Down on out up into away off

1. Two miles further on he turned ___ the main road and went towards a little village.

2. You should never turn __ a good offer.

3. The dog suddenly turned __ its owner and bit his hand rather badly.

4. He always gives people things and hates turning anyone __ from the door.

5. At the end of the fairy story, the witch turns __a dragon.

6. Guess who turned __ on my doorstep the other day! My brother! All the way from Canada!

7. The factory turns ___ more than two hundred cars a day.

8. I'm not going to tell you who the murderer turns ___ to be.

9. They turned ___ my proposal at first. They said it was unrealistic.

10. He was a horrible little boy, but he seems to have turned ___ quite a nice young man.

Supply the necessary particles with the verb "to turn" for the following verbs:

to make the radio louder to be discovered to reject
to appear to make smb. go away to be converted into
to return to leave (the road) to make the radio quieter

Ex. 7. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions:

KEEP in back on up off out down

1. At any big parade there are usually police to keep ___ the crowds.

2. On fences in Britain there are often notices that say: "Private Property. Keep ___"

3. The students were kept __ because they hadn't done their homework.

4. When you get to the traffic lights, go straight across and keep __ until you come to a school.

5. The builders used metal poles to keep the building __.

6. There were high walls around the building to keep ____unwelcome visitors.

7. The soldier tried to keep ____ as the bullets flew over his head.

8. Johnny! Keep your hands ___ that cake!

9.Keeping something __ means maintaining or supporting it, but it can also mean continuing an activity.
10. Fences are used to keep funs __ at football matches.

Down on at to up up with away off

1. “Don't come any closer! " he said. "Keep ___!"

2. If you go to the UK with your car, you must remember to keep __ the left-hand side of the road when you drive.

3. A lot of people spend much of their time trying to keep __ their neighbours, but I don't.

4. No, he hasn't touched a drop. He's managed to keep ___ alcohol for the last


5. I wish you'd stop keeping ____ me to buy you sweets.

6. Dictators generally employ the armed forces to keep the people ____ .

7. Even if you feel low, you've still got to try and keep your spirits __.

8.As long as you keep __ the side roads, I don't think you'll meet too much traffic.

9. Unless you attend classes regularly, you may find it difficult to keep ____ the rest of the students.

10.Well done! This is excellent. Keep it __!


Ex. 8. Translate into English, using words from Essential Vocabulary (p.129):


1. Ви одержали мого листа? - Так, я його одержав два дні тому. Яка ж це насолода читати таке! 2. Тримайтесь правового боку дороги, аби не заважати іншим. 3. Заради такої нагоди я вдягну свою найкращу сукню. Врешті решт, я хочу принаймні раз побалувати його. 4. Джон вже одужав? - На жаль, ні. Незважаючи на те, що його лікують найкращі лікарі. 5. Коли ми повернемося? - О п'ятій вечора ми вже питимемо чай, якщо нас ніщо не затримає. 6. Такі речі трапляються щодня. - Я розумію, але все одно це мене дратує. Особливо мене дратують дрібниці, до яких я не можу звикнути. 7. Приведи до ладу свого капелюшка, а то з тебе всі будуть сміятися. 8. Я міг би все ж залишитися вдома. Ніякої користі від мене все одно немає. 9. Кому оце спало на думку прибирати в хаті? Тепер тут усе догори ногами. Гадаете, це смішно? 10. Ускладнення після віспи можуть бути дуже серйозними, тому я примусив Енні залишитися вдома ще на тиждень, шоб вона одужала. 11. Я багато працюю, проте не можу собі дозволити мандрівку за кордон. 12. Ми заорендували машину, але вона так і не приїхала. Йди мерщій і знайди яку-небудь машину, бо повинні ж ми якось дістатися до міста! 13. Я продовжував читати, хоча взагалі не люблю цього робити.


