План уроку англійської мови
Тема: «Англійська мова – мова міжнародного спілкування.
Часові форми дієслова»
Мета: ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою з теми, ввести в мовлення такі вирази: to improve, to have access to, to pass an exam, вчити працювати спільно в команді, розвивати увагу, мислення, розвивати та вдосконалювати навики усного мовлення, виховувати любов до іноземної мови та повагу до опонентів.
Тип уроку: урок-змагання
Обладнання: картки-завдання, тексти для читання, підручники, словники, персональний комп’ютер, аудіо запис тексту, лінгафонне обладнання, текст «English as a mean of international communication»
І. Організаційна частина.
1.1. Перевірка присутності учнів на уроці, готовності до заняття, наявності напису теми на дошці, оголошення теми та мети уроку.
Good morning, students. I’m glad to greet you at our lesson. But today it is unusual. We have some guests, so let us show how we can use English.
Our todays topic is “English as international mean of communication”. Besides we have to revise your knowleges about verb tenses.
This lesson will be in unusual form after checking your home-tasks you will be divided into two teams and choose your captains.
1.2. Оптимізація знань, умінь і навичок.
But before we start to learn new topic our task is to check how did you learn new vocabulary. So look at the screen and join words with its translations.
language | Вибачте… |
study | акцент, вимова |
peculiarity | мати важливе значення |
accent | Говоріть, будь ласка, повільно. |
meaning | добре володіти |
(to)learn by heart | мова |
I beg your pardon… | значення |
Please, speak it slowly. | вчити напам’ять |
(to)be of greatIMPORTANCE ![]() | вивчати |
(to)have a good command of… | особливість |
Have you done it? So, let us check.
language | f) мова |
study | вивчати |
peculiarity | особливість |
accent | b)акцент, вимова |
meaning | g) значення |
(to)learn by heart | h) вчити напам’ять |
I beg your pardon… | а) Вибачте… |
Please, speak it slowly. | d) Говоріть, будь ласка, повільно. |
(to)be of greatIMPORTANCE ![]() | мати важливе значення |
(to)have a good command of… | добре володіти |
You can see right answers. If you don’t have any mistakes you can put 10 as a mark. If you have a mistake subtract 1 point. All your right answers will collect your mark.
So, what are your marks?
ІІ. Пояснення нового матеріалу.
2.1.Словникова робота.
Each team has one word on your papers. What is this word? Correct. And your first task will be to choose answers to the question “Why do we study English? What for?” You have some answers. Choose the correct ones. For each correct answer the team will get 1 point.
to get a qualification; |
to understand foreign speakers; |
to use it in work; |
to help parents about the house; |
to study abroad; |
toWATCH ![]() |
to grow flowers in the garden; |
for pleasure; |
to teach; |
to get new friends; |
for travelling; |
to make a paper airplane; |
to read books and magazines; |
to pass an exam; |
to have access to more information; |
for personal interest; to improve. |
2.2.Виконання вправи на картках-завданнях
Make up sentences:
English | is | a foreign language to me. |
spoken in many countries. | ||
a truly international language. | ||
my favourite subject. | ||
the mother tongue of nearly three hundred million people. | ||
2.3. Аудіювання тексту.
Listen to the text end make some exercises.
English is the second commonly spoken, and by far the most widespread of the world’s languages. It is estimated that there are 350 million native speakers, 300 million who use English as a second language and further billion using it as a foreign language. English is spoken by scientists, pilots,COMPUTER experts, diplomats and tourists; it is the language of the world! Do you know that over 50 % of all business deals are conducted in English?
And over 70% of all mails is written and addressed in English? It is the official or co-official language of over 45 countries and furthermore, it is spoken extensively in other countries where it has no official status. It is perhaps, therefore, not surprising that in recent years we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of students opting to study abroad. In the future this will cement the role that English plays in the cultural, political or economic life of many countriesAROUND THE WORLD from Australia to Zambia.
Now your task is to build the text using given sentences. Start!
2.4. Вправа «Минуле» чи «Теперішнє».
Exercise 2, p.9. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
Don’t listen to him. He d. | |||
lies | has lied | А)was lying | is lying |
You can’t talk to him right now. He __ a bath. | |||
is having | has had | has | had |
She __ no trouble with her dishwasher up to now. | |||
has | is having | had | has had |
I read the first chapter of the book. I can’t wait to know what __ next. | |||
Is happening | happen | happens | does happen |
I don’t think we’ll learn anything new She __ the same thing for the last two hours. | |||
repeats | is repeating | has repeated | А)has been repeating |
We __ a great number of them lately. | |||
see | have been seeing | are seeing | saw |
The weather is nice and she __ her holiday at the seaside. | |||
enjoy | enjoys | is enjoying | does enjoy |
This soup __ really strange. What spices did you put in? | |||
is tasted | is tasting | tastes | has tasted |
Look at them everyone can see that she simply __ him. | |||
loathes | don’t loathe | is loathing | is loathed |
It __ for two days. If it doesn’t stop soon, we won’t be able to leave the cabin. | |||
snows | is snowing | has snowed | has been snowing |
Exercise 4, p.10. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
between five and six I a so I couldn’t hear thePHONE ![]() | |||
was vacuuming | vacuumed | had vacuumed | has been vacuuming |
It appears they __ on foot. | |||
have come | came | had come | had been coming |
When __ about the project? | |||
were you learnt | have you learnt | did you learn | were you learning |
I __ of going skiing for winter holidays but I changed my mind. | |||
thought | was thinking | have thought | am thinking |
They __ three tests in the last week. | |||
were having | had | have had | had had |
We __ breakfast when she came downstairs. | |||
have already had | had already had | already had | were already having |
You’ve broken your leg! How __? | |||
has it happened | it happened | had it happened | did it happen |
I guess she __ my message. | |||
finds | found | has found | had found |
They called in to say goodbye because they __ the following day. | |||
are leaving | were leaving | left | had been leaving |
Mrs Roberts was gettingDRESSED ![]() | |||
were served | had been served | were being served | I. were serving |
2.5. Вправа «Діалог»
Make up questions and let your fellow-students answer them:
Do you | study a foreign language? |
speak English? | |
have English lessons every day? | |
Are | your lessons interesting? |
you sometimes tired after lessons? | |
Why | do you study foreign languages? |
can’t you speak English well? | |
do you learn grammar? |
III. Закріплення вивченого матеріалу
3.1. Вправа «Правильне слово»
Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets:
I. Please … the last word.(say, understand, repeat)
II. I can read English but I cannot … it.(say, tell, speak)
III. I know grammar well, but my … is poor.(language, pronunciation, meaning)
3.2. Вправа «5 питань»
To read the text and put up 5 different questions.
