A) Study and learn the following words and word combinations
to be the reflection ofsocietal problems;
to be confronted with violent social structures;
the lack ofcredibility of political leaders who condemn the violence ofothers but justify their
to be cheated by society;
to get back at society;
lack of ideals or achievable goals ;
open racism;
animosity towards foreigners (xenophobia);
to reflect society;
to mimic the behaviour of adults;
spiralling impoverishment of children's lives.
negative effects of inadequate parental guidance;
negative role modelling on the part of adults;
to be left to one's own devices;
emotional needs are not taken care ofby children families;
changing family structures;
school phobia |
divorced/separated parents;
one-parent f ami1ies;
physical/sexual abuse of children;
absent/good fornothing fathers.
School violence;
to be expected to compete with each other forgrades;
attention and privileges;
there is a tremendous pressure on children;
to ignore the physical and emotional needs of children;
not to be in a position to work co-operatively in groups;
to spend most of one's time sitting quietly in rows;
to leave almost no room for decisionmaking by pupils ;
lack ofmatch between school aims and student aims;
agressive role model;
petty rules;
excess compulsion;
not to allow smb. to develop to one's full potential;
to be streetwise;
peer pressure;
a bleak/rough neighbourhood;
to resort to street techniques;
to support drug habits;
to follow the crowd.
To be increasingly exposed to violence through video, television and cinema;
to have a direct bearing on sb’s behaviour;
to present a picture of a world in which problems are solved;
by violence and force;
video violence, violent videos;
to glorify violence and pornography;
double standards ofa society which protests against horror videos for children but which
prints headline stories ofsex and crime in its daily newspapers;
to be corrupted by;
blood-and-guts rubbish;
to foster actual violence;
to be prone to violence;
to see too much violence and sex;
to offer barbarous delights that parents find it hard to keep up with;
screen violence;
to stimulate aggressive behaviour;
TV violence;
exposure to media violence;
consistent viewing of violence;
the acceptance of aggressive attitudes;
the aggressor effect;
the victim effect;
link between watching and committing violence;
the bystander effect;
the appetite effect;
aggressive/violent/negative behaviour;
to provoke violence;
to commit acts of vandalism;
increasing aggression among children;
violent influences;
children’s experience of violence;
to be prone to destructive behaviour.