14. Містер Гадсон - мій бос, і тому я не можу сприймати його слова просто
як жарт. Він ніколи нічого не каже жартома. Він завжди щось має на думці. 15. Можете ви здогадатися, що ми зробили? Щоб якось згаяти час ми
вирішили поласувати пивом. - Це нікуди не годиться, якщо ви нап'єтесь
як ніч, вас проженуть з роботи. 16. Ага, то це ти мені так віддячив за всі ті
зусилля й жертви, що я їх принесла заради тебе! 17. Давай повернемо
назад. - Повертай, я тебе не затримую, тільки й ти не плутайся мені під
ногами. 18. Моя дружина, не звертаючи уваги на те, що я дві ночі не спав,
намагається примусити мене винести сміття. Ото вже прискіплива!
19. Вибачте, сер, ви не могли б підвезти мене до центра міста? - Авжеж!
Сідайте, будь ласка. 20. Джон багато працював сьогодні й дуже зголоднів.
Іди й приготуй вечерю швидше. 21. Чоловік підходив ближче й ближче і
нарешті я впізнав його: то був наш колишній бухгалтер. 22. Хлопець
увімкнув ліхтарик і побачив, що знаходиться у величезній печері, якій не
було кінця й краю. Це вже було зовсім не так приємно, як він собі був
уявляв. 23. Зараз же вимкни зайві електроприлади. Ми не можемо
дозволити собі марнувати стільки грошей. 24. Якщо переговори й надалі
йтимуть, як зараз, ми не дійдемо угоди. 25. Не можу навіть уявити, з якою
метою ви все це мені кажете, сер Патрік. Вам хіба не спадає на думку, що
мені несила віддячити вам за такі великі жертви, які ви приносите заради
мене? 26. "Гаразд", - думав Джоні, прикладаючи зусилля, щоб не
розплакатися, "стривай-но, я ще відплачу тобі за сьогоднішню пригоду!"




Ex. 1. Translate into English using Speech Patterns:


1. Я можу й не питати його: він сам мені все розповість. 2. Вам не обов’язково було дзвонити мені: я чудово пам’ятаю свою обіцянку. 3. Вона може не ходити до бібліотеки: я дам їй усі книги. 4. Даремно ви хвилювалися. Все пройшло добре. 5. Йому не прийшлося здавати екзамена, математику у нього було здано достроково.


1. Сьогодні ти красива, як ніколи. 2. Він прийшов на роботу пізніше, ніж звичайно, тому що його жінка захворіла. 3. Джейн прокинулася пізніше, ніж звичайно, і всі вже поснідали.


1. І не треба зі мною розмовляти цим своїм тихим голоском. Всі знають, як ти мене не любиш. 2. Він був одним з кузенів Джона. 3. Ми ніколи раніше не чули про цей дивний шлюб Елізи.

Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the text:

His name was ... He was not a bad … . Hewas handsome …with
... hair and ... cheeks. Woman ... a lot about him. He … a lot. He made a bit of
money by … . Soon he went … because he hadn't been… to… to bridge, he'd
been playing … . One day he came to Burton's office as he was a … of his and as
he was … and … . He said if he … … something he …… … .It turned out that
except ...-… he could … . He used to ... for his university. Old Burton understood at once what he … … … . After a ... Old Burton proposed him to ... from Shioya Club round the ... to the … of Tarumi. The young man was … … . It was rather difficult on … … the currents round the … . And he had ... his ... by ... and ... . The old man could just ... his shoulders. The young man hesitated for a moment and then ... . But he had bad ... he would never … … .I was ... by this story. When I asked Burton if he had known that the young man would be ... He ... his chin and said that he hadn't a ... in his office at that moment.

Ex. 3. Translate into Ukrainian commenting on the usage of words (Vocabulary Notes, p.p. 197 - 201):


1. There was a girl with a curl, and when she was good, she was very, very good; but when she was bad, she was awful. 2. The Bishop mounted his horse, shook his head, curled his lip, and having so expressed his unfavourable opinion of townspeople who (he was glad to admit) did not belong to his diocese, broke into a gallop. 3. The man engaged in hanging was wearing a frock coat with high collar, and his long fair curls fell finely upon his broad shoulders. 4. The boy ate his supper decently and thanked the old lady. Then he curled up comfortably and modestlyin the corner and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the bundle of hay that served him for a pillow. 5. Her hair was but excellent: natural blonde and long and silky and curly. It looked magnificent in the shining sun. If not for the eyes, steel-grey and steel-cold, she would have been as charming as she was beautiful. 6. The game was lost. King Rudolf swore under his breath and grabbed a glass but discovering it was empty threw it irritably on the floor. The glass shivered into fragments at the Count's feet. 7. "Tom! Come here, Tom." Aunt Polly looked at the boy through her glasses. "You break my heart. Where have you been?" 8. Robert saw the enemy detachment quickly cross the open space. On the edge of the forest they paused for a short while and broke in small groups of two and three. 9. The King's gravest vice was dicing which he enjoyed beyond words. A born gamester, he could not control himself in a game, doubled and trebled his stakes when the moment was unfavourable, and in a year or two he went broke though he kept the fact back from even his own advisors. 10. The engagement to Maurice being broken, Kate felt unhappy but at the same time beginning to recover the intoxicating feeling of freedom. 11. He was Jennifer's second cousin who broke from the family long ago and went to Central America. They had never heard from him since. 12. They never managed to break through the enemy lines and so had to retreat, losing men in fighting back guerilla attacks and frequently having to break into peasants' huts to procure scarce food. 13. The Soviet atomic icebreaker "Arctica" was the first ship ever to reach the North Pole (1977). 14. In the 19th century Russia most people, sometimes even among the nobility, got married through the services of marriage brokers.


