Compiling and Loading into Oracle
Now that my class is written, I need to compile. To do this I open an MS-DOS session on a Windows platform, change to the d:\Java directory (or wherever the Sun JDK is installed on your machine), and compile the class:
D:\Java> javac JDelete.javaNow that it's compiled, I realize that it would make an awful lot of sense to test the function before I stick it inside Oracle and try it from PL/SQL. You are always better off building and testing incrementally. Java gives us an easy way to do this: the main method. If you provide a void method (procedure) called main in your class—and give it the right parameter list—you can then call the class, and this code will execute.
So let's add a simple main method (shown in bold) toJDelete:
public class JDelete { public static int delete ... public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println ( delete (args[0]) ); }}In other words, you call delete for the first value passed to the class and then display the value being returned. Now I will recompile the class and run it (this example is taken from a DOS window):
D:\Java>javac D:\Java>java JDelete c:\temp\te_employee.pks1 D:\Java>java JDelete c:\temp\te_employee.pks0Notice that the first time I run the main method it displays 1 (TRUE), indicating that the>
That didn't take too much work or know-how, did it?
Now that my class compiles and I have verified that the delete method works, I will load it into the SCOTT schema of the Oracle database using the loadjava command:
D:\Java>loadjava -user scott/tiger -oci8 -resolve JDelete.classI can even verify that the class is loaded by querying the contents of the USER_OBJECTS data dictionary via a utility I'll introduce later in this chapter:
SQL> exec myjava.showobjectsObject Name Object Type Status Timestamp---------------------------------------------------Hello JAVA CLASS VALID 1999-05-19:16:42JDelete JAVA CLASS VALID 1999-06-07:13:20JFile2 JAVA CLASS VALID 1999-05-26:17:07JFile3 JAVA CLASS VALID 1999-05-27:12:53That takes care of all the Java-specific steps, which means that it's time to return to the cozy world of PL/SQL.
22.3.4 Building a PL/SQL Wrapper
I will now make it easy for anyone connecting to my instance to delete files from within PL/SQL. To accomplish this goal, I will create a PL/SQL wrapper that looks like a PL/SQL function on the outside, but is really nothing more than a pass-through to the underlying Java code.
/* File on web: fdelete.sf */CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fDelete ( file IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBERAS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'JDelete.delete ( java.lang.String) return int';The implementation of the fdelete function consists of a string describing the Java method invocation. The parameter list must reflect the parameters of the method, but in place of each parameter I specify the fully qualified datatype name. In this case, that means that I cannot simply say "String", but instead must add the full name of the package containing the String class. The RETURN clause simply lists int for integer. The int is a primitive datatype, not a class, so that is the complete specification.
22.3.5 Deleting Files from PL/SQL
So I compile the function and then perform my magical, previously difficult (if not impossible) feat:
SQL> @fdelete.sf Function created. Input truncated to 12 characters SQL> exec DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( fdelete('c:\temp\te_employee.pkb'))1 SQL> exec DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( fdelete('c:\temp\te_employee.pkb'))0I can also build utilities on top of this function. How about a procedure that deletes all of the files found in the rows of a nested table? Even better, how about a procedure that accepts a directory name and filter ("all files like *.tmp", for example) and deletes all files found in that directory that pass the filter?
In reality, of course, what I should do is build a package and then put all this great new stuff in there. And that is just what I will do later in this chapter. First, however, let's take a closer look at each of the steps I just performed.