State whether the following statements are true or false

1. The interviewee should research the company and the position if possible, as well, the people he/she will meet with at the interview.

2. Interviewee shouldn’t maintain eye contact with his/her interviewer and show that he/she wants the job.

3. In particular, interviewee must avoid negative comments about past employer.

4. Interviewee mustn’t encourage the interviewer to share information about his or her company and demonstrate his/her interest.

5. Icebreakers, such as commenting on a picture or relating interviewee’s hobbies or interests to an obvious interest of the employer, can’t work to his/her advantage.

6. Asking questions in the meeting will give interviewee a greater understanding of the company and will show his/her interest.

7. Many companies have relaxed the internal company dress code, interviews still do not follow the conservative standard.

8. An interview that coerces the subject into giving unwilling answers is a charade of an honest conversation.

9. Since the interview is likely to be part of an ongoing re­lationship, behaving responsibly and honorably will serve one well in future interactions.

10. The temptation is es­pecially great if interviewee’s welfare isn’t at stake.


Give some examples of body language cues and their possible interpretations.

1. Crossed arms

2. Fidgeting, running tongue along teeth, playing with hair or jewelry, or tapping feet

3. Lack of eye contact or, conversely, staring too intently without breaking a gaze

4. Leaning back

5. Clasping hands behind the head while leaning back

6. Leaning forward

7. Smiling or attempting to be humorous

8. Eye contact with occasional, natural breaks in the stare

9. Nodding while listening

10. Open palms

6. Determine what norms appear to operate in the specific role-playing situation. How might these norms be adhered to and violated in terms of the expected and enacted roles of the interviewer and respondent?



Manager: Paul, one of the supervisors in the computer services department has asked to see you about what he says really “a problem”. You are not really sure what the problem is, but you have heard that he is having personnel problems in this department. In thinking through the approach you might take Paul, what things should you consider?

Employee: You are one of the supervisors in the computer services department. You have arranged to meet with your manager about a personnel problem concerning one of your employees. The problem is that this employee is competent in the job that he performs and you really depend on him to get things done. However, he makes life miserable for everyone. He has a very negative approach towards the other employees and communicates a very “superior” attitude. Just the other day you asked him to consult with one of the other employees before making a program revision. He did this, but the other employee was so upset with his approach that she came to you about the problem. This is really a dilemma for you because on one hand this employee does the job well, but on the other hand he causes real conflict in the department.

You really want the manager to solve the problem for you. So, you continually ask him, “What would you do?” “I need some advice”. If the manager begins to use an approach that gets you to “solve your own problem”, then begin to think what you can do.




1. Atkins J. R.. What Your Body Language Tells Interviewers // (20.03.2007)

2. Beamer L., Varner I. Intercultural communication in the global workspace. P.157-440.

3. Career Library. 10 Steps to a Successful Interview // (02. 03. 2007)

4. Caverly J. Interviewing tips // (20.03.2007)

5. Conan N. Ten critical success factors (24. 02. 2007)

6. Dressing for success in Interviews (24. 02. 2007)

7. Interview (24. 02. 2007)

8. Needleman S.E. Tips of Interviewing (02. 03. 2007)

9. Schieffer B. Mastering an Interview // (02. 03. 2007)

10. Stewart, Charles J., Cash William B. Interviewing: Principles and Practices. 5th ed. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown, 1988.

11. Tips For Job Seekers Employment Interviewing / Types of Interviews (02. 03. 2007)

12. Tubbs. Human Communication.




Knowledge check

Task 3 1f; 2i; 3j; 4h; 5g; 6k; 7e; 8d; 9b; 10c; 11a
Skill builder
Task2 1(6); 2(1);3(7,5); 4(10); 5(4); 6(9,2); 7(3); 8(11); 9(8); 10(12)
Task 2 1,3,6,8,9-true; 2,4,5,7,10-false.



Малик Галина Дмитрівна


Методичні вказівки для студентів спеціальностей “Документознавство та інформаційна діяльність” і “Переклад”


Навчальне видання

Відповідальний за випуск: Б.П. П’ятничко
Нормоконтролер: О.Г.Гургула
Літкоректор: Н.Ф. Будуйкевич
Комп’ютерний набір: О.Бандура
Комп’ютерна верстка: Ю. Погонич

Підписано до друку ____________ Формат _________ Друк офсетний

Ум. друк. арк. _______ Тираж ________ прим. Замовл. _____



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