15. "I want you to drop this business. I want you to forget it. I won't have you in my town again," said Lieutenant Maglashan putting the pigskin glove on his right hand. "You think it will stick?" I said. 16. "Remember, you should stick to your words," said Flanaghan. "The cops put down everything you say so as to trap you. If you said the room had been empty, you should never admit there had been someone in that damned room. Stick to what you said the first time, I tell you." 17. At the reception desk there was a notice stuck to the wall with four thumbtacks no two of which matched. It said: "Press the button to call the assistant manager." 18 - 19. The last two nights Larry had to walk barely covering five or six miles a night. His tin of a car had hopelessly stuck in the mud not far from the bridge, a short way down the river. The precious time had most probably been lost, but Larry went on by foot, almost without pausing drivenby passionate desire to join the retreating British troops and to stick to them whatever happens. 20. The planet seemed rather unfriendly. Every now and then Leila's feet got stuck in the drift sand and it was only with great effort that she managed not to lose her balance, struggling every inch of the way forward. 22. Magdalene, in her beautiful new dress, its flounces cascading almost to the floor, with a flaming red carnation stuck in her neatly dressed black hair was quite irresistible and looked well aware of it. 23. The desert was still under the morning sun, already hot and burning. Only a camelcade with a few drivers and a stern-looking caravan-bashee, anxious to reach the nearest oasis before the deadly heat of the noon, passed by the two travellers. 24 - 25. "Thank you, Alexandra, for taking the trouble to bring me those rolls of film," said Richard Stewart. "Shall I drive you home?" - "Oh, it wasn't any trouble at all. Only I mixed up the trains. And I'll get back by bus, the bus stop is just round the corner," said she. 26. "Don't worry, ma'am," said he as convincingly as he could. "With Philip Marlow at the driving wheel you will be there in practically no time, safe and sound as if you were sitting on the porch of your own house all the time, nodding peacefully in the sun." 27. In 1947, when Smithfield lorry drivers went on strike, the Labour Government had to employ the Army units to prevent any pauses in deliveries of meat rations. 28. It took all Denny's strength to drive the nail from the wooden plank, but once he succeeded the door could be easily opened at last. Now he was free!


29. The jury returned in less than half an hour. The foreman pronounced the verdict: "Not guilty." A short pause followed his words, broken by cries of rapture in the public. 30-31. "Well, boys, let us now proceed with Geography," said the teacher. "This time we are going to travel to Russia. Which of you can tell me what town is the capital of that country?" At this point he made a pause to give them a chance of expressing their willingness to answer. Only one of the boys raised his hand and the teacher nodded to him. "Yes, Tommy, go right ahead." - "Well, sir, I'm afraid I don't know anything about the capital, but I heard Daddy say Russia is mighty far away from here, and you can't live there 'cause of too much snow and cold wind and frost from one end of the year to the other." 32. Ellen took her breath, making a pause for a few moments, then she proceeded with her narration. 33. They stopped digging, looked up and stared at the clouds. The wind grew stronger with every minute, and the clouds were driven along the skies with frightening speed. 34 - 35. In a shallow cave there was a figure glimmering in the twilight. Ramsey took his breath, and his handtrembling with excitement touched it. The figure nodded to him mockingly, and Ramsey gave a momentary start. 36. The Bishop burst into the room. With the point of his sword resting on the floor, he took off his feathered hat politely, bowed to Count Nikolas and asked: "Where is the Princess, my lord?" 37-38. Then Sir Gawein bowedto the Queen, bowed his knee before the King and said: "I swear that I will do everything in human power to obey your orders, my lord. Sir Remodan I will find and fight him should it even bring me to ruin. 39. "No," she said with an evident effort, shaking her head thoughtfully, "I can't agree to that though I should like to very much." 40. "Well," said I, "you needn't give the answer right now. Think it over and come again on Wednesday." - "That will be no good," he said resolutely and shook his head as if confirming his words. "I said I didn't like the job and I don't think I will like it any more on Wednesday." 41. The bowed figure came closer and Ramsey thought he recognized old Chapman with his carved walking stick, but in a few moments he saw he had been mistaken. 42. A casual glance, a vacant look, a majestic nod, - and the Queen passed by Hothorn. He was thinking hard on his way back from the palace, shaking his head in despair.


43. He turned round and saw American tourists busily taking photos against the background of picturesque ruins. 44. The ruins of antique towns in the Crimea produce invaluable evidence of life and activities that were in full swing there more than two thousand years ago. 45. The man looked rather suspicious. The soldiers who had detained him told me he had been digging among the ruins with his bare hands, the only one living creature to be found in or around the village levelled to the ground by German bombs. 46. Jeffrey's business had been thriving for many years, and then, all of a sudden, it was ruinedcompletely in October 1929 when the Great Depression turned fortunes to nothing in a day or two. 47. The accident at Chappaquiddick in 1969 ruinedSenator Edward Kennedy's reputation, preventing him from any further attempts at presidential elections. 48. The kingdom divided against itself shall be ruined. 49. That was such a nice new pencil with a rubber, in a golden case, to which funny pictures were stuck, that Eve was not able to stand waiting for tomorrow. She felt she must have it now. 50. The weather was abominable through the whole of March. Even with his Capuchin raincoat and rubbers Jimmy felt very uncomfortable. 51. "Uncle Ben and Aunt Peggy are coming to see us on Saturday evening. You know, they have stayed in the Southern seas for so many years and returned home but a few weeks back. For such an occasion you must give the entire cutlery and the table silver a good rub - a very good rub, I should say," said Miss Dewy in her sweetest voice. 52. One could hardly reckon on any bungalows being vacant at the peak of the season, 'e best you can afford at this time must be a mean room they might spare in an overcrowded hotel. 53. Duty-free shops are to be found mostly in airports and seaports, where transit passengers can purchase certain goods without paying Customs duty as the goods do not actually cross the border. 54. Spacious hall was empty save two inconspicuous figures in the armchairs at the father end. 55. "Excuse me," said she with a gracious bow and a sweet smile, "I am engaged for the next three dances, but you may invite me to the waltz, if you will, milord." 56. The Princess tried to draw back from Count Nikolas but his grip was tight on her arms. 57. During dinner, while Andrew was chewing his piece of old meat, Mrs. Page was busy helping herself to wine and hot beefsteak.

Ex. 4. Paraphrase the following sentences, using words and expressions from Essential Vocabulary:

1. The girl was somewhat plump, with sparkling dark-grey eyes, curving eyelashes and auburn hair in ringlets, nice snub nose and dimpled cheeks, and Jimmy rather liked her. 2. Under the helicopter stretched a vast forest, and above it smoke was coming up in rings and spirals. 3. Jane's hair was not permed though it certainly looked like it. As it turned out, it was natural. 4. Johnny, you are as graceful as an elephant in a china-store! You have turned the whole flat upside down, and Mummy's favourite vase is now completely crashed. 5. The mate was passing by, and the conspirators sitting in circle on the quarterdeck stopped their discussion. 6. Fortunately, the fire started when half the team were not yet ashore, so they managed to prevent the flame from reaching tanks and possible disaster was finally averted. 7. "If you love me as you say you do," said Joan, malicious flames in her eyes, "you must stop seeing Annie once for all. And don't tell me about business! I know pretty well what kind of business you mean with her." 8. Mankind's decisive penetration into space marked the beginning of a new era - the era of high technologies and new international approaches in search of material and moral resources required for space exploration. 9. One of the best known gunmen in the 19th century Western states was nicknamed Billy the Kid, being rather young and very tall, and the nickname has been used up to this day. 10. A decent person is supposed always to do what he/she promised to do. 11. Miss Маrple was clever enough to take the fingerprints of a woman she suspected a criminal. She made her touch a lump of very adhesive candies, thus obtaining a complete set of fingerprints. 12. A concrete pathway led to the garage at the rear of the main building. 13. "The court is awaiting your answer to the most essential question: who actually was at the wheel right at the moment of the accident," said Judge Brent Thompson gravely. 14. Lord Derby got purple with rage on learning that his coachman was drunk again and subsequently unable to perform his duties. 15. She said that the other day Dumbert had met her in the street and proposed to go to the country in his car next Sunday. 16. "I've had enough of your care!" cried Herbert hysterically. «I have a pretty clear idea of what you want to achieve - just to get me in the lunatic asylum and take my business into your own hands." 17. The audience boiling with indignation, Father Coughling was compelled to keep silent for a short while - until his boys finished convincing the liberals in the lecture-hall with their fists and clubs. 18. Poirot suddenly interrupted his walking to and fro, his eyes became very green with unmitigated satisfaction as he had evidently come to certain conclusions. Then he resumed marching up and down the room, his excitement growing stronger, it seemed, with every new step. 19. A heart-rending sound of brakes followed the noise of the motor, and a Chevrolet came to a halt one or two feet outside the front gate. 20. His Majesty expressed his gratefulness to the knight with a cursory half-bow and returned to the rubber he was playing with the Cardinal and both Royal Dukes. 21. The situation did not permit Joan to express her utter disapproval of the suggestion except with energetic motions of her head. 22. He bent his head curtly to confirm Maggie's words and proceeded with his book, absolutely indifferent to the results of the incident. 23. Jennifer began laughing disbelievingly, and presently she realized that the horrid thing had really occurred and that she was left without any financial resources worth speaking of - in fact, little more than a mere beggar. 24. The remains of once magnificent temples and palaces still attract crowds of tourists to the Mediterranean area, where thousands of years ago great civilizations of Egypt and Greece, Rome and Carthage emerged, flourished and finally fell, leaving enduring memories to their spiritual descendants. 25. Too much spirits taken too often proved to have disastrous effect on his physical and mental abilities. 26. Before sitting to table Benny, as a well-bred boy, went to the bathroom, washed his hands with a piece of soap and dried them on the towel that was offered to him by Becky. 27. "You have to memorize your instructions," said R., turning to the man at the fireside. "Please, wipe off all the notes you have taken in your pad and do it before you leave." 28. We've fired two or three employees recently, so I think we could engage your guys, at least temporarily. 29. This is a great singer, a real star. She always gets terrific contracts, and I don't remember her being out of work for the past ten or twelve years. 30. Jim was wearing an odd shirt, three sizes bigger than it should be, and that alone made him look ridiculous, to say nothing of the way he usually walked.


