Date back

If something dates back to a certain time, it was made at that time or it started at that time.

Date from

If something dates from a certain time, it was made at that time.

Dawn on

If something dawns on you, you realize it, or become aware of it, for the first time.

deal in (1)

to buy and sell something in order to make money

Deal in (2) INFORMAL

If you say "Deal me in" it means you want to join in an activity.

Deal with

If you deal with a problem or a difficult situation, you do what needs to be done to solve or resolve it.

Decide against

to decide not to do something you were thinking of doing, or not to choose something or someone you were thinking of choosing

Decide on

If you decide on something, you choose one thing from among two or more possible options.

Delight in

If you delight in doing something, you get a great deal of pleasure from doing it.

Delve into

to try to find information by examining something thoroughly

depend on (1)

If one thing depends on another, it cannot happen without the other, or it is greatly affected by the other.

depend on (2)

If you depend on someone, you rely on them to give you what you need.

Describe as

to say that something is a certain kind of thing or that someone is a certain type of person

Deter from

to make someone less likely to do something, or to discourage someone from doing something

Devote to

to decide to spend a certain portion of your time or money on something

Die away

If a sound dies away, it gradually gets softer and softer.

Die down

If something dies down, it gradually becomes weaker in strength or lower in volume or magnitude.

Die off

If a group of people, animals, or plants dies off, all of them die over a period of time and none are left.

Die out

If something like a species of animal or a language is dying out, it is disappearing and could soon be lost forever.


to start eating with enthusiasm, or gusto

Dig up

If you dig up something, you get it from under the ground by digging.

Dip into

to take money from an amount that has been saved or put aside for a specific purpose

Dish out (1) INFORMAL

to give things to people, often without thinking about the effects or the costs of doing so

Dish out (2) INFORMAL

If you dish out something like criticism or advice, you give it often and without much thought.

Dispose of FORMAL

to get rid of something you don't need or don't want any more

Divide up

If you divide something up, you separate it into smaller parts so that everyone gets a share.