III. Insert the proper word into the following sentences and explain its meaning with the help of the dictionary

1. At the trial the lawyer interrogates … .

2. In his work the lawyer has several … .

3. The advocates in Ukraine ensure the right to a defense against … .

4. The lawyer aids individuals in arranging and determining their legal rights through …, contracts or corporate bylaws.

5. The … have exclusive rights to deal with marriage settlements and wills.

IV. Find a proper definition for the following words.

1. witness a) a person called to the bar and entitled to practice as an advocate, particularly in the higher courts
2. lawyer b) discussion aimed at reaching an agreement
3. negotiation c) a picture of a person, esp. one sought by the police, reconstructed from typical facial features according to witnesses’ descriptions
4. solicitor d) a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place; a person giving sworn testimony to a court of law or the police
5. barrister e) a member of the legal profession qualified to deal with conveyancing, the drawing up of wills, and other legal matters; he may also instruct barristers and represent clients in some courts
6. notary f) a legal document containing instructions as to what should be done with one’s money and property after one’s death
7. will g) a person who practices or studies law, esp. (in the UK) a solicitor or a barrister or (in the US) an attorney
8. identikit h) a person authorized to perform certain legal formalities, esp. to draw up or certify contracts, deeds, and other documents for use in other jurisdictions

V. Put the verb into the correct form.

1. I think this lawyer will be able … (to settle) the case through negotiations without the trial.

2. I should like to call two witnesses who can … (to testify) on my client’s behalf.

3. Roman law … (to influence) many modern European legal systems.

4. Don’t come in! The identikit of the maniac-murderer … (to make).

5. A body of expert lawyers … (to need) to apply the law.


VI. All the verbs in the box relate to legal matters. Use the past tense forms to complete the sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example.

accuse confess drop fine
acquit award engage imprison
arrest charge grant plead
release seize serve  

1. After six hours of questioning the accused man confessed.

2. The government … an amnesty to all political prisoners.

3. Her boss … her of stealing money.

4. The secret police … him for six months in a high security jail.

5. We … the best commercial lawyer we could find to represent us but we still lost the case.

6. The prisoner … guilty to all charges.

7. On 12 August they … him with murder.

8. The policeman stopped the car and … the driver.

9. The president … the opposition leader from prison.

10. The court … him $2,500 for obtaining money be false pretences.

11. After consideration, the plaintiff … the against his neighbour.

12. The customs … the shipment of books.

13. He … six months in a local prison.

14. The Crown Court … the plaintiff $75,000 in damages plus costs.

15. Two of the men were sent to prison, but the judge … the third.


VII. Give a short summary of the text in English.

VIII. Retell the text.


Appendix 1

Phrasal verbs often used in legal cases

1. break down: to stop because of failure

2. break in: to go into a building by force in order to steal

3. break off: to stop a discussion or negotiation

4. break up: to divide (a company) into separate units

5. bring forward: to change to an earlier date

6. hand down: to give to the next generation through inheritance

7. hold up: (1) to rob from a bank or vehicle using weapons; (2) to stay at a high level; (3) to delay

8. pass off: to pretend something is not what it is to cheat a customer

9. put down: to pay as a deposit

10. put into: invest

11. take in: to trick, to deceive

12. take over: (1) to start to do something in place of someone else; (2) to buy a company

13. wind up: (1) to end a meeting; (2) to put a company into liquidation