A Alfred H Harry O Oliver V Victor
B Benjamin I Isaac P Peter W William
C Charles J Jack Q Queen X X-ray
D David K King R Robert Y Yellow
E Edward L London S Samuel Z Zebra
F Frederick M Mary T Tommy    
G George N Nellie U Uncle    



A Amsterdam H Havana O Oslo V Valencia
B Baltimore I Italy P Paris W Washington
C Casablanca J Jerusalem Q Quebec X Xantippe
D Denmark K Kilogram R Roma Y Yokohama
E Edison L Liverpool S Santiago Z Zürich
F Florida M Madagascar T Tripoli    
G Gallipoli N New York U Upsala    


FOCUS 2. Comprehension questions

? What should you say on the phone to ask to speak to someone?

? How do you identify yourself?

? What would you say if you have dialled the wrong number?

? Have you ever dealt with voice mail? What are its advantages and disadvantages?


FOCUS 3. Study the vocabulary


public telephone synpayphone - телефон-автомат
phone card - телефонная карта
mobile phone | synmobile | Br.E. syncellphone | syncellular phone | AmE. syncellular | - мобильный телефон
extension - добавочный номер
cordless phone syncordless - беспроводный телефон
telephone directory - телефонный справочник
dial telephone · press-button telephone - дисковый телефон - кнопочный телефон
to pick up the phone - поднять трубку
handset synreceiver - телефонная трубка
message pad - зд. блокнот
to charge - взимать плату
dialling tone syndial tone - длинный гудок
engaged tone (Br.E.) synbusy tone (Am.E.) - короткие гудки
to dial - набирать номер
switchboard - коммутатор
to hang up - положить трубку
to get the wrong number - набрать неправильный номер
operator - оператор
to put through - соединить
to transfer - переключить
to call someone synto phone someone synto telephone someone synto ring someone synto give someone a call - позвонить кому-либо
to call smb back synto return smb’s call - перезвонить кому-либо
accounts department - бухгалтерия
to erase - стирать
to spell - произносить по буквам
capital letter - заглавная буква
small letter - строчная буква
dash synhyphen - дефис


FOCUS 4. Listen to the telephone conversation. Fill in the table as you listen


Tape 1 – Getting information

Person called Caller Request Who will make the next call?



? Who is the caller?
? Who is taking the call?
? How are these two people related to each other? Are they friends or business partners?
? Have they been doing business long?
? What information is needed to Tom Parker?
? What sort of work does Maria Edwardes do?
? Has Tom Parker received the information he required?
? How is Ron Benson going to find out Maria Edwardes address?
? What’s the outcome of the conversations?

FOCUS 5. Now listen to Frank Sharp ringing back as he said he would. Take notes on the call on the message pad below


Tape 2 – Frank Sharp rings back.




? Who is the caller?
? Who is taking the call?
? Has Tom Parker got the information he required?
? What kind of information is it?


FOCUS 6. Listen to four dialogues on the cassette and take down the message details


Tape 3 – Taking messages.


Message 1

Time: Date:
Call from:
Taken by:

Message 2

Time: Date:
Call from:
Taken by:


Message 3

Time: Date:
Call from:
Taken by:


Message 4

Time: Date:
Call from:
Taken by:


FOCUS 7. Listen to the conversation and use the memo to record the relevant detail you think would be noted down by the manager assistant at WELCOME LTD.


Tape 4 – Looking for office accommodation.

You are going to hear Bob Godfrey, manager of a small company speaking to the switchboard operator in a large office block in New York which is shared by many companies. He then speaks to a manager assistant in a company which provides office service.

Bob Godfrey’s company is at present based in a suburb, but would like to move to central part of New York in order to be better placed to take on more business.


Caller’s number is    
Taken by:    



? Who is calling?
? Who is taking the call at first?
? Who does Steve Newman get through to after holding the line?
? What is Steve Newman’s problem?
? What are his particular requirements about renting office space?
? What reply does he get from the administrative assistant?