Phrasal verbs with GET
phrasal verb | meaning / use | example |
1) get smth across (to) | § to get over, put across, explain your idea , чётко, убедительно изложить, довести до слушателя, заставить понять § to annoy or offend smb.,обижать, досаждать кому-то | § How can I get across (to you) how I feel? § It’s difficult to get our Russian jokes across to a foreign audience. § Don’t get across your teacher. She is very kind to you. |
2) get ahead | § to get on; have success in your life преуспеть | § You need a good education in order to get ahead. |
3) get along(with) | § to get on; ладить, быть в хороших отношениях, проживать, находить общий язык | § How are you getting long? § I don’t understand why we can’t get along together. |
4) get around/about get around to = get round to doingsmth | § to get about, travel a lot ,бывать в различных местах § finally to do smth you have planned or wanted to do for a long time, взяться, приняться за что-то | § In my job Iget around quite a lot. § I’ll get around to your request later. § When will you get round topainting the table? |
5) get at 6) get atsmb. | § to be able to reach smth.,добираться (до чего-то), § to criticize smb. all the time доставать (надоедать), пилить (ругать, критиковать) | § Are you sure that the children can’t get at the medicine? § You are always getting at me. |
7) get away 8) get away with | § to succeed in leaving, escape, be free to leave, удрать, ускользнуть, улизнуть, смыться , уехать в отпуск § to escape punishment, сделать что-то незаметно или безнаказанно, сходить с рук | § I’d be able to get away from the office by seven. § The three men got away in a stolen car § He always gets away with being late. |
9) get back (from) 10) getsmth back get back smth 11) get back tosmb | § to return to a place, вернуться § to have smth returned, получить назад § to phone someone later ,отзвонить, выйти на связь | § We’ll probably get back about nine. § Did you get that money back that you lent Bessie? § I’m a bit busy at the moment - can I get back to you? |
11) get by | § To have enough money or food, сводить концы с концами, прожить, с трудом удаваться, справиться § To pass, to be able to move past, проходить, проскочить, проходить осмотр, сдавать (экзамен) | § I get by with the little I have. She finds it hard to get by on her pension. § How did you manage to get by? § Please, let me get by. § Yesterday I took the test and hope I got by. |
12) getsmbdown 13) getsmth down 14) get down tosmth | § to makesomeone feel sad or unhappy, угнетать, раздражать, давить на кого-то (повергать в депрессию), утомлять, огорчать § = take down, write down smth, снять что-то, записывать § to start doing smth, приступить к чему-либо, заняться серьёзно чем-либо | § All this delay and waiting isgetting her down. § This miserable weather really getsme down. § May I get this book down from the shelf? § The reporters were trying toget down everything he said. § Stop talking and get down to your work. |
15) get in / into 16) get into trouble | § manage to enter (a place, university etc.) войти, проникнуть, попасть, поступить в учебное заведение § to start a conversation, fight etc. , включаться в какую-то деятельность, вовлекать кого-то во что-то § to do smth that makes yourself deserve punishment, попасть в затруднительное положение./ в беду | § They arrived at the stadium in good time but they still couldn’tget in. § How many of your studentsgot into university? I hope my daughter will get in this year. § He’s always getting into rows with his parents. § Staying out late will onlyget youinto trouble with your parents. |
17) get off | § To leave (a bus, train, plane....), слезать, вылезать, сходить § To start a journey, трогаться в путь, отправляться в поездку | § The bus driver will tell you where to get off. § Are yougetting offat the next station? § We have to get off on our journey tomorrow. § We got off at 8 o’clock. |
18) get on 19) get on(with smb) 20) get on(with smth) | § to get ahead; make progress, преуспевать, делать успехи § to take place in a vehicle, садиться в транспорт § to get along; have a friendly relationship with, ладить, иметь дружеские отношения с кем-то, уживаться с кем-то § to continue to do smth, продвигаться, делать успехи в работе, учёбе § getting older, стареть | § He’s new but he’sgetting on fine. § How are things getting on? § Did a lady in a green coat get on at the last stop? § How does Gina get on with her colleagues? § Get on with your work! § She’s getting on eighty, so this trip is a little difficult for her. § How are you getting on at school? |
