Insert the corresponding form


Кафедра социально-гуманитарных дисциплин



П р а к т и ч е с к и й к у р с

Для студентов 5 курса специальности ОПУТ

І семестр


Донецьк 2014

“Практический курс делового английского языка для студентов 5 курса специальности ОПУТ (Семестр І)” рассмотрен и рекомендован для дистанционного обучения на заседании кафедры “Социально-гуманитарных дисциплин”. Протокол № 4 от 1 октября, 2014г.





канд. филол. наук, доцент В.В.Рыбенок (ДонИЖТ)

ст. преподаватель О.Л. Полонникова(ДонИЖТ




Самостійна робота студента охоплює вивчення слів і оборотів мови, переклад рідною мовою текстів, складання діалогів, монологічне мовлення за наданою ситуацією.


Методичні вказівки містять у собі вправи, лексичні та граматичні завдання, які зв`язані тематично, у додатку представлені зразки ділового листування та ділових документів, короткий словник скорочень, які зустрічаються у ділових документах.



Список літератури


1. Методичні вказівки з розвитку навичок професійного спілкування для студентів економічних спеціальностей з теми “Ділова англійська мова”, укладач доцент С.М. Донець. Харків 1998. № 1321


2. Методические указания по курсу «Деловой английский язык» для студентов 2-3 курсов (IV-VI семестры). Харьков 1996.


3. З.В. Данилова «Практичний курс ділової англійської мови (ділове спілкування, зразки ділових документів)”. Тернопіль 1998.


4. І.Б. Лутовінова «Розвиток навичок до різних видів читання з елементами комунікативної компетенції. Економіка (англійська мова). Харків 1999.


5. Е.Е. Израилевич «Деловая корреспонденция и документация на английском языке». М. 2001.


Lesson 1.What is Business English?

1. Read and translate the text “What is Business English”

Business English is a specialized area of English relating to the language used in business. Every year more and more people are studying courses in Business English to improve their chances of finding a job at home, career prospects and to be able to work in English speaking countries.

In a Business English course you will learn the vocabulary used in business and perform different business tasks to practice applying it. These include, for example, how to negotiate and business writing. Further topics include how to conduct meetings, how to give opinions, understanding job profiles and marketing vocabulary and writing letters and emails.

While business has its own vocabulary, specialized areas within business have their own (unique) vocabularies as well. Such areas include finance, politics, law and trade. English is the universal language of business, trade, politics and international law. The majority of Business English students study to improve their job prospects at home. Many companies like their staff to improve their English skills and send them to study at language schools.

The second great reason to study Business English is for living abroad in an English speaking country such as the UK, United States, Canada and Australia. There are many jobs that you can start after you have studied English to Advanced or Upper Intermediate level.

SoBusiness Englishis quite simply Englishyou need to conduct business in a professional manner. It provides you with the skills to write emails, produce reports, make presentations, negotiate with clients, participate in meetings and conferences, write letters and deal with clients on the telephone, etc. So, rather than focusing on general English for conversations and socialisingetc, Business English focuses on communication in business related situations.

2. Find English equivalents in the text.

Збільшити шанс, перспективи кар’єрного зростання, проводити переговори, листуватися, проводити зустрічі, висловлювати думку, навички з англійської мови, користь для бізнеса, вести бізнес, професійний рівень, складати звіти, ділова ситуація.

3. Business is compared with different things or notions. Express your point of view on the following quotations (write down 5-7 sentences).

1.”Business?It is quite simple: it’s other people’s money” (Alexander Damas)

2. “Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is a good art and good business is the best art” (Andy Warhol)

3. “Business is more exiting that any game” ( Lord Beaverbrook)

4.”Business is like oil. It won’t mix with anything but business”. (James Grahame)

4. Explain in the written form(5-7 sentences) why it is important to study Business English using the abovegiven information and the following scheme.

