History of the department

01.10.1944g. organized a course in physics. This status is retained for 37 years.

In 1980. Course Biophysics (Head. Assoc. I.I.Grechishkin) from the Department of normal physiology was handed physics course. Quantitative and qualitative changes in the composition of the staff helped to reorganize the course of physics in the Department of Physics (1981).

In 1983. in accordance with the new curriculum changed kafedry- name "Department of Medical and Biological Physics."

The first two decades of the course content of physics largely repeated the program of high school physics being supplemented the study of the principles of the devices used in medicine (viscometer, saccharimeter, UHF, etc.)

The content and the logical detachment physics course of theoretical and clinical medicine adversely affect the motivation of students to study the subject.

This period in the biography of the department had important advantages- lectures and practical courses were full of measuring and recording equipment, thereby creating a complete laboratory physical training workshop.

The availability and low cost of the element base, technical assistance of various organizations created the conditions for the involvement of students in technical creativity. The most significant outcome of this work- development and creation of teaching-controlling machine "Thyratron" (the studio. A.M.Finogenov, hands. Dementiev ND).

This work was included in the fund Volga newsreels (studio, Kuibyshev).

The second half of the 70s can be considered the beginning of the implementation of the learning process of information technology in OrGMA.

Domestic calculators originally used by students for mathematical calculations.

The advent of programmable calculators of the "Elektronika MK-61" created conditions for the development of the elementary curriculum:

• Analysis of mathematical model "predator-prey"

• Matrix diagnostic model as an example of essential hypertension

(Authors: Assoc. A.V.Chalov, p. Pr. A K.Ekimov).

The following qualitative stage of computer technology at the department associated with the implementation of economic agreements program №4 (Iriklinskaya GRES 1982-1986g., Hands. Assoc. II Grechishkin.

On the basis of two computers "Electronics D-28" Art. pr. A.K.Ekimovym program has been developed for the analysis of medical and sociological information to assess the state of health and the dynamics of fatigue working Iriklinskaya GRES.

At the end of the 80s efforts ass. I.M.Shmulzona Department is equipped with FPGAs, "Atari". A program of four workshops on computer, on which each student had to write a program that includes conditional and unconditional jumps, cyclic and linear programming principles.

In subsequent years, the department started using PC IBM 286/287.

Currently, the department organized a computer class, equipped with modern models of PC-based Pentium-4 processor that allows to fully implement a training program in medical informatics.

Тhe work since 1996. organizes and leads N.I.Kolosova.

As part of the Department of NIS Or GMA Economic agreement fulfills two topics:

• Study of work (mode of work and rest), the functional state of the cardiovascular system and the health of working at Iriklinskaya GRES (1982-1986)

• Study of the effect of electromagnetic fields, DC on biological characteristics of enteropathogenic bacteria (1990). - Hand. Assoc. II Grechishkin.

Together with the Orenburg regional administration WMO them. Mendeleev (prof. L.E.Olifson) held regional scientific-practical conference "Protection of nature and human health" (June 3-4, 1983.), Which is based on published abstracts (10 out of 29 reports on " 4).

Published "Guidelines for integrated health and social science research in production teams on the issue" Labor-Health ", Orenburg, 1986. (Author: Assoc. I.I.Grechishkin, ml.n.s. V.V.Redkin, dots.E.M.Vinogradova).

Educational and methodical work of the department was carried out in strict accordance with the program materials OrGMA.


M.Ya.Zakutner (1944) - archival materials biographical absent.

• Art. pr. N.D.Dementev (1954-1971) 1910-1972 Graduate Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Leningrad ped. Institute. Pokrovsky, 1937. 1938-41 ass. KAF. Physics of the Institute. Since 1945. by 1971. physics course Chkalovsky (Orenburg) honey. Institute. Since 1950. Head. course of physics, associate professor. Research-electrodynamics, the physical properties and chemical composition of the water of the river. Urals. Author of about 20 scientific papers.

• Ph.D. Assoc. A.V.Chalov (1973-1987g.) 1935-2004 Graduate evening department of the Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers in specialty: Automation, Remote Control, 1973. - PhD degree .. Since 1973 head. OGMI physics course. Research interests: the best strategies for the repair of aircraft of civil aviation; technical maintenance of aircraft and ground vehicles; pedagogy of higher education. Author of over 100 scientific educational works.

