In the desert and in the hallowed grounds

УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК Ш 143Ю21 – 923

Г 204

Н.А. Гаркуша. Английский язык. Учебно-методическое пособие по развитию навыков аудирования и устной речи на материале художественных фильмов для студентов неязыковых специальностей. Часть II. Тюмень: Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2008, 74 с.


Данное пособие предназначено для обучения английскому языку студентов неязыковых специальностей.

Основной целью пособия является дальнейшее совершенствование навыков, полученных в общеобразовательной школе, а так же обогащение лексического запаса и развитие навыков аудирования и устной речи. Большое внимание уделяется слушанию и восприятию аутентичной английской речи.

Фильмы пособия подобраны с учётом различных уровней подготовки студентов. При формулировке заданий учитывался принцип коммуникативного подхода к обучению.

Печатается по решению кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов.


ОТВЕТСТВЕННЫЙ РЕДАКТОР: Л.В. Скороходова, ст. преп. кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов ТюмГУ

РЕЦЕНЗЕНТЫ: Л.В. Мельникова, канд. филос. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов ТюмГУ

О.Э. Сухарева,ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков МИФУБ ТюмГУ

© ГОУ ВПО Тюменский государственный университет, 2008.

© Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2008.

© Н.А. Гаркуша, 2008.


Пособие состоит из 5 разделов, посвященных художественным фильмам, принадлежащих к различным периодам мировой киноиндустрии. Каждый фильм делится на эпизоды, что позволяет достаточно тщательно проработать весь материал. Пособие направлено на развитие навыков аудирования и устной речи. Каждый из разделов начинается с представления нового лексического материала, использованного в эпизоде, который сопровождается упражнениями на совершенствование продуктивных навыков аудирования и устной речи. Присутствуют различные стили современной английской речи: официальный, нейтральный, разговорный, сленг. Упражнения на развитие лексических и коммуникационных навыков и тренировочные задания по аудированию помогают студентам справиться с пониманием достаточно сложного языка в фильмах и значительно расширить свой словарный запас.

Каждый раздел включает в себя следующие блоки: Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, также особую ценность представляет сопутствующая энциклопедическая и культурологическая информация.

Представленные в пособии фильмы разработаны с учетом специфики обучения английскому языку на неязыковом факультете, так художественные фильмы «Мумия» и «Мумия возвращается», разработаны более детально и предназначены для обучения студентов как первого так и второго курса. Фильмы «Шаг вперед», «Как отделаться от парня за 10 дней» и «11 друзей Оушена», представляющие образец современной разговорной речи, рекомендуются для развития навыков аудирования также у студентов первого и второго курса. Рекомендуется работать с предложенными заданиями 15-20 минут в конце урока. Представленный вариант разработанных заданий по художественным фильмам рассчитан на несколько занятий, посвященных одному и тому же фильму. Пятый раздел методического пособия посвящен фильму «Пираты Карибского моря: сундук мертвеца». Данный раздел рассчитан на 2 аудиторных часа и содержит задания на понимание (пересказ) и на усвоение лексического материала (заполнение пропусков, перевод).

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов неязыковых специальностей. При отборе аутентичного материала соблюдались принципы, отвечающие современным требованиям методики обучения иностранным языкам: мотивация, коммуникативность, интегрированный подход.

Рекомендуется начинать урок с разбора лексического материала для снятия трудностей при работе с эпизодом. Если группа имеет высокий уровень подготовленности, их можно рекомендовать для углубленного изучения языка. Более подробная разработка некоторых разделов способствует глубокому пониманию смысла фильмов и доскональной отработке лексического материала.

Очень важно, чтобы учащийся, работая над упражнениями, не выполнял их механически, формально, а всякий раз бы обдумывал, «переживал» сказанное.



THE MUMMY.........................................................................................6

EPISODE 1............................................................................................6

EPISODE 2............................................................................................8

EPISODE 3..........................................................................................11

EPISODE 4..........................................................................................14

EPISODE 5..........................................................................................17

EPISODE 6..........................................................................................19

MUMMY RETURNS.............................................................................21

EPISODE 1..........................................................................................21

EPISODE 2..........................................................................................24

EPISODE 3..........................................................................................28

EPISODE 4..........................................................................................31

STEP UP..............................................................................................33

EPISODE 1..........................................................................................33

EPISODE 2..........................................................................................37

HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN TEN DAYS...............................................43

EPISODE 1..........................................................................................43

EPISODE 2..........................................................................................46

OCEAN’S ELEVEN.............................................................................49


SUPPLEMENTORY READING...........................................................55


REAL HAMUNAPTRA..........................................................................56

CAIRO, EGYPT....................................................................................57

THE TEN PLAGUES IN EGYPT..........................................................58

ANCIENT EGYPT GODS.....................................................................61



KINGS OF THE DEAD.........................................................................64

EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS.......................................................................65

WHO BUILT THE PYRAMIDS?...........................................................71



Part I


Hamunaptra-1290 B.C.

Vocabulary notes:

sacred canopic jar – священный погребальный сосуд

plague – бедствие

invincibility – непобедимость

to be condemned – быть приговорённым

to be bestowed – быть одарённым

eternity – вечность

corpse– труп

to dare– осмелиться, отважиться

to race– мчаться

the wealth– казна

to remain sealed– оставаться запечатанным

mistress– наложница


1.1 Put these names carefully in the following context:

Imhotep, Pharaoh Seti the First, Anck-su-namun


Thebes is city of living, crown jewel of (1)………….., home of (2)…………, Pharaoh’s high priest, keeper of the dead, birthplace of (3)………….. , Pharaoh’s mistress.

1.2 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Hamunaptra – is the City of the Dead.

2. Anck-su-namun’s soul had been sent to the dark Underworld and her vital organs removed and placed in four sacred canopic jars.

3. When Anck-su-namun’s soul had come back from the dead, the ritual of resurrecting was completed.

4. After curse Imhotep could arise a walking disease, a plague upon mankind.

5. He could be an unholy flesh eater with the strength of ages and he could have power over the sands and the glory of invincibility.

6. City of the Dead is the ancient burial site for the sons of pharaohs and resting place for the wealth of Egypt.

7. Hom-Dai is the worst of all ancient curses, when somebody was to remain sealed inside the sarcophagus the undead for all of eternity.


1.3 Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box. Use the appropriate form. Then watch and check:

break dare go steal take race take resurrect


(1)………….Anck-su-namun, Imhotep and his priests (2)………….into her crypt and (3)…………her body. They (4)…………deep into the desert (5)………….Anck-su-namun’s corpse to Hamunaptra. For his love, Imhotep (6)………..the gods’ anger by (7)…………deep into the city where he (8)………….the Black Book of the Dead from its holy resting place.

1.4 Match these phrases with their equivalents:

1. проклятие a) the wealth

2. казна b) to resurrect smb.

3. усыпальница c) the body is not a temple

4. воскрешать кого-либо d) dark underworld

5. тело – не храм e) to be mummified alive

6. древнее погребальное место f) sacred jars

7. подземный мир g) the high priest

8. священные сосуды h) the sarcophagus

9. быть мумифицированным заживо i) the crypt

10. верховый жрец j) ancient burial site

11. саркофаг k) the curse

1.5 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. Was anybody allowed to touch Anck-su-namun?

2. Was she in love with Imhotep?

3. What were they willing to do for their love?

4. What did she do with herself when they were noticed?

5. What is the City of the Living?

6. What is the City of the Dead?

7. What is Hom-Dai? What does it mean?




a) Hamunaptra – 1923. The fight in the desert

b) Cairo, Egypt – 3 years later. Museum of antiqutties

C) Cairo Prison

Vocabulary notes:

the descendants of sacred bodyguards – потомки священных телохранителей

to put up with smb. – терпеть кого-либо

to decipher hieroglyphics and hieratic – расшифровывать иероглифы и священные письмена

precise moment– точный, определённый момент

to reject an application– отклонить предложение

to be gullible – быть доверчивым

to strangle to death – удавиться до смерти

humble home – скромный дом

worthless trinket – безделушка

to straighten up– прибирать

foolish pursuit– глупая погоня; преследование


a) Hamunaptra – 1923. The fight in the desert

2.1 Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box. Use the appropriate form. Then watch and check:

fight keep know lie remain watch


For 3.000 years, men and armies (1)……….over this land never (2)…………what evil (3)……….beneath it. And for 3.000 years the Magi, the descendants of Pharaoh’s sacred bodyguards (4)………. (5)…………. . And the Creature (6)………….undiscovered.


b) Cairo, Egypt – 3 years later. Museum of antiqutties

2.2 Fill in the gaps in the conversation between Evy and the curator of the museum. Some verbs are missed. Act the dialogues:

curator:(1) you, the other plagues were a joy.