English is the national language in such countries as Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It is the mother tongue of nearly three hundred million people. Many people speak English in Japan, China, India and African countries. But many more use it as an international means of communication, because English has become a truly international language.
Science, trade, sport and international relations of various kinds have given the English language the status of one of the world’s most important languages. Many scientific and technical journals are written in English although they are not necessary published in England or other English-speaking countries. At numerous international meetings and conferences English is the main language. The Olympic Games and other multinational sports events cannot do without it.
The role English plays today is the result of historical processes. The English language, in the course of historical development, has met with so many influences from abroad that its lexical and grammatical structure has come to reflect in many ways its international use.
English is a language which is indeed able to cope with the most diverse tasks of international communication.
ІV. Підсумки уроку
4.1. Підведення підсумків всіх конкурсів та визначення переможців.
4.2. Виставлення оцінок за роботу на уроці.
V. Домашнє завдання.
Is English the world’s Lingua Franca? A report from the British Council announced yesterday estimated that by 2015 two billion people will start learning English around the world, and three billion people – half the planet – will be speaking it. However, report editor, David Graddoll, said that English will not become the Esperanto and dominate global language learning as Arabic, Chinese and Spanish are set to rise in importance. He said the trend is towards “linguistic globalization” and multi-lingualism, not bilingualism, and definitely not monolingualism. French, on the other hand, once considered a lingua franca, will see its status as a world language continue to slide.
Although English will escalate in popularity, English language teachers will likely be out of a job by 2050, when so many people will be able to speak English, that teaching it will become almost redundant. Demand for English teaching will drop by a whopping 75%, from two billion to 500 million. Instead English will be taught worldwide at elementary level, and many universities across the world will choose to teach in English. This suggests a wake-up call for traditionally lazy and monolingual Britons, who tend to shun language learning because of their “everyone speaks English” mentality. Brits will be left behind in a future poly-lingual world.
1. CHAT: Talk in pairs or groups about English, lingua franca & world language, Esperanto, being bilingual / multilingual, British people and English / dying languages …
To make things more fun, try telling your students they only have one minute (or 2) on each chat topic before changing topics / partners. Change topic / partner frequently to energize the class.
2. MY ENGLISH:Students recount their histories of learning English, from what age, teachers, books, media, feelings etc.
3. ADJECTIVE BRAINSTORM: Ask students for adjectives describing their opinion / feelings regarding the English language. In pairs students talk about the adjectives.
4. 2-MINUTE DEBATES:Students face each other in pairs and engage in the following (for-fun) 2-minute debates. Students A are assigned the first argument, students B the second. Rotate pairs to ensure a lively pace and noise level is kept:
(a) English is the lingua franca. vs. It depends on where you are in the world.
(b) English will be the most important language in the world. vs Chinese will be.
(c) Half of elementary school education should be in English. vs. The child’s native language is more important.
(d) English should be recognized as a national language in many countries. vs. A national language needs strong and long cultural roots.
(e) English should be recognized as the official world language. vs. But in the future other languages will overtake English.
(f) The world should learn either British or American English. vs. The world should learn international English.
5. MY LANGUAGE:Students tell each other about their language and their feelings for it.
1. WORD SEARCH: Students look in their dictionaries / computer to find collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … of the word ‘English’.
2. TRUE / FALSE: Students predict whether they believe the following statements are true or false:
(a) By 2015, half the planet will be able to speak English. T / F
(b) English will become the world’s Esperanto. T / F
(c) Arabic, Chinese and Spanish are set to lessen in importance. T / F
(d) There is a trend towards bilingualism T / F
(e) There will be no need for English teachers in the future. T / F
(f) In the future many of the world’s universities will teach in English. T / F
(g) British people are active language learners and keen linguists. T / F
(h) British people will be left behind in a future poly-lingual world T / F
3. PHRASE MATCH: Students match the following phrases based on the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible):
(a) | a report | behind |
(b) | estimated that | job |
(c) | half the | estimated that |
(d) | set to | planet |
(e) | rise | rise |
(f) | the trend | level |
(g) | out of a | in importance |
(h) | demand | call |
(i) | elementary | towards … |
(j) | wake up | by 2015 … |
(k) | be left | will drop |
1. GAP-FILL: Put the missing words under each paragraph into the gaps.