The Scandent Head
The head of an utterance is sometimes formed be a sequence of “climbs”, i.e. upward pitch-changes associated with each of the stressed syllables. These upward pitch movement are realized either inside the stressed syllable (when no unstressed syllable follow) or on the unstressed syllables which are than pronounced on a higher pitch that the preceding stressed syllable.
I’d ↗rather ↗do it ̀myself.
The stressed syllables may also form a descending or an ascending contour:
↗Let me ↗know as ↗soon as you ̀arrive.
I’m ↗not ↗going to ↗promise you ̀anything.
This variety of Scandent head is sometimes called the Rising Head. It is indicated on the some way as the Scandent head (↗m), but the tonetic mark is given to the onset syllable only.
I’m ↗not ͘going to ͘promise you ̀anything.
Utterances pronounced lively and expressive. Expresses surprise and incredulity. A reassuring, encouraging meaning and is often used in speaking to children. Express the speaker’s irritation, or vice versa, cheerfulness and interest.
1. Always weak: a, the, an, as, and, but, than, that (not demonstrative), he, she, you, me, her, us, them, there (indefinite pronoun) | 2. Weak (in initial and weak position)/strong (in final position): am, are, was, were, would, be, shall, should, have, has, had, do, does, must, can, could, some (partitive), at, from, for, of, to | 3. Always strong: on, off, in, some (in the meaning of “certain”), one, most, this, that, these, those, each, how (in how long), when, what, where, why, how, though, so, then, there, so; (main verbs) have, has, had, do, does, is, are |
tr dr в tram r becomes fricative (progressive assimilation affecting the manner of articulation) and devoiced (progressive assimilation affecting the work of the vocal cords). t/d becomes post-alveolar (regressive assimilation affecting the place of articulation)
там r будет alveolar (progressive assimilation affecting the place of articulation) and flapped
twenty (kw, sw)
t becomes labialized (regressive assimilation affecting the position of lips)
w devoiced (progressive assimilation affecting the work of the vocal cords)
loss of plosion
nasal plosion
lateral plosion
fricative plosion – ps, ts, ks
linking r
absence of assimilation
- это все просто назвать
t, d, n, l, s, z + межзубный типа tenth
t, d, n, l, s, z becomes dental (regressive assimilation affecting the place of articulation)
и еще эти остальные типа pr, kr, str, skr, thr, fr, sr- progressive assimilation affecting the work of the vocal cords, где r becomes devoiced, а все остальное ничего не becomes