Business English

Language knowledge
Communication skills  


General language Grammar Vocabulary Specialist language Marketing Finance Human resources     General Communication Discussion and social listening Professional Communication Presentations Telephoning Negotiations

Grammar Revision

T h e o r y

1. The verb to be.

P r a c t i c e

1.Complete the sentences with to be in the right tense.
1. There (present) … a few chairs in the dining-room. 2. There (conditional) … some trouble if you went away. 3. There (present perfect) … terrible storms. 4. I think there (future) … lots of spectators. 5. There (past simple)… sunshine all the day long. 6. (Imperative) … less jealous, please, Andrew ! 7. There (past simple) … angry people in the street. 8. The best part of the menu (past simple) … the sweets. 9. (Imperative)… more courageous ! We must talk to him. 10. I (present) … a little taller than she is.
2. Choose the proper answer.

1. Not many people like _____ criticized.

A were B been C being D be

2. How long have you ____ waiting?

A be B been C being D were

3. Sorry I'm late. I'm afraid my bike's ____ stolen.

A been B were C being D be
4.You need a lot of qualifications _____ a doctor.

A being B to be C been D be

5.Don't worry about _____ attacked in the streets at night. This country is much safer than England.

A to be B been C being D be

6. I wouldn't mind _____ asked to do a difficult job if they paid me well for doing it.

A being B been C to be D be

7. I haven't seen you for ages. How have you ____ ?

A be B being C been D to be

8. Lucky Steve. He'll __ on the beach in the sun now.

A been B to be C being D be

9. I wouldn't like _____ in your shoes right now. What a terrible situation!

A being B been C be D to be

10. Has anything ____ said about the plans for the trip to Bath next weekend?

A be B to be C been D being

Insert the corresponding form.

1.My uncle … a director of the large company. He … often on a business trip.Yesterday he … in France.Tomorrow he … in England.Last week he … in Spain.Now he … at home with his family.His daughters … so much exсited.

4. TranslateintoEnglish, using there +be in the corresponding tense form.

1.На другому поверсі універмагу знаходяться 2 відділи жіночого вбрання. 2. Потягом останніх років було багато досліджень щодо визначення характеристик успішного бізнесмена. 3. На першому поверсі магазину був розташований відділ косметики, де споживачі могли придбати продукцію провідних брендів. 4. В Україні існує кілька видів компаній. 5. У 20 столітті було багато наукових відкриттів у сфері комп’ютерних технологій.


Lessons 2-3”Businessman’s Day”

1.Read and translate the text ”Businessman’s Day”
Businessman’s Day
To run a successful business, large and small companies need to hire personnel responsible for various clerical duties that are performed in the company's main offices. These office work duties can include answering incoming phone calls from the company's main customer base as well as entering large amounts of client information on a computer database every work day.
A lot of work is done by the directors as well as office workers in small departments. Here is a daily program of a sales manager of a joint venture. Maksym Cherednyk is a manager in a big trade firm. His firm sells the goods in various countries. In the morning he always goes to his office in Donetsk. His office hours begin at 9 a.m. He’s got much work to do every day and to deal with different business matters.
When he came to his office in the morning he usually has a look at his diary. His daily engagements and appointments are always fixed in the diary. During the day Mr. Cherednyk looks through the daily mail such as business letters (offers, enquires, etc.), cables, as well as the latest catalogues for goods from various companies and speaks on the phone with the customers. Besides, Mr. Chrerednyk looks through fresh newspapers. He takes much interest in the latest political and business news.
Every day the manager receives businessmen, managers and engineers from home and foreign firms and has business talks with them. They discuss a lot of problems: prices for different goods, terms of payment, shipment and delivery. He also makes appointments with his business partners. Sometimes he goes to factories with the inspectors, but sometimes stays in the office and discusses business matters with a director or customers.
Maksym Cherednyk goes to different cities to discuss business with their customers or he is on business to different countries. He frequently meets with the representatives of English and French firms. Now he is away on business abroad. He is in Britain visiting London. Mr.Cherednyk’s company is going to do business with the leading computer manufacturer in Britain and overseas.
2. Write down the transcription of the words and learn them by heart.

