Gang breaks into kindergarten through hole in the wall
4. A. Read the main body of the article that has been written based on the notes in Exercise 2 correct?
... Manager Jacqui Mayes, 27, said: “We were so shocked we were targeted when we are just a nursery. They caused so much damage to get in. It seemed premeditated. It looks like they had the right equipment for the job.” Ms Mayes said her 20 staff at the kindergarten, which attended by 130 young children, were baffled by the highly professional raid. There’s no way anyone could have known how much money was in there and the safe could not be seen through the window as the glass is tinted. … |
B. In pairs look at the following possible introductions to the article (1 – 3). Choose the best one and discuss what is wrong with others.
Thieves broke into a nursery school yesterday and took whatever they could. According to a witness they must have used a wheelbarrow to move the loot. The criminals have vanished into thin air |
A burglary took place in Ipswich sometime yesterday. The thieves made a big hole in a wall they entered. It seems a certain amount of money was found and stolen. Police say they do not have any clues but they know these kinds of burglaries are quite common in the country. |
Staff at Ipswich private Kindergarten in Suffolk were shocked after thieves smashed a wall exactly where the safe was. The heavy cashbox containing about £1,200 was taken away in the nursery’s wheelie bin |
C. Now look at the following possible conclusions to the article (1 – 3). Choose the best one and discuss what is wrong with others.
The kindergarten joins the list of victims of crime in Britain. We hope the police catch the criminals soon. |
“One thing we have noticed is that our wheelie bin has been stolen,” she said. “We believe they used a wheelbarrow to move the safe from the office to the wheelie bin and the used the wheelie bin to take it away. Police have been here and the scene has been fingerprinted. We can only hope someone it caught for burglary.” A police spokesperson said: “We are doing all we can to catch the culprit.” |
The victims said they had noticed that their wheelie bin had been stolen and think it is connected to the burglary. The police have been to the kindergarten and are doing as much as possible to catch the thieves. |
5. Try and solve the lateral thinking problems. Follow these instructions:
1) Read each of them and make a note of any vocabulary which stops you understanding them.
2) Ask other students and check in a dictionary to find out the meaning of the unknown vocabulary.
3) Work with another student. Discuss ideas you have to explain each of the problems.

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Unit 10. Crime
1 Read the article and find out where the pickpocket usually worked and why he was caught this time. As you read, try to guess the missing words but don’t write them.