The words below are usually used for character descriptions. Which describe positive, negative and neutral qualities? Try to find opposites for these words

Impatient, fun-loving, active, energetic, restless, ambitious, selfish, calm, cool, easy-going, sociable, stupid, indecisive, shy, moody, boring, forgetful, disorganized, nervous, absent-minded, anxious, self-confident, considerate, modest, creative, eccentric, narrow-minded, cautious, clever, lazy, excitable.


Choose adjectives from the list to describe your character. Name your positive and negative qualities.


Feelings and Emotions. Test.

For each question choose the correct answer.

1. Choose the word closest in the meaning to the word in italics:

“I was enthralled by the wild, stormy weather.”

a. fascinated

b. frightened

c. annoyed

d. depressed


2. The film was very long and uninteresting, so I was terribly ... .

a. tiring

b. tiresome

c. boring

d. bored


3. Choose the word that does NOT mean the same as the other three words.

a. exhausted

b. harassed

c. weary

d. worn-out


4. Which word is different?

a. happy

b. glad

c. miserable

d. pleased


5. What do you ‘blow’ if you lose your temper?

a. your head

b. your roof

c. your top

d. your nose


6. If you are livid, you are very

a. worried

b. excited

c. angry

d. ill


7. Before you take an exam you might feel ... .

a. disappointed

b. shy

c. nervous

d. self-conscious


8. If you feel extremely happy about something you are over the ... .

a. sun

b. stars

c. moon

d. clouds


9. If you think something is very funny, you ... .

a. cry

b. weep

c. giggle

d. sob


10. If you have a shock or are very frightened, you might shake like a ... .

a. leaf

b. cocktail

c. rattlesnake’s tail

d. baby’s rattle


11. Which phrase means to be happy?

a. to be gutted

b. full of beans

c. sick as a parrot

d. cheesed off


12. If someone feels blue, how do they feel?

a. happy

b. jealous

c. angry

d. sad


What do you feel when you:

a. look at an outstanding painting,

b. see a street fight,

c. are in a bus during rush hours,

d. found a large sum of money in the street,

e. failed an exam?


Study the following expressions which are used to describe moods and feelings. For each group write the mood/feeling which is described.

1. Great/That’s great! Marvelous! Terrific! Fantastic! How wonderful! How exciting! How thrilling!

2. How annoying! What a nuisance! What a bore! That’s just what I needed! I’ve just about had enough of...

3. I’m worried. I just don’t know what to do... I feel terrible. I’ve got a lot on my mind. I don’t feel at all happy. I’m fed up. I can’t take much more of this.

4. I can’t say I’m interested... I couldn’t care less... Please yourself... I don’t mind what you do. The whole thing bores me to death.

5. Cheer up! Take it easy. Don’t you think you’re overreacting a bit? There’s no need to get so upset. Don’t let it get you down. It’s not as bad as all that, surely? Oh, come on, it’s actually quite interesting. I see what you mean, but on the other hand...