Watch out - to look out, be careful.Watch out! There's a big dog right behind you! Watch out! The bus is coming. остерегаться, быть осторожным

wear away - to reduce, to weaken gradually; to pass (the time) slowly Water wore away the embankment. His pain is wearing away gradually. We wore away the evening playing cards. постепенно изнашиваться, уменьшить, ослабить; медленно проводить время

wear off - to diminish or disappear gradually The smell wore off soon. The feeling of despair will wear off. The effect of the drug began to wear off and she was in pain again. уменьшиться, пройти (о запахе, о каком-то чувстве, о действии чего-то)

wear out - 1. to become useless because of long use; 2. to be very tired or exhausted 1. The equipment is old and worn out. His clothes are worn out. 2. I am worn out. His behavior has worn out my patience. 1. стать непригодным из-за изношенности; 2. быть очень уставшим, истощить(ся)

welcome back - to greet someone's return After 2 years of absence, we are happy to welcome back Lena Brown! приветствовать возвращение кого-то

welcome someone in - to be glad to let someone in Please welcome in our guest from Australia! приветствовать приезд / приход кого-то

welcome someone to something - to be glad to let someone in or accept as a member We welcomed him to our club. I'm glad to welcome you to our school. Welcome to our city! приветствовать кого-то как гостя или нового члена, впервые прибывшего в какое-то место

welcome someone with something - to greet someone with something We welcomed him with a glass of champagne and a song in his honor. They welcomed him with angry shouts and hisses. приветствовать кого-то чем-то

well up - to rise (about water, feelings) Tears welled up in her eyes. The feeling of anger welled up in him. подниматься, наполнять (о воде, чувствах)

win back - to regain, to get back They managed to win back their city occupied by the enemy. He is trying to win back her love. завоевать снова, отбить / отвоевать обратно

wind up - 1. to roll into a ball; 2. to wind (a clock); 3. to end, to finish; 4. to make someone tense and excited 1. He wound up the rope into a ball. 2. He likes the toys that he can wind up. 3. It's 8 o'clock, let's wind up the meeting. 4. He's wound up and extremely touchy. 1. наматывать, сматывать в клубок; 2. заводить (часы); 3. закончить что-то; 4. завести, взвинтить кого-то

wipe off - to remove by wiping She wiped the dust off the table. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. стереть (грязь, жидкость, улыбку) с (рук, стола, лица)

wipe out - to destroy completely The whole city was wiped out in minutes. полностью уничтожить

wise up (to something) - (slang) to learn (the truth, secret, etc.); to open one's eyes; to use common sense He finally wised up to the fact that they were using him as a scapegoat. You should wise him up to the nature of business there. Wise up, he is not going to help you! (сленг) узнать (правду, секрет); раскрыть глаза (на что-то); использовать здравый смысл