Match the words having the opposite meaning
trust | waste |
accurate | lack of faith |
timely | inexact |
metropolitan | inopportune |
save | local |
11.5. Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them into Russian:
1. Just 25,2 percent were the products of...
2. Of that number, 38 percent said that...
3. The percentage was higher among editors of lifestyle, ...
11.6. Complete the sentences with the words in the box:
Public relations 1) ______________ provide most of the 2) ______________used in the 3) ______________today. It also mentions the areas of 4) _________________that often contribute to an 5) ______________atmosphere. An important part of the relationship is based on mutual 6) _________________and 7) ___________.
11.7. Insert prepositionson; for; of; to; upon; with where necessary.
The chapter begins_____a review_____how reporters and public relations people are mutually dependent_____each other_____accomplishing their respective goals. It also mentions_____areas_____friction that often contribute_____an adversial atmosphere. The reporter cannot depend_____legwork alone to satisfy his paper's insatiable demand_____news.
12. Agree or disagree:
üPublic relations sources provide most of the information used in the media today.
üPublic relations materials save media outlets the time, money, and effort of gathering their own news.
Yes, that's true.
There I agree completely.
I don't think that's quite right.
I'm afraid I don't agree
That's not quite so...
As far as I know...
13. Render the following item in English:
Связь со средствами массовой информации или прессой являются самой важной и цельной частью паблик рилейшнз. Взаимное доверие и уважение между организацией и средствами массовой информации являются необходимой основой для хороших отношений. Необходимо уважать неприкосновенность и традиционную свободу прессы, которая определяет ее значимость, однако все это не мешает искать сотрудничества с прессой для дальнейшего решения проблем паблик рилейшнз.
Unit Six

Not everybody knows that advertising appeared many many centuries ago. Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. Commercial messages and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii and ancient Arabia. Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Wall or rock painting for commercial advertising is another manifestation of an ancient advertising form, which is present to this day in many parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. The tradition of wall painting can be traced back to Indian rock art paintings that date back to 4000 BCE. History tells us that Out-of-Home advertising and Billboards are the oldest forms of advertising. Look at the picture (1). This old advertisement was found in Japan. Women didn’t have rights and that’s why the man is shown on the ads poster. So, we can come to conclusion that the MAN is the beginner of advertising.
2. Now try to give the definition to the termadvertisement.
3. What words connected with the termadvertising do you know? “Put”
them into your case:
4. Read the new words and add them to your dictionary:
to annoy | раздражать |
commercial | реклама на телевидении |
to broadcast | транслировать |
immense | огромный |
to absorb | поглощать |
vast sum | огромная сумма |
community | общественность |
to influence smth | влиять (на) |
to purchase | покупать |
to persuade | убеждать |
household devices | бытовые приборы |
building materials | строительные материалы |
electronic equipment | электронное оборудование |
cosmetics [koz ´metiks] | косметика |
5. Fill in with the missed letters:eq……nt, to pe….de, ho..….d de…es, to
br..…st, co…..ty, co……al, co…..cs, im…e, v..t
6. Match the words with their synonyms:
immense | toconvince |
to absorb | home appliances |
to annoy | to transmit |
to persuade | society |
building materials | to irritate |
household devices | construction supplies |
to influence | advertisement |
to purchase | huge |
cosmetics | to buy |
to broadcast | to affect |
commercial | make-up |
community | to swallow up |
7. Read and translate the text: