Read the text and find the English equivalents of the expressions in the text

Дауыстың көп бөлігі, жоғары деңгейге көтерілу, толық шеттетілуге негізделген, толық келісім, қайтадан тырысып көру, демократиялық тенденциялар, латын америкасы халқының саны, білімді халық, дауыс беруге құқығы болу.

A Vote Decided by Big Turnout and Big Discontent With GOP

By Alec MacGillis and Jon Cohen

Washington Post Staff Writers, Wednesday, November 5, 2008


In building his sweeping electoral majority yesterday, Sen. Barack Obama capitalized on a tidal wave of disenchantment with President Bush, deep worry about the economy, and seismic demographic shifts away from the Republican Party among young people, Hispanics and college-educated voters. View Only Top Items in This Story

As expected, the election appeared to produce record turnout, with long lines outside polling stations in many states, on top of record-breaking early voting, in which roughly a third of eligible voters cast their ballots before Election Day. In North Carolina alone, turnout increased from 54 percent to 61 percent of the electorate about 800,000 voters. But exit polls suggested that Obama was able to win with a less dramatic surge in young voters and African Americans than many had expected.

Thirty-two percent of voters in last night's preliminary exit poll results described themselves as Republicans, compared with 40 percent who identified themselves as Democrats. Four years ago, the numbers for the two parties were equal.

But if the electorate showed some of the usual fissures over how to move forward in a difficult time, it was in widespread agreement over what it did not want: a continuation of Republican Party rule in the White House. That was a judgment Sen. John McCain was unable to escape, despite repeated attempts to separate himself from Bush. Among independents, Obama scored a six-point advantage. And nearly one in five voters who voted for Bush in 2004 said they went for Obama, double the proportion of John F. Kerry's voters in 2004 who voted yesterday for McCain.

Although ideological identification appeared stable, there were significant shifts in the demographic undercurrents. Two-thirds of the Hispanic vote went to Obama, compared with 53 percent for Kerry in the last presidential race despite many worries among Democrats that Obama would not be able to win over Hispanic voters who had favored Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton during the primary season.

The Hispanic margin represents a particular blow to the Bush coalition -- Bush and his advisers had taken pride in building up their share of the Hispanic vote to 44 percent in 2004. But Hispanics have since been moving away from Republicans amid the often-harsh debate over immigration reform.

Of the three-quarters of the electorate who were white, the early exit polls showed that about 43 percent voted for Obama, roughly in line with the white vote for Kerry in 2004, Al Gore in 2000 and Bill Clinton in 1996.

But Obama nearly tied with McCain among white voters who had some college education, a group Bush won in 2004 by 11 points. This suggested acceleration of a trend that has been underway for at least a decade, as more and more college-educated white suburban professionals have been moving toward the Democrats. This improved showing by Obama was particularly relevant in Virginia and Colorado, the only two of the 10 states in the country with the highest rates of college education that Kerry lost.

Obama's strong performance with college-educated whites helped explain how he was able to build a lead. He lost this group by 18 points a small improvement over Kerry's performance. But the group's share of the electorate dropped by four points and he was able to hold his losses with the group to a manageable level. Some of the credit may belong to union voters in states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania, where Democrats had worried about his prospects. Union members voted for Obama at the same rate as they had for Kerry, about 60 percent.

As expected, Obama won nearly the entire African American vote, about 95 percent, compared with the 88 percent share that Kerry won. With turnout up overall, the surge in black turnout resulted in only a two-point increase in the black proportion of the electorate, from 11 percent to 13 percent. Overall, only about one in 10 voters said race was an important factor in deciding whom to pick and a majority of them voted for Obama.

McCain's diminished performance among minority voters underscored the challenge for Republicans in a country that is expected to lose its white majority by 2042. Although the share of younger voters did not surge over 2004's figure, the rate of voters younger than 30 who voted for the Democrats increased to 66 percent, a 12-point increase.

Translate the words.

To capitalize, disenchantment, turnout, surge, attempt, acceleration, relevant, overall, to diminish, prospect, undercurrent, shift.


2.3 State whether the following statements True or False. Give the right answer to the false.

1. Senator Barack Obama capitalized on a tidal wave of disenchantment with President Bush, deep worry about the economy, and seismic demographic shifts.

2. He constructed a coalition, based above all on a rejection of the Demographic brand of the last eight years and a desire for change.

3. Two-thirds of the Hispanic vote went to Kerry, compared with 53 percent for Obama in the last presidential race.

4. Hispanic voters didn’t like Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton during the primary season.

5. Some of the credit may belong to union voters in states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania, where Democrats had never worried about his prospects.

6. Obama won nearly the entire African American vote, about 95 percent, compared with the 88 percent share that Kerry won.

7. Although the share of younger voters did not surge over 2004's figure, the

rate of voters younger than 30 who voted for the Republicans increased to 66

percent, a 12-point increase.

8. Exit polls suggested that Obama was able to win with a less dramatic surge in old voters and the Hispanics.