I. Give the notions for the following definitions:

  1. morning paper delivery by a teenager to the door of the reader
  2. a few lines printed underneath a picture
  3. special article containing the most important information
  4. the way in which the parts of a piece of writing are arranged
  5. regular section in a newspaper written by the same person
  6. someone employed by a newspaper, TV, etc to report news from a particular area or on a particular subject
  7. the leading editorial article in the newspaper
  8. person who writes articles that give a judgement on a book/play/TV show, etc
  9. funny story told in pictures
  10. magazine for people with a particular interest


II. Use the appropriate prepositions:

  1. to write … a simple style
  2. to be strong … investigative journalism
  3. to be referred … as “the fourth estate”
  4. to occupy a certain position … the right-left spectrum
  5. to make … a total … 200 pages
  6. to express the forthright views … political issues
  7. to sell … a larger readership
  8. to give a lot of coverage … human interest stories
  9. the right … privacy
  10. to be renowned… smth




  1. morning paper round
  2. caption
  3. feature
  4. lay-out
  5. column
  6. correspondent
  7. leader
  8. reviewer
  9. comic strip
  10. journal


  1. to write in a simple style
  2. to be strong on investigative journalism
  3. to be referred to as “the fourth estate”
  4. to occupy a certain position on the right-left spectrum
  5. to make up a total of200 pages
  6. to express the forthright views onpolitical issues
  7. to sell to a larger readership
  8. to give a lot of coverage to human interest stories
  9. the right to privacy
  10. to be renowned for smth




I. Give the notions for the following definitions:

  1. printed announcement about smbd’s death
  2. special article which gives the opinion of the editor on a particular topic
  3. number of copies of a newspaper/magazine sold to the public
  4. report or description of a film/play before it is shown to the general public
  5. person who is in charge of all the journalists and who is responsible for making decisions about the contents of the paper’s articles
  6. person who finds out and writes about news events for a newspaper/radio/TV
  7. photographer who specializes in camera shots of famous people
  8. column informing about private lives of famous people
  9. someone who writes a column in a newspaper/magazine to reply to readers who have written to the paper for advice in their personal problems
  10. person who writes a regular article commenting on politics, current affairs, etc for a newspaper or magazine


II. Use the appropriate prepositions:

  1. to set limits … smth
  2. invasion … privacy
  3. to have a high reputation … smth
  4. to be liable … smth
  5. wide coverage … international affairs
  6. to be noted … smth
  7. to attract readres … all costs
  8. to appeal … the educated middle-classes
  9. to cater … smbd
  10. to specialize … smth



  1. obituary
  2. editorial
  3. circulation
  4. preview
  5. editor
  6. reporter
  7. paparazzo
  8. gossip column
  9. Agony Aunt
  10. columnist


  1. to set limits onsmth
  2. invasion ofprivacy
  3. to have a high reputation forsmth
  4. to be liable for smth
  5. wide coverage ofinternational affairs
  6. to be noted for smth
  7. to attract readres at all costs
  8. to appeal to the educated middle-classes
  9. to cater for smbd
  10. to specialize in smth



Give synonyms to the following words and word combinations:

  1. to show/transmit
  2. to forbid, esp. by law
  3. to keep oneself from expressing an opinion
  4. to set up a channel
  5. fairness/objectivity
  6. to get money from
  7. low-quality commercial
  8. to be equal to many millions
  9. reporting of events
  10. TV production


Give the English for the following:

  1. соответствовать определенным требованиям
  2. иметь доступ к телевидению
  3. взимать налоги
  4. быть в эфире
  5. потерять доверие аудитории
  6. разборчивый телезритель
  7. подробное освещение новостей
  8. непристойный материал
  9. выпуски новостей
  10. брать интервью в прямом эфире