Object of the Trust
To provide funds for specific projects or part of a project where successful monitoring can be achieved and which the Trustees consider suitable.
The funding priorities are:
U Population Control
U Education
U Health
U Environment
The diversity of appeals presented to the Trust makes it very difficult to apply definite rules for selection. The Trustees are very flexible in their approach and take into account the following when considering a project:
u 'Pump-priming' donations - usually given to new organisations and areas of work
u The ability to effectively evaluate and monitor the long-term benefit and value of the donation
u Local involvement in overseas projects and local sourcing of any materials required
u Involvement with a third party - for example ODA, NGO
u Charity administration costs as a percentage of funds raised – this should be below 15%
u The reserves and assets held by the Charity
u Whether the project is basic or palliative, on-going and long-term
u To what extent has the organisation has helped themselves and sought to raise funds
u Whether the applicant has been the subject of any adverse comment or action by the Charity Commission - If so full details must be provided
u Applications must be made on the Application Form and must be sent to the Secretary
u All appeals should include clear details of the need the intended project is designed to meet and exactly why funds are needed
u All applications must be from a registered charity or must give the name of a registered charity which will endorse the application and accept the grant on its behalf
u Accounts for the Charity and a budget for the proposed project should be available
u If the application is dependent upon the employment of personnel, the funds will not be released until such an appointment is made
u Once a donation is approved, the Trust requires feedback within the first year and further reports annually, if relevant. Failure to provide this information may result in the donation having to be returned
u Consists of core funding and/or salaries
u Involves animal welfare or heritage
u Comes from an individual, including students
u Is a general appeal from large national organisations
u Is from organisations concerning themselves with poverty in the UK