Come about - to arise, happen How did this question come about? возникнуть, случиться

Come across - to be understandable, to get across The meaning of his message doesn't come across. Did her poem come across to you? быть понятным, дойти до кого-то

come across something - to find by chance Yesterday I came across an interesting article on vegetarian cooking. наткнуться на (информацию, статью)

Come along - to join someone I'm going to the park. Would you like to come along? присоединиться к кому-то

Come back - to return We were away on vacation. We came back yesterday. вернуться

Come by - to drop in / drop by Come by one of these days. заглянуть в гости

Come down - 1. to go down; 2. to fall 1. She came down the stairs. 2. The tree came down with a loud crash.1. спуститься вниз; 2. упасть

Come down to - 1. to get to the core of the matter; 2. to go down in status, wealth 1. It all comes down to the question of money. 2. I can't believe he came down to stealing! 1. сводиться к (сути чего-то); 2. докатиться, опуститься до чего-то

Come down with - to become ill.I can't come to your party, I'm coming down with a cold.заболеть чем-то, слечь в постель

Come from - to be from some place He comes from a small town in France. быть родом из какого-то места

Come in - to enter Please come in and take a seat. войти

come into - to enter (some place, position, state).Mary came into the room. He came into fortune when his aunt died. The military came into power in 1978. The law came into effect last month.войти в (какое-то место, положение, состояние)

Come off - 1. to become detached; 2. to remove (stains); 3. to end successfully 1. Two buttons came off my coat in a crowded subway car. 2. I don't think these coffee stains will come off. 3. His plan didn't come off. Our dinner party came off nicely. 1. отвалиться, оторваться; 2. сойти (о пятнах); 3. закончиться удачно, удаться

Come off it - (slang) stop kidding, lying, behaving in a foolish manner Oh, come off it, stop telling me tales. Come off it, give me a break! (сленг) прекратить разыгрывать, придуриваться, врать

Come on - 1. request to hurry; 2. to express disbelif 1. Come on, let's go, we're already late! 2. Oh, come on! Give me a break! 1. просьба поторопиться; 2. для выражения неверия

Come out - 1. to go out; 2. to be published; 3. to become known (about information, secrets); 4. to result, to end in some way 1. The door opened and Jim came out. 2. His new book came out last month. 3. The truth will come out one day. 4. I was serious, but my words came out as a joke. His plan didn't come out well.1. выйти из; 2. выйти (о книге); 3. стать известным (об информации, секретах); 4. закончиться каким-то результатом

Come out of - 1. to go out of (some place); 2. to result in something 1. The door opened and Jim came out of the room. 2. I don't know what will come out of this.1. выйти из (какого-то места); 2. закончиться каким-то результатом