Ex. 5. Translate into English using words from Essential Vocabulary (p. 202):

1. Вам не було потреби квапитися: усі речі вже упаковано. 2. Вам не обов’язково було пояснювати йому, що й як саме робити. Пан Треш три роки працював менеджером у великій торговельній фірмі, і там він вважався, певною мірою, перспективним працівником. 3. Він почав пити більше, ніж завжди. І що більше він пиячив, тим менше у нього залишалося грошей. Невдовзі він дійшов до повної руйнації. 4. Не треба дивитися на мене такими чесними блакитними очима. То була моя остання надія, а ти без вагань її зруйнував. 5. Сивий чоловік з довгими закрученими вусами й пишними бакенбардами - це мій свекор. Він завжди так і сидить у кріслі й куняє, тримаючи книжку в одній руці, а склянку з мінеральною водою - в іншій. 6. Багато чоловіків розорилися, граючи у карти або кості. Втім, це не заважає іншим випробувати свій талан знов і знов. 7. Не відхиляйтеся від теми, пане добродію! Те, шо ви зараз кажете, ніяк не стосується справи. 8. Намагаючись витягти машину, яка загрузла в багнюці, ми промокли до кісток. Кому спало на думку їхати на прогулянку в таку погоду? 9. Джон вирішив покінчити з цією жахливою звичкою потирати руки, коли він хвилюється. 10. Вона ледь хитнула головою в мій бік і пройшла повз мене, навіть не знаючи, що розбила мені серце. 11. Цю мазь потрібно добре втерти, інакше ви забрудните одіж. 12. У тебе на сьогодні є плани? - Ні, а що? - Я збиралася запросити тебе на вечірку. А в тебе є вільні гроші? - Є, але я не хочу їх витрачати зараз. 13. Ці черевички мені замалі. Дайте мені примірити он ті, будь ласка. 14. Ії погляд нічого не висловлював. Так дивляться ті, хто задумав накласти на себе руки. Я ніколи не бачив нічого подібного й тому розгубився. 15. У Рейні, як відомо, важко плавати з-за сильної течії, але якщо пощастить, ви вийдете на берег вже у Франції. 16. Єдина проблема з моїм чоловіком - це те, що він завжди знизує плечима, коли до нього звертаєшся по допомогу. -Чоловіки всі так і роблять! 17. Щойно я ввійшла до кімнати, вони одразу замовкли, й тільки чути було скрипіння розхитаної двері. 18. Не можна робити в книжках записи навіть олівцем. Негайно зітріть! 19. Нещодавно я випадково зустріла Майкла. Він зовсім опустився. Одежа на ньому теліпається. А колись же він був таким красенем! 20. Пожежа спалахнула зненацька. Ключ заклинився у замку, і я не міг вибратися з кімнати. Вікно розлетілося, і я ледве встиг вистрибнути. Незабаром від дому залишилися тільки руїни.


