A. must c. ought to

B. may d. can to

77. You … steal other people’s property.

a. should not c. mustn’t

b. may not d. can’t

78.The ship, … Queen’s Star, sailed next morning down the English Channel.

A. the c. a

B. - d. this

79. He spent a week an uncle who lives in Canada near … Lake Superior.

a. the c. –

B. a d. any

80. He fell in love with her at … first sight.

A.- c. the

B. a d. an

81. Peter went shopping in … Oxford Street yesterday.

A. - c. the

B. an d. a

Dinner was a success.

A.- c. the

B. a d. a

83. If you are … luck, it won’t be raining when you leave.

A. off c. in

B. out of d. at

84. He picked … a lot of French slang while he was in the factory.

A. at c. out

B. on d. up

85. We are looking forward … the holiday

A. to c. after

B. up to d. about

86. It’s raining, so we’ll put … the picnic until next week.

A. away c. out

B. of d. off

87. It’s late, I must be… work now.

A. out of c. up to

B. off to d. after

88. Do you have any books … for young children?

A. suitable c. convenient

B. suiting d. sympathetic

89. Forgive her- she can be… shy with strangers.

A. little bit c. little a

B. a little d. a bit little

90. You’ll have an accident if you don’t drive…

A. carefully c. carelessly

B. carefree d. careful

91. The little boy felt … near his parents.

A. security c. secured

B. secure d. securing

92. The book … all the information you need.

A. excludes c. concludes

B. contains d. involves

93. Once upon a time nothing but herds of … went through here on their way from Normandy.

A. ox c. oxen

b. oxes d. ox’s

94. Mr. Brown had been satisfied with the results of speaking to… fathers.

a. Tom’s and Nick’s c. Tom and Nick

b. Tom and Nick’s d. Toms’ and Nick’s

95. I need … sleep at night.

a. eight hour’s c. eight-hours’

b. an eight hours d. eight-hours’s

96. Which is …: water or air?

A. most heavy c. heavier

B. heaviest d. the least heavy

97. The dentist told him to open his mouth… .

A. wide c. widely

B. deep d. deeply

98. Among all the crowd who came and went here she cared for …

A. somebody c. nobody

B. anybody d. each

99. I am afraid the weather is … than yesterday.

A. no better c. more better

B. any better d. the best

100. Would you like to join us for the party?

a. You are welcome. c. No, I don’t.

B. Sure. d. I like it.

101. Shall we go out tonight?

a. No, we shouldn’t c. Yes, we do.

b. Yes, we should d. Yes, let’s

101. You’ll … to use the stairs; the lift is out of order.

A. need c. have

B. must d. can

102. Thomas received a warning for speeding. He … have driven so fast.

A. should c. might

b. needn’t d. shouldn’t

103. Jane did very well on the exam. She … have studied very hard/

A. had to c. need

B. must d. should

104. … man does not live by … bread alone.

A. a, the c. a, -

B. -, - d. the, the

105. Is … Malta in … Mediterranean?

A. -, the c. the,-

B. the, the d. -, -

106. … substantial tea was laid on … table.

A. -, the c. a, the

B. the, a d. -, a

107. “Do you know anyone by the name Watkins?” – “I know … Watkins in San Francisco.”

A. a c. an