Выбор правильного артикля

1. Исчисляемое существительное в единственном числе

a. Определенноеthe

The painting in the living room was given to me by an old friend.

Painting и living room – в ед. числе. Painting (картина) – определенная, если она там одна. (Если не одна, то говорящий сказал бы "A painting..."). Living room (гостиная) – определенная.


Eugene's lunch consisted of a sandwich, two cookies, and a can of soda. Sandwich (бутерброд) и can (жестяная банка) – в ед. числе. Оба неопределенные, т.к. прежде не упоминались и слушающий их не видел.

2. Исчисляемое существительное во множественном числе или неисчисляемое существительное

a. Определенноеthe

The reports that I gave you are very important. Reports (доклады) – исчисляемое, мн.ч., определенные.

The wool that is produced in Scotland is used to make sweaters and other garments. Wool (шерсть) – неисчисляемое, ед.ч., определенная.

б. Неопределенное 0 (нулевой артикль)

Long reports are difficult to write. Reports (доклады) – исчисляемое, мн.ч., неопределенные (речь идет не об известных обеим сторонам докладах, а вообще обо всех длинных докладах/отчетах).

m 1. Используйте соответствующую форму неопределенного артикля a/an.

1. I have ___ brother. 6. They live in ____ old house.
2. He is ___ good lawyer. 7. He has ___ good lawyer.
3. He is ___ important politician. 8. Have you got ___ umbrella?
4. Do you have ___ car? 9. She is ___ attractive girl.
5. They come from ___ small town. 10. She is ____ nice person.

m 2. Вставьте the, если это необходимо.

....... Peters are a very interesting family. Mr. Peters has sailed around ...... world on his yacht ....... “Bella”. Mrs. Peters has travelled around ..... India and seen many exciting things. Their son, John, works for a newspaper and he has interviewed many famous people, including ....... Pope and ........ Princess Anne. Sally, their daughter, is very ambitious. She is training to be a lawyer. One day she hopes to be ....... most successful lawyer in ....... country. As a family they spend very little time together. They only see each other for a short time in ...... mornings before they all go their separate ways. At the moment Mrs. Peters is writing a book about ...... famous buildings. She is doing research on ...... Westminster Abbey and ...... St Paul’s Cathedral. She hopes to publish ...... book by the end of ..... year. Mr. Peters is getting ready for a trip around ........ Europe. This time, however, he decided to go by ...... bus, and not by ....... boat. John is preparing for a trip to ...... USA where he will be meeting ....... President. Sally, of course, doesn’t have much spare time as her studies take up most of ....... day.


m 3.Вставьте соответствующий артикль, если необходимо.

1. Do you like to read ____ books? Yes, I do. ___ book I'm reading now is very interesting. 2. He noticed ___ man at the bus stop. ____ man was very nervous.
3. Do you see ____ young man near ____ door? He is ____ well known specialist in criminal law. 4. How do you like my new cellular phone? ____ phone you bought yesterday? 5. I have ____ new car. ____ is a beauty. I like ____ cars. 6. She lives in _____ new house. _____ house was built two years ago.



Выпишите и выучите новые слова.

Прочитайте текст и будьте готовы ответить на вопросы.

1. What does Mr. Snow look like?

2. Where does he come from?

3. What does he do?

4. Does he travel a lot?

5. What countries does he often go to?

6. What languages can he speak?

7. How old is he?

8. Does he have a family?

9. Does he have a lot of friends?