Business – комерційна діяльність, рід занять, бізнес
-do (run) business – вести торгівлю (комерцію), займатися підприємницькою діяльністю
-go (be) on business (trip) – поїхати у відрядження
-discuss business – обговорювати ділові питання
-business matters – справи, ділові питання
-business partners – ділові партнери
2.businessman – підприємець, ділова людина – керувати
-direct business – керувати підприємством, компанією; syn. to run a company
- director – директор, керівник
4. sales manager – завідувач відділу з продажу
5. an office worker – службовець; syn. an employee, a white collar worker
6. a deal – погодження, угода; syn. transaction
-to deal with – мати справу з…
6.joint – спільний, об'єднаний
-joint venture – спільне підприємство
-joint stock company – акціонерне товариство
7.engagement – справа, заняття, зобов'язання
8.appointment – зустріч, побачення
-make appointment – призначати зустріч
9. look through – переглядати
10.mail – пошта
-snail - mail – звичайна пошта (snail - равлик)
11. offer – пропозиція
12. enquiry – запит
13 receive – приймати когось; отримувати
14. customer – клієнт, замовник
15.representative – представник
16.price – ціна
17.terms of payment – умови оплати – постачання, доставка
19.inspector – приймальник
20. abroad – за кордоном, syn. overseas
21.manufacture – виробництво,виготовлення
-manufacturer – виробник
3. Write down the answers to the questions
What duties does clerical work include?
What is Maksym Cherednyk’s profession?
What does his firm sell?
What does he start the work with?
What else does he do during his working day?
Why is it important to go on business abroad?
4. Translate into English
Пан Головко – менеджер. Він працює у торговій формі. Його фірма продає товари в різні країни. Пан Головко часто зустрічається з представниками англійських та французьких фірм. Вони обговорюють ціни, умови оплати та постачання. Робочий день пана Головка починається о 8 ранку. У нього завжди багато роботи: він переглядає пошту, читає телеграми та листи, спілкується по телефону із замовниками. Після обіду він залишається в офісі й обговорює ділові питання з інженерами або директором.
5.Translate the names of officials
Senior engineer, Factory Manager, Client Services Manager, Personnel Director, Office Manager, Human Resources Manager, Research and Development Manager, Production Director
6. Make your visiting card and present it to me.
7.You and your former schoolmate meet after a long period of time. Both of you run business. Ask each other questions concerning your work. Write 7-10 replies.
Possible questions:
1. Where do you work? What are you?
2. What’s the name of your company?
3.What goods does your company deal with?
4.What’s your position in the company?
5.When do your office hours begin?
6.How large is the staff of you company?
7.What do you usually do in your office in the morning?
8.Have you partners?
9.Are many foreign companies interested in your goods?
10.What matters do you usually discuss with foreign businessmen?
11.What countries do you visit on business?
Grammar Revision
T h e o r y
1.The noun (Possessive Case, Number)
2.Indefinite tense forms
P r a c t i c e
1.Put the nouns in plural where it is possible.
Manufacturer, luggage, cargo, man-writer ,physics, branch, goods, delivery, businesswoman, enquiry, information, wages, datum, paper, company, news, family-name, department, factory, knowledge, criterion, economics, progress, people, money.
2.Put the nouns in possessive case
1.A diary of Mr. Horin. 2.A letter of my boss. 3.The room of managers. 4. Names of salesmen. 5.The advice of Miss Olha. 6.The proposal of Our Director. 7.A call from Mykola Rudyk. 8.The working day of a businessman. 9. The reports of representatives.
3.Translate using the nouns in possessive case.
1. Ресурсів землі цілком достатньо, щоб задовольнити матеріальні потреби людей. 2. Підписи цих осіб не підтверджені компанією. 3. Секретаря звати Олена Петрівна. 4. Це офіс пана Гриценка. 5. Представник компанії запропонував розглянути проект.6. Підприємство повинне задовольнити вимоги споживачів. 7. Будь ласка, дайте мені листи клієнтів.
4. Make the compound nouns and translate into Ukrainian
Ex News, paper – newspaper ( газета)
1)Scraper, sky; 2) light, sky 3) side, road 4)book, text; 5) guide, method; 6) air, craft;7) chair, man; 8)rail ,way; 9)post, office; 10)police, man; 11) home, work; 12) gentle, man; 13) green, house; 14) house, wife.
5. Insert the corresponding tense forms and translate into Ukrainian
1.Small office/home office (or SOHO) (to refer) to the category of business that (to involve) from 1 to 10 workers (present indefinite). 2. Most businesses (to be) small, and the paperwork that (accompany) them (to be limited) (past indefinite). 3. Administrative and managerial workers usually (to occupy) set areas within the office building, and (to be provided) with desks, PCs and other equipment they (may need) within these areas (present indefinite). 4. An office clerk (to communicate) with customers, employees, and other individuals to answer questions, (to disseminate) or (to explain) information, (to take) orders, etc (present indefinite). 5. The hotel porters (to help) you carry your luggage (future indefinite).


