Task 6. These are the things that symbolize Russia

Match the pictures and their description.

a) The Russians are known as hospitable people. According to old traditions, a guest should always be welcomed with the symbol of life-giving food — bread and salt.


b) Russian winter! These words to a Russian are like a call (призыв) to fun. The Russian winter is full of poetry and magic. And what Russian doesn't like a fast ride in a troika, or sleigh (сани) with three horses!


c) Here is the heartland of Russian culture. The beauty of the ancient towns, their historical and architectural monuments, the gilded domes (купол) of the cathedrals, the autumnal gold of the forests and fields attract tourists from all over the world.


d) In their picturesque miniatures Palekh artists show the sights of their native country, their people, folk traditions, their celebrations, songs and labour (труд) full of hope and optimism.


e) The singing of chastushkas used to be a main part of Russian rural (сельский) holidays and parties. In many places they are still popular today.










3. 4.




Task 2. Read about the Russian character and write what points are made about Russians. Tick the ones you agree with (A), disagree with (D) or feel are true for you personally (T).


‪ Russia is still a huge ethnic and social melting pot.

‪ Russians are fond of small things of intimacy and coziness, but they may suddenly get bored and throw them aside like a toy.

‪ They can be surprisingly frank and also very secretive.

‪ They yearn (стремятся) for open spaces, yet they like things that are hidden and mysterious.

‪ There is much to be said of Russia as a land of con­trasts.

‪ When you get to know a Russian well, you will often find that he thinks of himself as having not just one rodina (native land) but two — Russia as a whole and some little place of it where he was born. And he has a special word for a man from that particular place — zemlyak.


Task 3. What are other people like? Translate the following sentences. Do you agree with these statements? Write A (agree) or D (disagree). Use the words from the box.

think suppose consider believe say know expect

a) The French are considered to be very stylish.


b) The Germans are believed to be clever, and hardworking.


c) In Europe they say that the British are boring and greedy.


d) Some think that the Italians are the most attractive.


e) The Russians are supposed to be highly passionate people.


f) The Spaniards and the Irish are thought to be the most easy-going.



Task 4. Anna liked New York so much that she decided to stay there. Now she is married to an American. Her friends from England sometimes ask her about her opinion of American people. Complete their questions with the words in brackets.

1. Do you think Americans are nicer than___ English people? (nice)

2. Do you think Americans _______ English people? (ambitious)

3. Do you think Americans ____________ English people? (kind)

4. Do you think Americans ________ English people? (interesting)

5. Do you think Americans ________ English people? (democratic)

6. Do you think Americans ___________ English people? (happy)

7. Do you think Americans _________ English people? (religious)

8. Do you think Americans _________ English people? (generous)
