointment with the dentists for this afternoon?

I’ve got an awful ….

2. What are your …? I‘ve got a sore … and a cough.

3. You will have the prescription for the … which you’ll be able to receive at the nearest..

4. I wish you a speedy … .

5. I am afraid I won’t be able to help you. Let’s call the … .

6. Doctor I can’t see anything. Something has got to my … .

7. You should follow at the doctor’s recommendations. It will help you to… faster.

8. You look so weak and pale. Hasn’t anyone advised you to give up …?

1. Translate unto Russian:

1. You are not listening to a teacher now.

2. Are the boys playing chess at this moment?

  1. What are you doing in the Paris now?
  2. I am only happy when I am working.
  3. What are you doing now?

Тема. «Несчастные случаи и первая помощь:

ушибы, кровотечения, перелом, обморок, шок, солнечный удар, ожог, отравление»

Remember some good rulers: First aid.The first aid saves many lives. Everybody must know how to give the first aid. The first aid is the help which you give to an injured person. When you give the first aid you must be calm and act without panic.Learn new worlds and tell about first aid.

1) Read and translate the text: Bruise.The bruised place looks red and swollen at first. If your bruised place hurts you very much, take some cloth, well it in cold waterand put it on the bruise. It will relieve the pain. If the bruise was very bad you must consult the doctor.

2) Read and translate the text: Bleeding.

Stop the bleeding as soon as possible. When the blood flows from the artery it is scarlet. When the blood flows from the vein it is dark red. If the bleeding from arm or leg (limb) put clean cloth over the wound and bandage it tightly. If a person has nosebleed you must put a cold compress on the nose.

In severe cases doctors make blood transfusions.

Answer the questions: 1. What colour is the blood when it flows from the artery?

2. When colour the blood when it flows from the vein? 3. How must we bandage the wound?

4. What must we do if a person has nosebleed? 5. Who makes blood transfusions?

3) Read and translate the text: Fractures.

The worldfracture means a break in a bone. There are two kinds of fractures: closed and open.

In a closed fracture there is no wound on the skin.

In an open fracture there is a wound on the skin. Open fractures are more serious than closed ones.

If a person breaks his arm or leg he complains of pain in the place of the break.

The pain becomes more severe if he presses the place or tries to move.

Swelling appears quickly. Do not let the person move. Use a splint for broken limb. Bind the splints to the limb but not at the place of the fracture. Doctors use X- rays to see the break and put plasters casts on the broken limbs. Write your advice “If you help a person” Make up the table.

4) Read and translate the text: Fainting.The cause of fainting may be different: strong emotions, want of food, fatigue or pain.In fainting the person loses consciousness. Blood doesn’t get to the brain.

The face for the person before fainting gets very pale and sweat appears on his forehead.

He feels dizzy and weak. His breathing is shallow. His pulse is weak and slow.

If you help the person who lost his consciousness:

1. Lay the person flat on his back. 2. Raise his feet a little.3. Loose his dress.

4. Cover him warmly and open the window. 5. Sprinkle cold water on his face.

6. Give the person to breathe in ammonia water.

5) Read and translate the text: Shock.Shock is very dangerous. Loss of blood, severe pain and strong emotion can cause shock. The face of person in shock is usually pale and the skin is cold.

Breathing is rapid and shallow. The pulse is rapid. If you help the person who is in shock:

1. Lay the person flat on his back. 2. Raise his feet a little. 3. Cover him warmly.

4. Give him a warm drink. 5. Keep him quiet.

Fill in these sentences:1. When a person is in shock his face is … . 2. The pulse and breathing are …

3. If you help the person who is in shock lay him … on his … . 4. Give him a warm drink and cover him warmly. 5. It is important to keep … .