Lesson 4


І. Act out dialogues on the basis of the following situation:

You’ve just visited the British pavilion at the international exhibition in London and become interested in the Model A 25 machines. Tell the Sale Manager of the British Company about your impressions of the machines.


II. Write 2 letters in accordance with the given assignments.

1. Inform the company that you are the Buyers of chemical equipment and you would like to receive their quotation and the latest catalogues.

2. Answer to enquiry.

The Seller wants to get in touch with the manufacturing plant in order to find out whether the machines are still available for sale.


III. Draw up a draft contract, concerning the purchase of pumps.


IV. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Вони купили обладнання у цій фірмі, тому що ці товари високої якості.

2. Ціни на сучасному ринку дуже високі і залежать від попиту та пропозиції.

3. Вони склали угоду місяць тому, а завтра вони підпишуть її.

4. Ваша фірма прийняла участь у виставці, яка проходила у Лондоні.


V. Translate this text into Ukrainian


Marketing Management


Marketing management is purposeful-those in it are attempting to accomplish organizational objectives such as dollar profit, share of market, political candidate’s success, charity donation goals, etc. The most common goal is profit, but it is not the goal in all situations.

Marketing management is designed to satisfy the needs or wants of constituencies; for managements to achieve organizational goals, some constituency must buy a product , service, or idea from the organization.

Marketing management involves trade-offs-an organization is resources (dollars, skills, location, costs) impose limits on how well it can meet the requirements of its customers. No organization can be all things to all people. Thus, marketing managers must decide upon a specific customer group to whom to cater (called the market target) and decide of the several alternative possibilities it will offer to that group.

Marketing management is competitive – with rare exceptions, organizations must compete for the attention, initial patronage, and continues patronage of their customers Sometimes the competition is very direct and sometimes very indirect. Usually there is a spectrum of competitive offerings a manager must “better” to obtain and maintain customers` patronage.

Marketing decision making can be improved via a combination of experience and academic discipline; while only a few-would maintain marketing management is a science, most knowledgeable individuals would agree that there are some conventional wisdom and “fundamental concepts”.

Marketing does not equal selling, nor does equal advertising. Marketing is an approach to improving the relationship between an organization and its existing clientele.


VI. In each of the following, select the word or phrase that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. Which one of the following statements is true?

a) Personnel management is usually a staff position in most small businesses.

b) The smaller the business, the less important personnel management is.

c) The personnel function should be clearly understood in any busyness;

d) When a business is small, good working relationships between employees and the employer take care of themselves.

2. Most people work because they

a) have to in order to eat;

b) want to make a contribution and fell recognized and appreciated;

c) feel they will be punished if they do not work;

d) all of these reasons apply to some individuals.


Lesson 5


I. Act out dialogues on the basis of the following situation:

At the commercial centre of the exhibition of engines you are having talks with Mr. James who is interested in buying your engines. Ask him about his impressions of the exhibition. Discus the price, terms of payment, delivery dates.


II. Write 2 letters in accordance with the given assignments.

1. Let the company know that their terms of payment and delivery suit you. But you cannot place an order with them as their prices are too high.

2. Letter expressing gratitude for assistance and hospitality. You look froward to receiving their offer for the various machine tools selected by you. You thank for the assistance and hospitality afforded them.


III. Draw up a draft contract, concerning the purchase of passenger coaches.


IV. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Вам необхідно відкрити акредитив у банку до кінця місяця.

2. Вони склали угоду 2 тижні тому, а сьогодні вони вже підписали її.

3. Ви можете надати нам скидку, якщо ми купимо 10 комп`ютерів.

4. Наш менеджер закінчив переговори з нагоди продажу і купівлі комп`ютерів.


V. Translate this text into Ukrainian