Evy: I am so very sorry, it (2)............ an accident.

curator:My girl, when Rameses (3)..............Syria, that was an accident. You are a catastropher! (4)............ at my library! Why do I (5)...........up with you?

Evy: Well, you put up with me, because I can (6)............and (7)............... ancient Egyptian and I can (8)...............hieroglyphics and hieratic and, well, I am the only person within a thousand miles who (9) to properly (10)..............and (11)..............this library, that’s why.

curator:I (12).............. up with you because your father and mother were our finest patrons. That’s why! Allah rest their souls. Now, I don’t (13) you do it. I don’t care how long it (14).............. . (15)..............up this meshiver!

2.3 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Evy can read and write ancient Egyptian.

2. The Bembridge scholars have rejected Evy’s application again.

3. Jonathan found a map which is almost 4.000years old.

4. Hamunaptra is the city being protected by the curse of a mummy, where the earliest pharaohs had hidden the wealth of Egypt.

5. But the place would disappear beneath the sand dunes, taking the treasure with it.

6. Few men have wasted their lives in the foolish pursuit of Hamunaptra.

7. The puzzle box was found in Hamunaptra.

2.4 Match these phrases with their equivalents:

1. подняться по карьерной лестнице a) old mum

2. саранча b) to be on a high note

3. не уважать мёртвых c) to be ridiculous

4. разрушить карьеру d) to get promoted

5. подбодрить кого-либо e) to ruin the career

6. старушка f) treasure hunters

7. быть на вершине (о карьере) g) to cheer smb. up

8. официальная королевская печать h) locusts

9. охотники за сокровищами i) to have no respect for the dead

10. быть нелепым, смехотворным j) the official royal seal


2.5 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. Who is Seti the First?

2. Is it a fairy tale that the earliest pharaohs had hidden the wealth of Egypt in Hamunaptra?

3. What was interesting in this puzzle box?

4. Who was going to show the road to Hamunaptra for Evy and Jonathan? And what was the reason?

C) Cairo Prison

2.6 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Jonathan stole a puzzle box from a drunk at the casbah (bar).

2. Evy and Jonathan came to ask him (Mr. O’Connell) about Hamunaptra.

3. Mr. O’Connell was in Hamunaptra when he found a box.

4. Mr. O’Connell said the exact location where Hamunaptra was.

5. Mr. O’Connell was going to be hanged.

6. The head of the prison took 100 pounds for saving Mr. O’Connell’s life.

7. Mr. O’Connell’s neck was broken.


a) Giza Port – Cairo

B) On the barge

Vocabulary notes:

to gamble with – рисковать чем-либо

wager – пари

secret incantations – секретные заклинания

to cut the deck – срезать, сдвинуть колоду карт

messed-up country – отвратительная страна

а) Giza Port – Cairo

3.1 Translate from Russian into English:

  1. быть грязным, мерзким
  2. быть законченным мошенником, негодяем
  3. очаровательный день
  4. враньё, неправда, ложь
  5. защищать инвестиции


B) On the barge

3.2 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Mr. O’Connell only gambled with his life, never money.

2. Americans bet 300$ to get to Hamunaptra before Mr. O’Connell and his partners.

3. Mr. O’Connell had more balls than brains.

4. The Bedouin and the Tuaregs believed that Hamunaptra was not cursed.

5. The Amun-Ra book contained within it all the secret incantations of the old kingdom.

6. The Amun-Ra was made out of pure silver.

7. Benny was leading the Americans to Hamunaptra.


3.3 Fill in the gaps in the conversation between Evy and Mr. O’Connell. Some nouns are missed. Act the dialogue:

O’Connell: Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare ya. [1]

Evy: The only (1)...........that scares me, Mr. O’Connell, are your (2).......... .

