Choose the most suitable verb

1.There is/are several institutes in our town. 2. There is/are a branch of Vladimir state University and two branches of Moscow Universities in Murom. 3. There is/are two programs in each department. 4. There is/are a full-time department, an evening department and a correspondence one. 5. There is/are students who pay for their education. 6. There is/are five departments at our university. 7. There is/are the department of law and social technologies, the department of economics and management, the department of radio electronics and computer systems, the information technologies department, the mechanical engineering department. 8. There is/are several subdepartments at each faculty. 9. There is/are two degrees in the department of law and social technologies. 10. There is/are a dean at the head of each faculty. 11. There is/are students who do not pay fees for their education. 12. There is/are many books in the library. 13. There is/are a computer centre in the institute. 14. There is/are many classrooms and laboratories in our institute. 15. There is/are many good students in our group.


45. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the structure there is (there are) in Present, Past, Future.

1. There ______ many students at our Institute. 2. There ______ two departments at Murom Institute some years ago. 3. There ______ more students at our Institute next year. 4. There ______ fewer subdepartments at our Institute several years ago. 5. There ______ degrees in more areas in the department of law and social technologies soon. 6. There ______ Bachelor degrees in four areas in the department of radio electronics and computer systems. 7. There ______ no students who paid for their education many years ago. 8. There ______ one Institute in Murom some years ago. 9. There ______ a full-time program and an evening one some years ago. 10. There ______ five departments at our Institute. 11. There ___ a ful-time program, part-time program, and a correspondence one in each department now. 12. There ___ more books in the institute library soon. 13. There ___ less free time when you become a first year student. 14. There ___ fewer professors and associate professors some years ago. 15. There ___ many smart students at our institute.


Translate the following.

1. They are a full-time program, part-time program, and a correspondence one. 2. Such as the department of law and social technologies, the department of economics and management, the department of radio electronics and computer systems, the information technologies department, the mechanical engineering department. 3. These are law and social work. 4. Among them are radio engineering; home radioelectronic apparatus; computers, systems and networks; computer engineering and computer aided system software. 5. For example labs, reading rooms and computer centres.


Say it in English.

1. На каждом факультете есть несколько форм обучения. Это – дневная, вечерняя и заочная форм обучения. 2. На каждом факультете есть дневная, вечерняя и заочная форм обучения. 3. В институте есть студенты, которые платят за обучение. 4. В Муромском институте есть несколько факультетов, такие как: факультет права и социальных технологий, факультет экономики и менеджмента, факультет радиоэлектроники и компьютерных систем, факультет информационных технологий, факультет машиностроения. 5. В нашем институте есть факультет радиоэлектроники и компьютерных систем, факультет машиностроения, факультет экономики и менеджмента, факультет права и социальных технологий. 6. На каждом факультете имеется несколько степеней. 7. На факультете права и социальных технологий есть степень бакалавра по двум областям. Среди них: юриспруденция и социальная работа. 8. Во главе каждого института имеется руководитель. 9. В нашем городе есть филиал Владимирского государственного университета. 10. В нашем городе имеется несколько институтов. Это – два Московских филиала и один Владимирский. 11. В институте есть студенты, которые не платят за свою учебу. 12. В Муромском институте есть две степени. Это – степень бакалавра и степень магистра. 13. В нашем институте имеется пять факультетов, такие как факультет информационных технологий, факультет радиоэлектроники и компьютерных систем, факультет машиностроения, факультет экономики и менеджмента, факультет права и социальных технологий. 14. На машиностроительном факультете есть степень бакалавра. 15. В нашем городе есть Муромский институт Владимирского государственного университета.