The vowel sound /3:/
I. Listen to the sound / 3: / on its own. Look at the mouth diagram to see how to make this long vowel sound.
The tongue is in the middle part of the mouth cavity. It is almost flat and slightly raised. The tip of the tongue is near the lower teeth, the jaw is slightly lowered. The lips are neutral.
II. Listen and repeat.
Shirt, hurts, burn, bird, berg, girl.
III. Read these examples of the sound / 3:/.
shirt | word | girl | berth | earn |
were | worst | affirm | journal | expert |
burn | bird | fur | journey | confer |
heard | birth | burn | early | excursion |
hurt | her | learn | murder | further |
IV. Read the contrasted sounds. Transcribe the words.
/3:/ /i:/ /3:/ /o:/
term – team burn - born
her – heat turn - torn
firm – feet her - horn
shirt – sheet worse – forth
V. Read the following sentences. Mind the right articulation of the sounds /3: /.
a) The girl heard the nurse work.
b) It’s the worst journal in the world.
c) I affirm if you learn all words, you become an interpreting expert and earn a lot.
d) Can you confirm early morning’s murder?
e) We were heard talking about journeys and excursions.
VI. Listen to the dialogue (Sound Right 16.2). Intone it. Learn and reproduce it, paying attention to the pronunciation of the sound /3: /.
VII. Learn the following graphical rules:
Vowel /3:/ is represented in spelling by:
1) The letters “e, i, u, y” followed by “r” /third syllable –type/ (term, bird, fur)
2) “ear” + a consonant (earth, heard) BUT: heart, hearth /a: /
3) “wor” (work, word)
4) “our” (journal, journey)
VIII. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the proverbs and sayings. Learn them:
1) Murder will out.
2) It’s an early bird that catches the first worm.
3) First come, first served.
4) Live and learn.
5) As is the workman, so is the work.
IX. Learn the following tongue twister and read the text as fast as you can: