Questions for discussion

1. Whose life is more enjoyable and attractive in your opinion?

2. Who do you think gets more tired by evening? Why?

3. Would you personally agree to live like a typical housewife?

4. Does David help his wife about the house in any way?

5. Can you find any reason for Sue's being unsatisfied with her daily routine?

29. Read the dialogue. Are you familiar with the problems tackled in the dialogue? What way out can you suggest?

Adam: You look depressed. What’s the matter?

Daniel: Nothing special. It’s just that I’m getting fed up with my room-mates. The main thing for me is studies, but they sleep or amuse themselves during the day and work at nights. I can’t work at nights. I’m a lark and late hours are not for me.

Adam: Then you should look for somebody of your type to share a room with.

Daniel: It’s not that easy. Besides, everything in the hostel is so different from home. There’s music and people around all the time. I can’t stand it any more.

Adam: Are you going to rent a room?

Daniel: Perhaps, if I find anybody to room with, because I can’t afford to pay the rent myself.


30. Group Work.Talk to your fellow-students and find out who of them shares the same habits as you. Find the most suitable room-mate for yourself and suggest renting a room together. Tell us about your plans and explain your choice.


Here are some tips. It’s important to find out

– if he/she is a late or an early riser;

– if he/she keeps late hours;

– if he/she is crazy over music and can listen to it for hours running;

– if he/she can cook anything except sandwiches;

– if he/she agrees to do the room in turn;

– if he/she likes to entertain guests every day.


31. Conversational situations. Make up dialogues using the topical vocabulary.

1. You think you study all day long, but each time the most important thing is not done and it ends in bad luck and bad mood. Your friend helps to find out what is wrong.


2. You often have a headache and feel unwell. The doctor helps you to find out the reason of your troubles. The point is you neglect the daily programme.


3. You decide to ring up your nephew every hour to find out what he is busy with because his progress at school has become worse.


4. You are a students’ radio presenter. A student from Great Britain or the USA is on a visit at your University. Ask him or her about his daily program and his studies at the University.


5. You are not doing well in your studies. Besides, you’ve missed some classes without any valid excuse. You want to make progress and receive good marks. Ask your group mate, a diligent student, about his daily program and about things that help him to study well.


6. You are an early riser whereas your friend is a late riser. Try to prove that it’s better to be a lark / an owl.


7. You are a teacher and you have a talk with a student who lags behind the group. Get to know what prevents him from studying well. Explain to him the duties of a student and give a valuable piece of advice. (The student must explain his behaviour and try to give valid excuses).


8. You speak English in your sleep, which disturbs your roommate. It has become quite a problem for her and she wants to talk to you about it.