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http://www.ehow.com/info_8307492_effects-technological-progress-society.html | Technology changes the world around it. Technological change touches almost every area of society. From the time that man first picked up a pointed stick to use in the hunt, to the day when computers took over many of the trading tasks on the stock market, technological change has steadily increased in speed and impact. Improvements in health, through advances in |
farming technology that increase the availability of nutritious food and advances in health care technology in both drugs and treatment, have changed the demographics of the world population. Even a hundred years ago, far fewer children survived childhood. Surging population growth has driven up land usage, consumed resources such as water, oil and minerals and forced emigration. As cities spread, they cover up arable land, reducing the total amount available to grow food.
As technology has advanced in the work place, laborer jobs have tended to disappear. Factories that once provide a living for many people now run on automated production lines. Farming in developed countries is now performed by fewer people running larger machines. In the past, mining and logging were labor-intensive, but much of the labor is now performed by machines. While this had made these industries much safer work environments, it has also resulted in less need of actual people. Automation in these traditional labor-based industries means that more education is needed to get a well-paying job.
Economics used to be driven by local production of food and goods. With the advent of large-scale, motorized transport, it became possible to move more goods from distant places. This has often resulted in the disappearance of local jobs when the goods could be made for lower cost elsewhere. At a higher level, the computerization of global finance systems has allowed the flow of money in extremely complex transactions around the globe. While this has created wealth, it has also created vulnerabilities, as several stock market crashes and the recent recession of 2009-2011 have shown.
Advances in technologies have come with increases in environmental degradation. From the clear-cutting of forests for building, to strip mining for metals and coal, to the ever-increasing footprints of cities and roads, the landscape has changed. Many technologies produce toxic waste: vehicles and homes consume power which produces airborne toxins, and factories and cities produce human and industrial waste that can pollute waterways and land. This breeds new technologies to help clean up the messes.
Задание 1. Перепишите 1, 2 абзацы текста, сделайте их письменный перевод.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, выпишите их в тетрадь:общество, население земли, развитые страны, получить хорошо оплачиваемую работу, экономика, вырубка лесов, загрязнять водоемы и землю, отдаленные уголки, токсичные отходы, палка.
Задание 3. Найдите среди подчеркнутых слов в тексте синонимы к следующим словам, выпишите их в тетрадь:transform, influence, extend, overall, vanish, reduction, generate, sharpened, laborious, firmly.
Задание 4. Определите соответствуют ли ниже приведенные высказывания прочитанному тексту (верно/неверно/в тексте нет информации):
1. Technological change touches different spheres of people's life.
2. As technology has advanced in the work place, laborer (automated) jobs have tended to disappear.
3. Farming in developed countries is still labor-intensive and not performed by machines.
4. With the advent of large-scale, motorized transport, it became possible to move more goods from distant places.
5. Modern factories and cities don't produce human and industrial waste and don't pollute waterways and land.
Задание 5. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.
1. What spheres of life does modern technology touch?
2. How has technology changed since primitive times?
3. Are there any disadvantages in global computerization?
4. What influence do modern technologies have on environment?
Задание 6. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие прилагательные в сравнительной степени.
Задание 7. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым частям предложения.
Improvements in health have changed the demographics in the world.
Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple).
1. Technological change … steadily … in speed and impact (to increase).
2. Hundred years ago many children … childhood (not to survive).
3. As cities spread, they … arable land, reducing the total amount available to grow food (to cover up).
ВАРИАНТ 2 (1 семестр)
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Modern technologies can have both positive and negative effects on relationships. Modern technologies have changed the way that people communicate with one another. These technologies provide new and innovative ways for people to communicate - text messaging, email, chat and social networks. They allow faster and more efficient communication and can help build relationships. However, modern technologies can also have negative | http://www.ehow.com/info_8416373_effects-cyberbullying.html |
effects such as limiting personal contact and straining relationships. The nature of the effect depends in large part on the type of relationship. |
Modern technologies limit the amount of separation between work and home. With the advent of computers, the Internet and cell phones people can - and are often expected to - address work issues from home. This can limit family interactions and cause conflict between family members. The use of Internet and television by children and teenagers also limits the amount time spent with family and can increase conflict between children and their parents.
Young people use modern technologies in increasing numbers to communicate with their friends. Text messaging and online chats have become the preferred method of youth communication. A California State University and UCLA* study indicates that for young people face-to-face interactions are less desirable than modern modes of communication. This preference could cause an inability to form lasting friendships or difficulty understanding social cues. Others believe that modern technologies increase communication and therefore strengthen friendships.
Starting new relationships - romantic and otherwise - can be difficult. Modern technologies allow people to make new connections without the fears characteristic of face-to-face contact. The anonymity and low risk is what makes Internet dating and social networks popular ways of meeting people. However, this anonymity can also be dangerous.
Modern technologies allow couples to be in contact with each other more than ever before. This can lead to increased expectations and conflict. With the increasing use of cell phones and email, people often expect an instant reply to communication. A delayed reply - or none at all - can lead to suspicion and anger. The use of social networks can also affect relationships. Information that was once private - such as relationship conflicts - is now part of the public sphere.
· University of California, Los Angeles
Задание 1. Перепишите 3й абзац текста, сделайте его письменный перевод.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, выпишите их в тетрадь:взаимоотношения, изобретение компьютеров, мобильные телефоны, проводить время в кругу семьи, общаться с друзьями, социальные сети, личная информация, подозрение, спровоцировать конфликт, опасный.
Задание 3. Найдите среди подчеркнутых слов в тексте синонимы к следующим словам, выпишите их в тетрадь:groundbreaking, restrict, opposite, suppose, immediate, influence, augment, area, present-day, beginning.
Задание 4. Определите соответствуют ли ниже приведенные высказывания прочитанному тексту (верно/неверно/в тексте нет информации):
1. Modern technologies can have both positive and negative effects on relationships.
2. Text messaging and online chats have become the preferred method of communication.
3. Internet technologies allow less efficient communication and can't help build relationships.
4. For young people face-to-face interactions are more desirable than modern modes of communication.
5. Some people believe that modern technologies increase communication and therefore strengthen friendships.
Задание 5. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.
1. What are new and innovative ways for communication?
2. Why do young people prefer text messaging and online chats to face-to-face interactions?
3. What are the main disadvantages of modern technologies?
4. How does anonymity help people to come into relationships?
Задание 6. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие прилагательные в сравнительной степени.
Задание 7. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым частям предложения.
Modern technologies allow people to make new connections.
Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple).
1. Information that … once private is now part of the public sphere (to be).
2. Text messaging and online chats … the preferred method of communication (to become).
3. Information technologies … new forms of people's interaction (to provide).
Выпишите незнакомые слова и выражения в начальной форме.
Подготовьте выразительное чтение и устный перевод ниже приведенных текстов.
Technology has changed much of the world, but the effects are rarely more pronounced than in the area of business. Businesses today use technology in almost every facet of operation. They communicate with advanced network systems; they analyze data and plot forecasts using compli- | http://www.ehow.com/list_6943594l |
cated programs; they utilize all types of digital media for marketing campaigns; and they streamline operations with new inventory and check-out systems. Technology is not without its downsides, but business cannot deny the impact it has had on every level.
Technology allows businesses to do everything faster. Many processes that once required ledgers, checkbooks and journal notations have now moved onto computer systems. Logging in and out, updating inventory information and communicating can now happen much more swiftly. This allows businesses to react immediately to any changes.
A properly designed computer program does not make any mistakes, and its computations (not its inputs) are free from human error. This means that a calculation done by a computer program (like Excel) will always be accurate and trustworthy. Unless the coding or the inputs are wrong, there is no chance a program can produce inaccurate data.
Technology moves very quickly, constantly evolving and creating new devices and faster systems. Businesses note these changes and attempt to move with technology, adapting it to their present and future needs while also keeping a wary eye on the technology competitors are using. The end result is an increase in the evolution of technology and its application to business, a process by which everyone benefits.
