Завдання 1
З'єднайте слова двох колонок, щоб одержати термінологічне словосполучення. Перекладіть ці словосполучення.
1) automobile a) control
2) to subject b) pump
3) quality c) cycles
4) injection d) industry
5) operating e) to road tests
Завдання 2
Закінчить речення, підібравши відповідні закінчення з правої колонки. Перекладіть ці речення.
1) The operation cycle starts... a)use a crank mechanism.
2) As the mixture is compressed... b)when the piston is at b.d.c..
3) Ordinary engines... c)by burning air and fuel.
4) An engine produce power... d)it is ignited by the spark plug.
Завдання 3
Перекладіть речення, вкажіть стан та час присудка (active or passive)
1) Most four-stroke engines have used a mechanical ignition system, here, the power source is a lead-acid battery.
2) Originally a hand crank was used to start the engine, but this was inconvenient and rather nard work to crank the engine up to speed.
Завдання 4
Перекладіть речення, вкажіть, яке граматичне явище у підкресленому слові: Participle I,Participle, Gerund.
1) The closed throttle means that a fairly significant vacuum occurs behind the closed butterfly valve.
2) If the float drops, the inlet is opened allowing the fuel to flow under the fuel pump's pressure.
3) The crank mechanism is a device for converting the in-and-out motion of the piston to rotating motion of the crank shaft.
Завдання 5
Перекладіть текст. Поставте 5 запитань до тексту.
The Stages of the Four Stroke Combustion Cycle
The Intake Stroke
In this stage intake valve opens allowing air to mix with the gasoline inside the engine. The Piston at the top of the cylinder, moves down in order to this happen and allow in as much of a mixture as possible. The intake valve then closes which shuts in the mixture.
The piston now moves upwards to compress the mixture of gasoline and air together. (Compressing the mixture will make the energy released much more powerful.) The compression ratio for a diesel engine 20:1 whereas it is 8 to 10:1 for a petrol engine.
The moment the piston reaches the top of the cylinder, a spark is released to ignite the mixture by the spark plug. As a result of this, the cylinder bursts driving down the piston, turning the crankshaft and powering the car.
Exhaust Stroke
This is final stroke in which the exhaust valve is opened and the burned gas from the blast is lead out of the cylinder into the tail pipe. This happens as the piston moves back to the top. This process is then continuously repeated.