21) get out 22) get out of | § to move out of a building / space; to remove smth., to escape выходить, вылезать, высаживаться § manage to avoid doing a job you don’t like, отвертеться (избежать чего-то), отлынивать , увиливать | § Look! John is getting out. § The door’s locked and I can’t get out! § I can’t get this nail out, it’s too tight. § Two prisoners got out (of prison) yesterday. § I’ll try and get out of my lessons tomorrow. § I tried to get out of (doing) the washing up. |
22) get over smth | § To get well after an illness, recover from the shock of smth, преодолевать, справляться, приходить в себя, оклематься, оправиться (после чего-то трудного и неприятного) § to cross a road / water… перебраться, переправиться, перелезть | § She’s still trying toget over that cold. § We couldn’t get over the locked gate. § Have you got over your illness? § I don’t think he will ever get over the loss of his wife. § I hope you soon get over your trouble. |
23) get round | § To avoid smth, обойти что-либо, избежать (трудность, ограничение) § To persuade smb. to change his/ her opinion , убедить (кого-либо), уломать, уговорить § To get around, get about, go about, go round/around, put about, циркулировать, распространяться § to find time for smth. приниматься за что-то, добираться до чего-то (руки дошли до чего-то) | § I can’t get round this restriction. § How could she get him round to her way of thinking? § Gossip gets round the film industry faster than in other places. § When will you get round to answering my question? |
24) get together | § To meet for a talk, to practise etc., собраться вместе | § Let’s get together next week and discuss it. |
25) get through (to smb/smth) | § to succeed in reaching smb by telephone, связаться по телефону, дозвониться (по телефону) § to pass a test or exam, выдержать экзамены, испытания, справиться ( успешно закончить) § to pass through проходить, пролезать, просачиваться § to finish smth., закончить, завершить какую-то работу | § I can’t get through to Moscow. § If I can get through this week, I can get through anything! § Have you got through your exams yet? § How did you manage to get through such a narrow hole? § He managed to get through that work in such a short time. |
26) get to get tosmb. | § To arrive at a place, добираться до какого-то места § To start doing smth., взяться, приняться за дело § To make you feel very angry or upset, доставать (действовать на нервы) | § When will you get to Madrid? § What is the best way to get to the nearest bank? § We must get to work at once. § Her criticism of my clothes is getting to me. § This loud music really gets to me. |
Phrasal verbs with GIVE
phrasal verb | meaning / use | example |
1) give away | § To give smb. a present/ prize; give smth. to smb. because you don’t want it , дарить, отдавать, раздавать § To tell a secret выдавать кого-либо, что-либо; выдать какую-то информацию / чувства/ происхождение и т.п. | § Is he really going to give away all his money? § Promise not to give my secrets away. § Why don’t you give away that racket since you never use it now? § Please don’t give away the ending- we’re seeing the film tomorrow. § He pretended to be English, but his faint Greek accent gavehim away. |
2) give back | § To give smth. to smb. who had it before you, возвратить что-то | § Don’t forget to give me the keys back. § Please give me backmy dictionary. |
3) give in(to) | § To agree to smth but not because you want to, cдаться, пойти на уступки, перестать сопротивляться | § They give in to the strikes demands. § You mustn’t give in to your children all the time. |
4) give out | § To give smth. to each of several people, раздавать § to come to an end, истощиться, иссякнуть (о терпении, запаса) § испустить, издать (о звуке) § to stop working, выйти из строя, сломаться, отказывать (о механизме) | § Julia will give out the books. § His patience gave out and he slapped the child hard. § The water supply at last gave out. § Suddenly she gave out a loud scream. § The motor gave out suddenly. |
5) give up | § to stop doing smth. прекращать, бросать какое-либо дело, завязать (бросить привычку) § to admit that you don’t know, сдаваться, уступать, признать поражение § to stop trying to cure or find smb., поставить крест на ком-либо (не верить в выздоровление) | § Did you give up smoking? § I can’t guess. I give up. § I don’t know the answer- I give up. § Johnny was given up by the doctors after the accident, but he made a remarkable recovery. |