Speaking. 1 Look through the text and divide it into parts


1 Look through the text and divide it into parts. Entitle each part. Summarize the text in no more than 10 sentences using your key points.


2 Comment on the following quotations:

a) “... if I survive some few years longer, the Analytical Engine will exist... ” Charles Babbage, autobiography. Do you think he was right in his predictions? Why? /Why not?

b) “The whole of the developments and operations of analysis are now capable of being executed by machinery. ... As soon as an Analytical Engine exists, it will necessarily guide the future course of science.” Passages from the Life of a Philosopher (London 1864). Why was Babbage sure about the future of mechanical computations? Do you agree with his point of view?

c) “The Victorians did have the capacity to build a computer. What they didn’t have was the vision to see why they should want to.” the curator of computing at London’s Science Museum Doron Swade.


3 Work in groups of 3-4. Make a list of things you would like to know about Charles Babbage. Choose one, find information and make a poster presentation. (Read instruction on page 33 task 2)


Points for reflection


1 Have you learnt anything new about Charles Babbage from this unit?

2 What made the greatest impression on you?

3 Has anything surprised you?

4 Did you like the text? Why? /Why not?


Unit 5 Follow Up Activities


1 Do the crossword





2 - small flash of light produced by

6 - a flash, or several flashes, of very bright light caused by electricity

8 - a thin wire in a light bulb that produces light when electricity is passed through it

9 - a means of sending messages over long distances, using wires that carry electrical


10 - the flow of electricity through a wire

11 - device that measures and records information about earthquakes

15 - piece of equipment used for sending radio signals

17 - a substance that allows electricity or heat to pass along it or through it

18 - the process of sending and receiving messages through the air using

electromagnetic waves

20 - a device for turning mechanical energy from movement into electricity



1 - form of energy from charged elementary particles

3 - a piece of radio equipment that changes broadcast signals into sound or pictures

4 - the form that some types of energy such as heat, sound, light, etc. take as they


5 - a device for discovering the presence of smth, such as changes in pressure or


6 - a room or building used for scientific research, experiments

7 - a substance producing bright light by using some forms of radiation

12 - the part of a vehicle that produces power to make the vehicle move

13 - a piece of equipment for playing records (old-fashioned)

14 - an official right to be the only person to make, use or sell a product or an invention

16 - a device for reducing or increasing the voltage of an electric power supply

19 -the quality of giving out light when heated


2 Make a poster presentation (group work)

Step One - Brainstorm and discuss the ideas on what points to highlight in your


Step Two - Develop the materials you want to include in your poster into

separate paragraphs. Write each paragraph on a separate piece

of paper.

Step Three - Structure your text. Discuss the order and place of each

paragraph on your poster.

Step Four - Proofread the material checking the spelling, punctuation,

grammar and vocabulary.

Step Five - Choose a person to design the poster. Help him/her to make

necessary additions (photos, diagrammes, etc.)

Step Six - Choose a person to present your poster in class. Help him/her

with the pronunciation and intonation.

Step Seven - Pin the poster on the wall of the classroom and make your



3 To find information on other scientists and inventors in the fields of information technologies, physics, mathematics, engineering, use Hotlist «Outstanding Scientists and Inventors».