While technology is useful, its fast pace and complex systems can be confusing. If companies want to update their systems or change the type of technology they use, they have to retrain not only employees, but often customers. New employees must also be trained in using business systems, which can create confusion.
Technology is very available, meaning that it is easy for competitors of all sizes to use and learn. This makes it difficult for businesses to keep up with technological changes and vastly increases the number of competitors in their market as smaller business can use technology to offer value to a wider range of consumers.
Technology also increases the possibility of crime. A tech-savvy employee can embezzle funds and make it difficult for the company to trace. Hackers can access personal and financial data of customers who trust the company to keep their information safe. Businesses must spend time and money developing safeguards against these events.
There is little doubt that technology impacts the world to a startling degree. For example, businesspeople around the globe use computers to perform work-related tasks. Some of the impacts of modern technology are posi- | http://www.ehow.com/list_6329800l |
tive, but others are not. Looking at a list of the advantages and disadvantages of technology is useful because it provides a means by which an individual may assess whether technology implementation is worth potential risks.
An increase in technology generally means that tasks are completed faster and more efficiently. This translates to increased productivity. From the business standpoint, this is definitely an advantage, since increased productivity means better sales, services or manufacturing.
When an organization uses technology properly, the technology typically cuts the number of hours that need to be worked. This increases profit for the organization because it doesn't need to pay workers to remain on the job site. However, if the technology cuts the number of hours drastically enough, some individuals may lose their jobs entirely because the technology essentially completes the tasks that the employee originally did. Factories are the best example of this - as more and more robots complete assembly line tasks in an automated way, there's less of a need for physical workers. According to Small Business Bible, jobs are created by technology too, such as information technology specialist positions.
It is debatable whether or not technology is financially a disadvantage or advantage. On one hand, technology is cost effective, according to Small Business Bible-technology may boost revenue and profit through increased efficiency, productivity and limited man hours. However, a business may lose this revenue and profit simply because they have to support and update all of the technology they use. For example, a business may reduce the number of office employee hours with a handful of software programs, but it then may have to pay a technology consultant fees for installing and answering questions about how to use the programs.
Norwin A. Merens, managing director of NM Marketing Communications, says that having a personal touch in business is beneficial. When an organization uses technology to an excessive degree (e.g., when most operations are automated, more machines are used than employees, the majority of employees are in tech support, or everyone is required to use phones, computers, etc.), it may lose the personal appeal it had. Others may shy away from the organization because they want to do business or communicate with a real person and not a machine.
Technology means that people can perform tasks with an incredibly high degree of accuracy. For example, in medicine, machines can measure the exact amount of oxygen a person is taking in or make an incision to within millimeters.
Technology may cause numerous health problems. For example, according to Practice, Medical News Today, PR Log and Poynton, scientists, researchers and doctors such as Darius Lakdawalla, Tomas Philipson, Amy Drescher and Charles Poynton are concerned about the links between technology, obesity/heart problems, eye strain, deafness and muscle issues. Waste from technology such as the used fuel and emissions from factory machines may pollute the environment, disturbing ecosystems and making people sick.
Computers are common and important tools in modern society. Of the numerous technologies to emerge after World War II, computers are arguably one of the most important. In a short time, they have become an integral part of society, which has both responded to changes in compu- | http://therambler.org/2013/03/07 |
ter technology and affected those changes. The symbiotic relationship between computers and society continues to evolve as new technologies are introduced.
One of the first industries to become widely computerized was the banking industry. Today, because of this, the economy relies heavily on computers. Transactions are often made with credit or debit cards, which use computers to monitor bank account activity and to calculate available funds based on those computerized transactions. In many cases, cash is never needed. Many of the larger banks do not even require that customers retrieve or deposit money face to face with a bank teller. Automated teller machines, or ATMs, can perform these actions for customers and even give them detailed descriptions about their account.
