Interview structure

Review Board Questions

Be professional, polite and be sure the office is ordered. Also remember to not say what do you think, the candidate shouldn't percieve what do you think.


Main Goals:


ü To verify if the candidate has a suitable profile in order to take a aiesec internship program;

ü If his/her personal goals are aligned with aiesec internship;

ü Set expectations;

ü If approved, make a draft of GIP or GCDP


What to evaluate:


è Global Mindset

è Proactive learning

è Entrepreneurial outlook

è Social responsibility

è Emotional intelligence

è English level

è Motivation

è Flexibility

è expectation

General competency What we are looking for?
Global mindset   - ability to adapt - open-minded - wiliness to live diversity  
Entrepreneurial outlook   - Initiative - Taking new opportunities - Solution oriented  
Social responsibility   - Responsibility - Wiliness to help the society  
Emotional intelligence   - Self-control - Effective communication - Empathy - People oriented  
Proactive learning   - Self-awareness - Willing to learn - Positive thinking  

How to verify the evidence of each competence/trend:


Score Meaning Behavioral Indicators
No evidence No evidence reported
Small evidence Little evidence of positive indicators of behavior. Mostly negative indicators, many decisive
Some evidence Limited number of positive indicators of behavior. Many negative indicators, one or more decisive.
Regular evidence Satisfactory display of positive indicators of behavior. Some negative indicators but none decisive.
Strong evidence Strong display of positive indicators of behavior



Interview structure


a. Pre-Interviewconsist of the interviewer preparation for the interview:

- The interviewer makes sure he has the needed tools for the interview to happen: candidate’s application form, observer sheet, interview guide

- The interviewer is preparing the room/environment in order the candidate to feel confortable

- The interviewer is analyzing the candidate’s application form and is preparing the main questions based on the application form


b. Interviewconsists of the actual interview:

- Introduction:

o who are the interviewers (names),

o Introduction of interview structure (how is the interview organized- “The interview is more like a discussion. My colleague and I will ask you some questions and you will have to answer to them. You can take the time you need in order to answer. Also during the interview we will take some notes, hope this is not bothering you..etc.”);

o How long may the interview last