Exercise 2

Paraphrase the following sentences using "can (could)" to express surprise, doubt or disbelief.

1. It is unbelievable that he should have taken such an attitude to the matter.

2. I can hardly believe that he should have wrecked your chances again.

3. I doubt very much that the thing is beyond our understanding.

4. It is impossible that he should have asked no one for advice and acted on his own responsibility.

5. Is it possible that he didn't give at least one example to prove his point?

6. It's just not possible for the cat to open the fridge!

7. It's doubtful that they should be trying to get out of the deal.

8. Is it possible that somebody is working against us?

9. I doubt that they didn't guess what he intended to do next.

10. It is impossible that you should be unable to settle such a simple matter without delay.

11. I don’t believe that he was accused of murder.

12. Is it possible that he should have committed suicide?

13. It is impossible she should be good at languages. She has no memory for words.

14. Is it possible that he should have started an argument when he

learnt what attitude to the matter they had taken?

15. t was impossible for anybody to guess that he would behave so rudely.

16. I can't believe that our terms should have seemed unfair to them.

17. Is it possible that the earth was originally part of the sun?

18. He can hardly believe that she didn't jump at the chance when she was offered a flat in a modem block.

19. Is it possible that the crime was committed by a left-handed man?


Exercise 3

Complete the responses to the statements using "must" or "can't".

1. His fiancee writes to him every day. She must...

2. I don't seem to have my key with me. I must have...

3. He drives a Rolls-Royce and his wife a Mercedes. They must...

4. No one thought he would be offered the job, but he was. The person who interviewed him must have...

5. He has no idea what the book is about. He can't have...

6. He talks about going to the moon next year. He must...

7. She didn't reply to his letter. She can't have...

8. He wears glasses all the time. His eyesight can't...

9. They haven't been on speaking terms recently. They must have...

IO. He said he would ring, but he hasn't. He must have...

11 .The last bus has already gone. It must…..than I thought.

12.1'm amazed that she married him soon. She can't have...

13.There was a dock strike and the liner couldn't leave the port. The passengers must have...

14.-I told him to turn left and he immediately turned right!

-He can't have...

15.-I had my umbrella when I came out but I haven't got it now.

— You must have...

16.You strike me as extremely young. You can't...