Ex. 6. Retell this story in Ukrainian for your friends to translate into English:

This is a story of a young but shallow man. He was told that there was a vacancy in a big trading company. As he was broken he decided to try to get that job. One day he drove up to the office. It was difficult to keep from laughing when looking at him. He had loose clothes on and tight shoes. His hair was curled in curlers but some of them he had forgotten to take off. And moreover he had stuck a flower in the buttonhole. He looked like a clown. The manager who was to interview him was very surprised. He began to ask questions but the young man curled his lip. After a pause the manager started to tell him about their company. The man was only nodding. The manager was taken aback. He didn’t know what to do. That man was driving him mad. He manager stopped his interview and rushed forward to the door. The young man was rather shocked and he said: “If you don’t give me this job I will commit suicide.” The manager rubbed his chin: “If I do I will ruin my life”.



Ex. I. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word conibinations:

Належного часу; напередодні; змішувати; непохитний; зворушливий; сумлінно; напад кашлю; заговорити; давати у борг; процвітати; миттю; мчатися; брати під руку; з важливим виглядом; роз'яснення; зневажати; переминатися з ноги на ногу; гонорар; шкодувати про що-небудь.

Ex. 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian/Ukrainian commenting on the usage of words in bold type:


1. When one loves one's art, no service seems too hard (a proverb). 2. During World War I a famous writer W. Somerset Maugham was an agent of the Secret Intelligence Service in Switzerland and then in Russia. 3. The Majestic hotel in Miami, Florida, is not the most expensive and, possibly, not the best one, but the service is very good there. 4. A young man rose to meet her with a pleasant smile. "I'm totally at your service, Ma'am," said he in a low well-modulated voice. 5. Dr. Watson came to live in London in 1882 after he had served five years in the Army and had been badly wounded in Afghanistan. 6. The park was glaring with electric light, the fountains spurted water high into the night air, the well-trained servants moved noiselessly, serving various drinks and sweets round Lord Montegue's guests. 7. You've got to learn to leave the table when love's no longer being served. 8. This paper serves as an example of what can be achieved with patience and method. 9. Helen blushed as she recognized a familiar hand and a pale blue envelope: she feared lest the others should notice her embarrassment and guess what she was firmly set to keep in secret. 10. I don't think Mr. Mason can serve us as a lawyer: we need someone really familiar with all the details of the case. 11. Ashenden suited the Intelligence Department perfectly: he had travelled much, was familiar with several European languages, and his being an author was a good disguise of his activities and his curiosity. 12. Christmas is considered in Western countries to be rather a familiar holiday, and in most families all the members try to gather and celebrate it among close or sometimes even distant relatives. 13. "Now, who can tell me what mountain is the highest on the Earth?" Miss Judson asked. Jimmy happened to know the answer and was anxious to show his familiarity with geography.


14. The jury and the judge himself were obviously impressed deeply by the unexpected evidence and the outcome of the trial now seemed to be quite favourable for the defendant. 15. "Ladies and gentlemen! Mr. Hornby, as you doubtlessly know, has recently been to some yet unexplored corners of Africa," the chairman went on. "Fortunately enough, he has agreed to share his impressions with us, and it is to him that I have now the privilege to give the floor." 16 - 18. “What about that man Randolph said he was familiar with? Can he do the job?" Tiny Duffy was growing impatient. Timothy answered coolly, carefully selecting his words: "Well, I saw the guy yesterday. I don't think he will serve us the right way, not in this business. To tell you the truth, boss, he left rather a poor impression on me, if that interests you. He's hardly worth the money we're going to let him earn." 19. They'd been looking for Roseanne the whole day. At last they caught her at the party. The idea was to impress upon her the necessity of giving up the original plan. To disobey Mr. Chipman under the circumstances was not dangerous - it was the same thing as to commit suicide. 20-21. The coins brought by Dinny were really, very interesting. They were of unusual shape - neither round, nor oval, nor square. They could be very, very old. Examined by the sunlight, they showed strange letters (maybe figures?), impressed on one side. The image of a mounted man with a spear in his right hand seemed vaguely familiar, but of course it could not have been St. George! 22 - 24. The sight, I must confess, was impressive: the Baron stood on the table amidst a picturesque mess of turned up dishes and bottles and cups, and whirled his double-edged sword with such vigour that Rumata could not help thinking of a helicopter with its rotor at maximum speed. The group in the grey uniform were skulking in the farthest corner. "Look here, guys," Don Rumata said to them, "he can go on like this for two or three hours without ever pausing. But I can hold him for some time - not very long, I suppose. Drop your arms right onto the floor and get out of here. Don't try any tricks - he will slay you and I won't prevent it. It will serve you right, to be sure. But if you obey my orders, you'll have a chance to escape alive from here." 25. "I don't need advice," said the king arrogantly. "What I need is obedient servants. I just want them to cany- out my orders to the point." 26. "I very seldom ask other people's advice and never follow it," said the Mexican.