• Ph.D. Assoc. A.V.Raguzin (1987-1993g.) 1949-2006 Graduate OGMI, medical faculty, 1972. Since 1975. ass. KAF. normal physiology. I was involved in reading lectures on biophysics. In 1977. received a degree kmn .. Since 1989 associate professor cafes. norms. Physiology. In 1990. He defended his thesis for a degree dmn .. Since 1991. - Professor. Field of research: the physiology of respiration, oxygen supply ts.ns in the embryonic and postnatal periods of ontogeny.

• a. M. N. Assoc. I.I.Grechishkin (s1993g.) Graduate OGMI (1965.), Specialty doctor. Since 1964, the ACC., Then Associate Professor cafes. norms. Physiology. In 1966. He defended his PhD. thesis on the account. degree kmn .. docent was awarded in 1969. Since 1966. annually to 1969 in the format of "Symposium School" has mastered the course of Biophysics and Biocybernetics at cafes. norms. Physiology, Biophysics and Biocybernetics (Head. Prof. Shydlouski VA) TSOLIU (Moscow).

• MD Assoc. E.N.Denisov (September of 2009) OGMI graduate (1979) with a degree in general medicine. From 1979-1981 assistant of the department of normal physiology OGMI from 1981-1983 intramural post-graduate department of normal physiology, in 1985 defended PhD thesis on "Peculiarities of the reaction system, and regional blood circulation to the effect vasotropic compounds in acute normobaric hypoxic hypoxia." Since 1991 Associate Professor of normal physiology. 2003-2006 year doctorate at the department of hospital therapy with a course of clinical pharmacology im.R.G.Mezhebovskogo GOU VPO OrGMA. In 2008 he defended thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic "State regulation of endothelium-dependent components of vascular tone under normal conditions and in some forms of cardiovascular disease."


Setting. Save text entitled "The History of the Department of Biophysics and math." Edit and format text.



2.1. Tables are created via the Insert tab table. Next you need to choose one of three ways to create tables: insert by highlighting the desired number of rows and columns, insert a table through a dialog box, specify the number of rows and columns and draw a table, use a pencil (after the drawing table, a pencil must be overcome in the same dialog) . To insert, delete, and merge cells, rows and columns must be entered in the table (cell) the cursor and open the context menu.


Task 1. Create a table of 3 columns and 6 rows and fill it.

Scientific direction Department Head
Cardio - vascular pathology hospital therapy Prof. RG Mezhrebovsky

Add a column to the left number p / n., Give the name of the table to edit.

Save. Document 1


Task 2. Create a table on the text of "The History of the Department of Biophysics and math," for example, Head of Department (Chronology)


Task 3. Create a table DEPARTMENT OrGMA consisting of columns: № p / p, chair of theoretical, clinical faculty. Save Document 2


· Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

· Department of Human Anatomy

· Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

· Department of Biology

· Department of Biological Chemistry

· Department of Biophysics and math

· Department of Hygiene of children and adolescents

· Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology

· Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology

· Department of Hospital Pediatrics

· Department of Hospital Surgery, Urology

· Department of dermatology

· Department of Children's Diseases

· Department of Pediatric Surgery

· Department of Foreign Languages

· Department of History of the Fatherland

· Department of radiation diagnosis, radiotherapy, oncology

· Department of Disaster Medicine

· Department of Microbiology, Virology, Immunology

· Department of Neurology

· Department of Normal Physiology

· Department of General Psychology

· Department of General Surgery

· Department of Surgery and Clinical Anatomy

· Department of Otorhinolaryngology

· Department of Ophthalmology

· Department of Pathological Anatomy

· Department of Pathological Physiology

· Department of Pediatrics

· Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics

· Department of Psychiatry, Medical Psychology

· Department of Psychiatry, Addiction, psychotherapy and clinical psychology

· Department of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery

· Department of Forensic Medicine

· Department of Therapeutic Stomatology

· Department of Therapy

· Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics

· Department of Faculty of Pediatrics

· Department of faculty therapy and endocrinology

· Department of Surgery

· Department of Pharmacology

· Department of Physical Education

· Department of Philosophy

· Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

· Department of Surgery

· Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases


2.2 Create a new document. To draw such a table using a pencil drawing table. Copy the contents of the preceding cell of the table to a new table in the new file. Save.