Computers have become prevalent and important in the educational system, as well. At the administrative level, student records are stored and managed using computers. Computer-related electronic communication, such as emails and videoconferencing, is prevalent among faculty and even between faculty and students. Word processors have made it easier to compose and correct errors in essays, while the Internet has become a popular research tool for students. According to research done by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, students tend to perform better in math classes when they have regular access to computers.
The U.S. Military has drastically changed with the advent of computers. The armed forces, in fact, offers more support for advanced computer research than any other part of society. Because of this, the relationship between advances in computer technology as a whole and the advancement of the U.S. military is the best example of computer-society symbiosis. Computers are used at all levels of the military, such as in missile guidance systems and command center equipment. Militaries all over the world, not just in the U.S., turn to computer technology to advance their armies.
Computers have changed the way individuals in societies throughout the world communicate. Electronic mail, or email, is the best example of this. Sending emails allows people to get messages to others almost instantaneously, even in distant areas of the world. It has become more popular than sending a letter through postal mail. Instant messaging is another form of computer communication, allowing people to speak to one another through text from two distant points. Finally, there is videoconferencing, which is used for business and social communication. It allows video and audio to be sent over the internet and shared with others, allowing computer users to simulate a face-to-face conversation.
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http://www.ehow.com/info_8494251_modern-technology-inventions.html | The 21st century has already seen some amazing inventions in its first decade. Many of the best inventions have improved the Internet experience, allowing us to connect with people and information better than ever before in history. Modern technology has become so entrenched in the idea of a modern society that the two are nearly inseparable. Developing countries try to get better utilities, more vehicles, faster computers, as well as Internet and cell |
phone providers because that's what makes a modern society. Modern technology must be implemented in order to accomplish the feats required of a modern society.
One of the most important invention of the past decade includes social networking. It has become one of the top uses of the Internet along with search engine queries. Facebook is by far the most successful social network, connecting people with others online so they can share information and communicate with each other. Facebook was founded in 2003 by Mark Zuckerburg and his Harvard roommates Chris Hughes, Eduardo Saverin and Dustin Moskovitz. According to Facebook's official website, it has over 500 million active users worldwide, logging in 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. The site is a worldwide success, with 70 percent of its users outside of the United States.
The first and largest video-sharing site on the Internet is YouTube. It was invented in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. «Time» magazine named YouTube as the top invention of the year in its 2006 publication. YouTube has revolutionized media by allowing anybody with a video camera to create a video and show it to the rest of the world. It is used by people to sell their services, build music careers, comment on politics and many other things.
One of the most interesting invention of the 21st century is iLIMB - artificial hand with five individually powered fingers. It was invented in 2007 by David Gow. This breakthrough allows people to grip oddly shaped objects like balls and coffee mug handles. Gow persisted through the many technological hurdles and created the iLIMB with three separate parts: the finger, thumb and palm. Each part is equipped with its own motor-control system. Gow's iLIMB was named as one of «Popular Science» magazine's best innovations in 2007.
Задание 1. Перепишите 1й абзац текста, сделайте его письменный перевод.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, выпишите их в тетрадь: современное общество, развивающиеся страны, обмениваться информацией, основывать, активные пользователи Интернета, успешный, отдельный, транспорт, журнал, ладонь.
Задание 3. Найдите среди подчеркнутых слов в тексте синонимы к следующим словам, выпишите их в тетрадь:surprising, contain, important discovery, difficulty, newness, link, devise, unnatural, carry out, make a video.
Задание 4. Определите, соответствуют ли ниже приведенные высказывания прочитанному тексту (верно/неверно/в тексте нет информации):
1. The iLIMB hand was launched in Vancouver.
2. Many important inventions of the past decade include social networking.
3. Facebook is the least successful social network.
4. The first and largest video-sharing site on the Internet was invented in 2003.
5. Artificial hand allows people to grip oddly shaped objects like balls and coffee mug handles.
Задание 5. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.
1. Has the 21st century seen any amazing inventions?
2. What is Facebook and when was it founded?
3. How many active Internet users are there in the world (according to Facebook's official website)?
4. How is YouTube used? What possibilities does it give to people?
Задание 6. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие причастие I, II.