27. Edward Coke looked around and suddenly he saw a small light not far away. "It isn't moving! It must be a house!" he said to himself. 28. Jimmy switched on his flashlight. A dim yellow spot danced on the opposite wall of the cave a good distance away from where they stood. 29. The velocity of light as everyone knows equals 300,000 kph or 187,000 mph. 30. Calvary was a planet in the system of Betelgeuse, about one hundred thousand light years away from the Earth. 31. It was impossible to see anything clearly in the autumn twilight and Jerry could never be sure but he strongly suspected that a bent figure some two hundred yards ahead of him was familiar to him and he could not prevent wishing he had never knew that figure. 32. She has always preferred dresses in light colours - light-blue, light-green, or light-brown. She thought they were becoming to her. 33. "And as we know that she was there at 6.30 -" Poirot suddenly broke off and stopped. I knew him well enough and in a minute or two I realized that he saw now the whole train of events in the right light. 34. "Ah, here is something interesting!" Professor Challenger's voice came from beneath. "Dear me! My torch has gone out. Give me the light, someone, and quickly!" 35. Lanny lit a cigarette, thinking hard. The impression was that the village did not want his services any more. 36. "The power of superstition is really great, Hastings," Poirot went on. "Once you made people believe it was the curse of the tomb that killed four persons, you may murder a fifth in broad daylight - and they will say it was the curse." 37. The starlit night was so quiet, the soft wind was blowing so delicate scent of orchards, in full blossom from across the river that Dick felt an impulse to obey his instinct and forget but for a few minutes what had brought him here what he was expected to do. 38. They did not know what had prevented his coming. To break an appointment was not like Robert at all. There could be only two likely reasons why he should fail to turn up. But they just did not know. 39 - 40. "Yes, 1 ordered to do away with Carlo," said Don Corleone in a harsh voice. "I never quite liked guys like him to stand in my light. And I believe in the old saying that prevention is much better than cure. A lot cheaper too," added he after a short pause. D.

41. Armie held the handbag tight to her breast. The crowd whirled wildly around her, but she was only afraid of losing all her earnings. Scarce as they were, she could not imagine what she should do without those few dollars. 42. "I'm proud of my elder grandson," said Dr. Sandford." "He has been earning his living since he was 14 years old. At first he worked as a messenger boy at the local Post Office, and now he serves at Wrigley's as a senior clerk." 43. "You have earned fine life of your own. You've stayed in the cold too long. Do this last job, Mike, do it well, as you alone can do - and then come in and stay in the warm. The Service will never forget you." 44. Roger was a good soldier. He earned his Distinguished Service Medal at the outbreak of the war and by the time it was over he had had six other medals and crosses. 45. "Now be careful," said Hugo. "I'll do the talking. If necessary, you'll do the fighting." 46. "You can't really blame her, Elsie dear," said Mrs. Trockmorton. "She did her best to win the scholarship, but she never was quite good at doing sums, she was alwavs inclined to the Humanities. 47. Try and do away with alcohol and smoking. It will do you a world of good. 48. All I want is to be fair to him. Just give him a chance. It will do you no harm, but for him it can make all the difference in the world. 49. It will never do to expect others make mistakes. You must do your duty and nothing must prevent your doing it well. 50. Could you do me a favour? - Sure. What is it? - I want you to follow Aunt Emily's advice. It won't do to disobey her. 51. In this kind of job you've got to do with odd people, sometimes. 52. Congratulations, Harry! You did it!

Ex. 3. Paraphrase the sentences using words from Vocabulary Notes:

1. Excuse me, sir, Ella is busy waiting upon the customers. She will be free in a quarter of an hour. 2. Dessert comes at the end of dinner. 3. He used an upturned ammunition box for a desk and quickly wrote several messages. 4. You will have to take your English exam anew and it will be fair, as you've stayed away from most of the classes this term. 5. Colonel Weatherman has been in the Army for 35 years. At first his regiment was stationed in India and then he did his duty in West Africa. 6. She's recovered fully and doesn't need a doctor any more. 7. D'Artagnan sent his brave valet, Planchet, to England because he knew the way to London and was able to say, "My master is Lord D'Artagnan". 8. The tune sounded as though I had already heard it before but I wasn't able to recollect the words. 9. I think I know the face of that woman over there, but I haven't the slightest idea why I should. 10. We've been friends since we went to school together and I know all his family rather well. II. The performance influenced Charles greatly and he couldn't go to sleep till half past one. 12. The singer's unique voice and her charming manner affected the audience deeply.

