Only in aspiration to be useful for people the person can blossom, feel itself really as the Person Useful to Another, to become selfactulized

Actualization is when someone actualize us, accepting our contribution, praise. It is important. But self-actualization which does not depend on opinions of others is much more important. It is internal pleasure which comes to us from within when we live for others. A difference between self-actualization and actualization same, as between dignity and pride.


Pride is based on comparison with people around. The person is proud, when surpasses others in something or when he is praised. Dignity is an internal self-esteem which does not depend on comparison with others, from external recognitions, praises. Dignity is a self-actualization itself, internal satisfaction, self-esteem which comes when we feel value and completeness of the life. When we use and develop inherent talents in service to another. To bring the maximal advantage to a society, to be actualized and selfactualized completely possible only when you are focused on the relations, not on economy.

Only in a priority of dialogue, in a course of progress of attitudes the person can respect itself, win respect and confidence of others, to live adequately and creatively, gleefully, freely, spontaneously, expressing yourself in the present - in a counterbalance to complexes of those who suppresses a voice of conscience within themselves for the sake of profit, artificial honours, glory, prestige. The best masters - those who create not for money. The paradox number two is that most of all people are ready to pay for masterpieces which are created not for money, but in a stream of spontaneous creative display and disclosing of the person in spirit of service to people - to bring pleasure! The one who is aimed to bring pleasure to others with all his existence just can not act dishonestly.

Those who are focused on the blessing of others – are like self-directed rockets, aimed to bring the blessing to everything, to everyone in any situations. The same who is mercenary, it is necessary to correct always because the more person thinks of itself, the more aggressive and less sensitive to needs of others he is. In the Bible it is said, that the more far from the God - the more precepts there are. And angels has only one precept. Because the less we love - the less natural we are. And more “ artificial limbs “ are necessary in the form of the artificial rules directing our actions for the blessing of others.



The Vedic culture, being a historical basis of Russian outlook, is based on outlook according to which we all live in three bodies, - in three information systems connected with each other by a holographic principle: in a physical body, in a body of society and in a body of the Universe which is material display of Supreme. Each of us is a cell both in a body of society, and in a huge cosmic body. To reach spiritual perfection, the person should learn to support the physical body healthy; to maintain healthy relations in a body of society; to support ecological equilibrium (the concept of stable progress of a society).

Spiritual progress is a progress of relationships of all levels: both between people, and between people (noosphere) and the surrounding biosphere, the Nature, representatives of all forms of a life who occupy now our planet. As we all live in the closed biosystem which is a part of ecological thinking as well. From this follows, that it is necessary to forbid everything, that destroys ecology – it is our care for the future generations, and for those who believe in reincarnation (Hinduism and the Buddhism) – care about our future as well: as we shall live in this world! Progress of attitudes of all levels which includes care about our children and grandchildren as well and all the future generations is stated in definition of stable progress of a society: « any generation has no right to take more, than can renew and leave to other generations! »


Acceptance of this principle to action means refusal of intensive agriculture, savagely exhausting ground by a principle « after me – though a flood! ». And transition to the natural agrarian pattern, growing up food stuffs in the natural environmentally safe way. Now, when fertile soils are promptly destroyed by chemistry, and erosion, alive products and organisms are destroyed by GMO technology, returning to natural scientific (including non-arable) technologies, in 4-6 years can restore ground, returning useful minerals to them. This will help to raise productivity in 1,5 – 3 times, keeping ground for the future generations. But for this purpose it is necessary to refuse a priority of a momentary individual profit for the sake of which private asocial corporations destroy the Nature, private ecological natural types of a facilities and leave mankind literally without the future.


Our care about Nature and grandsons (and about ourselves if we are about to be born once again here) is shown as well when we hand over paper, metal and glass in processing, that certainly, is a bit more troublesome, than to throw them in a bucket and then to burn at a factory on burning the garbage. But we rescue the Nature from a depletion of bowels, cutting out of hundreds woods which we do not plant again.

Those enter into spiritual world who has learned to operate in this educational material system – in a cosmic body, in a body of society as a healthy part of all these bodies, that is, whose attitudes with world around rise up to a level of attitudes of inhabitants of the spiritual world, - a level of absolute harmony. Harmony about which spoke saints and philosophers of an antiquity. The condition of a public organism is defined by its metabolism - quality of relationships of its various parts. Including relationships with the Nature – a space body.The sanctity – a healthy condition of mentality is a condition when the person ceases to oppose his interests to interests of associates, when he operates in harmony with the world and as the Part of the world. This is a condition of Happiness, in which person is so aspired to return.

Meaning of the life of all created beings - in pleasure (everyone is striving for pleasures of a life and try to avoid the pain); sense of the HUMAN life – in achievement of a highest level of pleasure in a condition of Happiness – an emotional and active unification with the world in love.

The holographic principle of a universe is admited by a modern science. It means, that at all levels of Creation the same principles are laid, and all levels are connected with each other: each fragment of a universe contains the information on all Real. For this reason from one cell it is possible to grow up the whole organism: the cell contains the information on whole body. And even about the whole Universe. It is one of the fragments of multilevel communications between micro - and macro-space: cell in a body and a body, between us and Space. It is just as it is possible to receive the information of all the network of Internet from any place in the world.

The concept according to which Soul should learn to reach perfection: