Exercise 17.Read the email. Choose the correct alternative
From: Nonna@zapnet.com
To: GHL@zapnet.com
Subject: International student conference
Hi! Thought you’d like to know that the conference was very successful. The talks (1) were / had been really interesting and all the speakers (2) had prepared / prepared their material very thoroughly. Everyone agreed we should do the same next year.
However, there were some problems with the conference centre. When we (3) arrived / had arrived, we (4) discovered / had discovered that the manager (5) reserved / had reserved the wrong room for us. This meant that we (6) didn’t have / hadn’t had enough space. Unfortunately, he couldn’t let us have the larger room because he (7) gave / had given it to another group, which was even bigger than ours.
He (8) also misunderstood / had also misunderstood the letter explaining what food we (9) wanted / had wanted. In fact, we (10) suspected / had suspected that he (11) lost / had lost it. I don’t recommend using that place again!
Exercise 18. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form.
1. When the waiter ___________ (bring) the bill I ___________ (realise) I ___________ (drop) my wallet somewhere.
2. My friend ___________ (offer) to pay but she ____________ (not have) any cash.
3. We ____________ (not notice) that the restaurant ____________ (not accept) credit cards when we ___________ (sit down).
4. I ___________ remember that on the way to the restaurant I ____________ (see) a branch of my bank very nearby.
5. My friend ___________ (wait) in the restaurant while I __________ (run) to the bank.
6. By the time I ___________ (get) there, the manager and most of the staff ___________ (go) home, but one of the windows was still open.
7. When I ___________ (explain) to the cashier that I ___________ (not have) my cheque book he ___________ (tell) me that someone __________ (bring) my wallet to the front desk ten minutes earlier.
8. By the time I __________ (get) back to the restaurant the manager __________ (phone) the police.
Exercise 19. There are mistakes in all of these sentences. Correct the sentences.
1. I was pleased to see my old college friends at the conference as we didn’t see each other since we finished our course.
2. By the time we reached the theatre, the play ended and the audience was leaving.
3. At the end of their meal, they found they couldn’t pay the bill because they didn’t bring any money with them.
4. We were pleased that James was having his laptop with him, but we were less pleased when we discovered that he hadn’t charged the battery.
5. When I came out of the cinema, I had found that a thief had taken my car radio.
6. At first the authorities thought the athlete had been taking drugs, but they soon realized they mixed up the results of the tests.
7. When my cousin came into the room, I didn’t recognize her because I didn’t see her since she was a little girl.
8. We couldn’t find a parking space when we reached the city centre, so we had decided to go by bus the next time.
Exercise 20.Complete the sentences. Check your answers with a partner. Discuss
The differences in meaning.
1. When I arrived at the barbecue, they _________ eating sausages.
When I arrived at the barbecue, they _________ eaten all the sausages.
2. We thanked our teacher for everything she _________ doing to help us past the test.
We thanked our teacher for everything she _________ done to help us pass the test.
3. He told me that they_________ staying at the Carlton Hotel.
He told me that they _________ stayed at the Carlton Hotel before.
4. ________ you learn Italian when you went to Italy?
________ you already learned Italian when you went to Italy?
5. ________ Shakespeare write Hamlet?
________ Hamlet written by Shakespeare?
Exercise 21. In pairs.
Student A: Read a statement on the left.
Student B: Answer with the correct response on the right.
Student A Student B
1. I didn’t laugh at this joke. a) Why? Had you left your passport
at home?
2. Were you surprised by the ending of the film? b) Why? Had you heard it before?
3. I went to the airport, but I couldn’t get on c) That’s a pity. Hadn’t you stayed
the plane. there before?
4. I was homesick the whole time I was living d) Really? I didn’t know he’d been
in France. married before.
5. The hotel where we stayed on holiday was e) Really? I thought you’d met
awful! before.
6. I met my girlfriend’s parents for the first time f) No, I’d read the book, so I already
last Sunday. knew the story.
7. My grandfather had two sons from his first g) That’s really sad! Had you never
marriage. lived abroad before?
I. Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в прошедшем времени, то в косвенной речи время глагола изменяется в соответствии с правилом согласования времён:
Present Simple => Past Simple
Present Continuous => Past Continuous
Present Perfect => Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous => Past Perfect Continuous
Past Simple => Past Perfect
Past Continuous => Past Perfect Continuous
Вспомогательный глагол будущего времени will заменяется на would.
“I write.” he wrote.
“I’m writing.” He said/told me … he was writing.
“I’ve written.” he had written.
“I’ve been writing.” he had been writing.
“I wrote.” he had written.
He said/told me …
“I was writing.” he had been writing.
“I will/would.” he would.
“I can/could.” He said/told me … he could.
“I must.” he had to.
“Do you work here?” if I worked there.
“When are you leaving?” He asked me … when I was leaving.
“Have you been to Rome?” if I had been to Rome.
“Come to my office.” He told me … to come to his office.
1. PastSimpleиPastContinuousвкосвеннойречимогутоставатьсябезизменения, когдауказано время совершения действия.
He said, “I began to learn English in 2013” He said that he began to learn English in
2. В разговорной речи все времена могут оставаться без изменения.
3. Не меняется время, и если утверждение до сих пор в силе.
“I’ll always love you,” she said. Shesaidshewillalwayslovehim.
II. Заменяются также некоторые наречия и местоимения.
this заменяется that
these на those
now then
today that day
tonight that night
tomorrow the next day
yesterday the day before
ago before
last week the week before
next week the following week
next year the following year
III. Способы передачи косвенной речи
Прямая речь Косвенная речь
1) утверждения и отрицания
“I like him,” she said. She said she liked him.
“I’m seeing him this evening,” she said. She said she was seeing him that evening.
“I’m not tired,” he said to her. He told her he wasn’t tired.
2) специальныевопросы
“How many channels are there?” he asked. He asked how many channels there were.
My friend asked, “What are you reading?” My friend wondered what I was reading.
3) общиевопросы
“Do you live in Moscow?” she asked me. She asked me if I lived in Moscow.
“Is satellite television very popular?” he asked. He asked whether satellite television
was popular.
4) повелительное наклонение, просьбы, предложения и т.п.
“Can you close the door, please?” he said. He asked me to close the door.
“Wait here,” he said. He told me to wait there.
5) глаголы, вводящиекосвеннуюречь:
say, tell smb, add, explain, complain, continue, inform, insist, note, mention, answer, reply, think, remind,ask, wonder,order, offer, promise, refuse, warn, agree, encourage, persuade, accept, refuse