13.The sensation was unpleasant as if somebody were secretly watching her.

The old palace, though partly ruined by centuries, was still magnificent and evoked in spectators the feeling of awe. 15. After you've seen this young man you can't help thinking that he is rather awkward and self-conscious. 16. If you really want to study in our Academy, you will have to observe its rules and do exactly what your superiors tell you to do. 17. I will give you no advice, as I know too well that you never do as you're advised. 18. I thought I could get some money working as a baby-sitter, but the child proved to be too naughty and I can't do a thing with him. 19. The inmates of John Grier's asylum were well bred and submissive to their tutors. 20. The candle was going out and it was getting rather dark in the room. 21. Jane stood on the pavement, looking at the big house. It was so jolly with all the lamps on and the windows shining brightly in the dark of the night. 22. "Incredible! Impossible!" The chief Inspector was-literally storming. "The crime was committed at about two o'clock in the afternoon, in one of the busiest thoroughfares of the city. A lot of people had to be around and yet you say you can't find anyone able to give you a description of the alleged murderer!" 23. "Turn on the chandelier, Johnson, and please leave us," said Lord Balfur to his lackey. 24. "But I thought, sir, the case had been closed long ago," said Detective Baxter hesitatingly. - "Right you are, Baxter," answered the Chief Inspector, "but some new evidence has been found and it makes us review the case." 25. He is a worthy man who keeps others from doing wrong, as this is much better than to correct the wrong already done. 26. Jill was not able to finish the report because she fell seriously ill. 27. The match was postponed because of the heavy rain that struck the city that night. 28. He's been working for Philip Morris Inc. for the last four years and his salary, as far as I know, is very good by local standards. 29. Sergeant Malcolm has got the man all ' right, sir, and I think he deserves a holiday. 30. Did you manage to see the British Museum, dear, when you were in London last month? 31. Where are our guests? - Oh, they have gone to see the sights and will soon be back. 32.1 adore the way Julia dresses her hair. She looks so beautiful, doesn't she? 33. He told me he would do everything in his power to finish the work in time. 34. My elder son is now in college. - And what about his progress there? - I'm quite satisfied. His marks are very good. 35. You should give up such bad habits if you want to become a gentleman.

Ex. 4. Translate into English using words and word combinations from Vocabulary Notes:

1. - Що ти збираєшся завтра робити? - запитала Мег, порушуючи мовчанку.

- Завтра я проводжаю свою найкращу подругу-. Вона відлітає до Америки. А сьогодні вона влаштовує прощальну вечерю. Ти прийдеш? - спитала Лорі.

- Я з нею зовсім не знайома. До того ж, мене ніхто не запрошував, -відповіла Мег, переступаючи з ноги на ногу.

- Годі, там буде повно народу, і майже ніхто нікого не знає, - змахнула рукою Лорі у відповідь.

- Як це?

- Енні, моя подруга, хоче справити незабутнє враження на всіх перед своїм від'їздом.

- Нащо їй це? Ти ж казала, що вона заробляє себе на прожиток, працюючи служницею. Навряд чи вона зможе дозволити собі таку вечірку, - з сумнівом у голосі додала Мег.

- Вона бажає, щоб їй усі заздрили, й не пошкодує ані сил, ані коштів, - з загадковою посмішкою повідомила Лорі.

Навряд чи ця вечірка варта таких зусиль.

2.- Ти вже надіслала свою рекомендацію до туристичної фірми, про яку ти згадувала минулого тижня? Ні. Я взагалі гадаю, що така робота не про мене. Мій друг Джек пролив світло на роботу в цих туристичних агенціях. Це справило на мене велике враження. 'Я вирішила послухатися його поради, і відправила автобіографію в одну з найбільших торговельних компаній. Гадаю, що така робота мені більше знайома. Колись я вже працювала продавцем у великому торговельному центрі. Мене там вважати дуже сумлінним і ком\'нікабельним співробітником.

3.-Завжди простіше довірити свій секрет незнайомій людині, наприклад,
випадковому попутникові. По-перше, ви ніколи більше не зустрінетесь, і
вам не буде прикро за власну хвилинну слабкість. По-друге, випадкові
попутники нічого про вас не знають, і ви можете переказувати події у
вигіднішому для вас світлі. І, нарешті, ви можете справити враження
товариської людини, навіть якщо таким вас ніхто з ваших знайомих не
вважає. Вам будуть заздрити й захоплюватися вашою спритністю й