Задание 7. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы, и переведите их на русский язык.
Задание 8. Подберите соответствие, составленные предложения переведите.
1. In 2007 Gow's iLIMB … as one of «Popular Science» magazine's best innovations. | a) was invented |
2. YouTube … in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. | b) is equipped |
3. Each part of artificial hand … with its own motor-control system. | c) was named |
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The 21st century has seen the birth of many new inventions. Many of the most famous have been in the fields of communications and Internet technology, but some inventions in other fields have been important as well. Many people would find it difficult to imagine the world without these advances, as they have become an essential part of our daily life. | http://www.russianamerica.com/common/arc/story.php/239300 |
The most important inventions in the field of communication technology include smartphones, social networking sites, and «wiki» style information websites. These inventions have allowed people to communicate through various means, read multiple electronic books, keep up with activities in their social circle, edit information in online encyclopedias, all on a single platform in some cases.
The past decade has seen some innovations in medical technology. The most notable of these was the AbiCor artificial heart. The product of 30 years of research, the AbiCor artificial heart allows patients to receive heart transplants without a donor. The AbiCor heart is made of a complex combination of timers, pumps, and tubes, and functions just as well as, if not better than, an actual human heart. With a great leap in the field of science and technology at the beginning of the 21st century, people were able to become witnesses of numerous inventions some of which are already helping patients worldwide, while other devices could lead to serious innovations in the near future.
Over the past decade many inventions have been made in outer space engineering. SpaceShipOne, the first commercially viable space shuttles, is one of them. It is the first private manned vehicle to travel beyond the Earth's atmosphere and the first airplane to circumnavigate the world without refueling. SpaceShipOne allows civilian passengers to travel in space for a fee. It is different from NASA spacecraft in being smaller and more compact. NASA's Ares spacecraft was another important invention made over the past decade. It is a gigantic space shuttle that may have the capacity to take astronauts to Mars and beyond. The name «Ares» refers to the Greek deity Ares, who is identified with the Roman god Mars. NASA's Ares spacecraft was originally known as the «Crew Launch Vehicle» (CLV).
Задание 1. Перепишите первые 2 абзаца текста, сделайте их письменный перевод.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, выпишите их в тетрадь: изобретение, неотъемлемая часть повседневной жизни, общаться (взаимодействовать), десятилетие, скачок в науке, стать свидетелем, в ближайшем будущем, открытый космос, облететь вокруг Земли (совершить кругосветный полет), космический корабль.
Задание 3. Найдите среди подчеркнутых слов в тексте синонимы к следующим словам, выпишите их в тетрадь:sphere, important, exploration, jump, a period of 100 years, gadget, turn around, enormous, to hold up (to maintain).
Задание 4. Определите, соответствуют ли ниже приведенные высказывания прочитанному тексту (верно/неверно/в тексте нет информации):
1. The past decade has seen different innovations only in the field of Internet communication technology.
2. In the 21st century people can read electronic books, learn the latest news through the Internet.
3. Those who want to travel in space for a fee can do it by SpaceShipOne.
4. Many people can't imagine their life without inventions they have got used to.
5. The software was originally developed by NASA to test the functionality of aerospace designs.
Задание 5. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.
1. What inventions are mentioned in the text?
2. What is the AbiCor heart made of?
3. Which spacecraft is bigger in size, SpaceShipOne or NASA's Ares?
4. What does the word «Ares» mean?
Задание 6. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие причастие I, причастие II.
Задание 7. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы, и переведите их на русский язык.
Задание 8. Подберите соответствие, составленные предложения переведите.
1. The AbiCor heart … of a complex combination of timers, pumps, and tubes, and functions just as well as, if not better than, an actual human heart. | a) was originally known |
2. NASA's Ares spacecraft … as the «Crew Launch Vehicle» (CLV). | b) have been made |
3. Over the past decade many inventions … in outer space engineering. | c) is made |