Types of Transcription

TRANSCRIPTION is a special system of symbols used to denote speech sounds.


Transcription falls into four types:


1) Phonetic transcription (allophonic / narrow transcription) is based on the principle one symbol per allophone (narrow transcription).

e.g. [u׃], [u], [ɑ׃], [ɑ], [ɔ׃], [ɔ], [ə׃], [ə].

2) Phonematic transcription (broad transcription) based on the principle one symbol per phoneme.

e.g. /u׃/, /ʊ/, /ɑ׃/, /ʌ/, /ɔ׃/, /ɒ/, /ɜ׃/, /ə/.

3)International transcription,which is used in documents.

e.g. Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

4) Tonetic transcription,which is used while presenting intonation graphically.

e.g. / aɪ ˈkɑ׃nt ֻswi׃m‖/ . ¯ ֹ ╮‖


Articulation Basis of English


Articulation is position of speech organs while producing a speech sound.

The summary of all main principles of articulation in a certain language is called the articulation basis.

The main points of difference between the articulation basis of English and Ukrainian are as follows:

1. The tongue in English is more tense and bulky and has a retracted position for most of the phonemes.

2. The lips are also more tense and less movable then in Ukrainian. They are mostly spread (with the lower teeth relaxed) or they can occupy neutral position (flat articulation).

3.Forelingual English consonants, which are 12 in number, have an apical articulation: they are articulated with the tongue-tip against the alveoli, as /t-d, s-z, l- n/ or against the teeth /θ,ð/. The corresponding Ukrainian ones are articulated with the blade of the tongue (the tip is lowered) against the teeth (dorsal articulation), except (ш, ж).

4. All English consonants are hard (except for /ʃ, ʒ/) and have no palatalized oppositions while the Ukrainian ones have. Palatalization in English is a phonetic mistake.

5. The English word-final position voiced consonants must not be vocalized (which is the norm for Ukrainian language), yet they are weak (e.g. bag, sad). The English word-final voiceless consonants are strong (night, week, tape).

6. The English plosive voiceless / p, t, k / are pronounced with aspiration which is foreign to Ukrainian.

7. The English sonorants / m, n, l / are tenser and longer than Ukrainian ones and are syllabic when preceded by a consonant.