O’Connell: Still angry about that (3)..........., huh?

Evy:Well, if you call that a kiss. Um, did I miss something? Are we going into (4)............?

O’Connell: Lady, there’s something out there. Something underneath that (5).......... .

Evy:Yes, well. I’m hoping to find a certain (6)............. . A (7)..........., actually. My brother thinks there’s (8)............ . What do you think’s out there?

O’Connell: In a (9).............? Evil. The Bedouin and the Tuaregs believe that Hamunaptra is cursed.

Evy:Oh, look. I don’t believe in (10).................... and (11)............., Mr. O’Connell, but I do believe one of the most famous book in (12).............. is buried there. The Book of Amun-ra. It contains within it all the secret (13)....................of the old (14)................. . It’s what first interested me in Egypt when I was (15).............. . It’s why I came here – sort of a life’s (16)............... .

O’Connell: And the fact that they say it’s made out of pure (17)............ makes no never mind to you? Right?

Evy: You know your (18)................. .

O’Connell:I know my (19)................. .

Evy: Um…by the way…why did you kiss me?

O’Connell: I was about to be hanged. It seemed like a good (20)............. at the (21)............. .

3.4 Translate from Russian into English:

1. быть уверенным 2. бредни 3. портить американцев 4. быть проклятым 5. быть повешенным 6. хоронить, погребать

3.5 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What was the aim to get to Hamunaptra?

2. Were they afraid that Hamunaptra was cursed?

3. What did the Book of Amun-Ra contain? What was it made of?


In the desert and in the hallowed grounds

Vocabulary notes:

to fetch a mighty fine price – принести существенный доход

to be melted with salt acid – расплавиться от кислоты

ancient booby trap – древняя глупая уловка

hallowed grounds – пещеры

mummification – мумификация

to stuff – засовывать, набивать

to stick up for – защищать, поддерживать

to scramble – карабкаться

to rip through (nostrils)– выдирать через (ноздри)

to consummate the curse – проклинать (осуществлять проклятие)

to assimilate the organs and fluids – забрать органы и жизненные соки

to regenerate – возрождаться

to decompose – разлагаться

to be too frisky with smb. – позволять лишнее

blasphemers– богохульник

swift wings– быстрые крылья

That serves you right! – по делом вам!

god-awful stench – невыносимая вонь

to play hide-and-seek – играть в прятки

4.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. The legs of the statue of Anubis went deep underground where a secret compartment was found containing the golden Book of Amun-Ra.

2. The Americans opened the chest.

3. Sarcophagus was buried at the base of Anubis.

4. Evelyn’s father was a very famous explorer who married an Egyptian woman, her mother, an adventurer herself.

5. Evelyn was not proud of being a librarian.

6. There was no curse upon this chest.

7. The Mummy in the sarcophagus was still decomposing.

8. The Book of Dead was in the chest.

9. Scarab skeletons, flesh eaters can stay alive for years feasting on the flesh of a corpse.

10. If a victim of the Hom-Dai should ever arise he would bring with him the nineplagues of Egypt.

11. No mortal weapon can kill this creature.

12. This creature was the bringer of death.

13. He will never eat, he will never sleep and he will never stop.

14. Benny knew the language of the slaves.


4.2 Number the sentences in the right order:

The process of mummification:


1. They took a sharp, red-hot poker, stick it up the nose and scramble thing about a bit and then ripit all through the nostrils in order to take out the brains.

2. They took out your heart as well.

3. They ripped out the guts and stuffedthem in jars.


4.3 Fill in the gaps with the missing nouns:

The sign on the chest:

(1)............... will come on swift (2) whomsoever opens this (3)............ . There is one the undead who if brought back to (4)............, is bound by sacred(5)............ to consummate this (6)................ . It means he will kill allwho open this chest and assimilatetheir (7)................ and (8)............. . Then he will regenerateand no longer be the undead but a (9).............. upon this (10)............. .

4.4 Match these phrases with their equivalents:

1. проливать кровь a) beware of the curse

2. быть соблазнительной b) to combine forces

3. потайная комната c) to unleash a creature

4. ради бога d) to be templing

5. объединиться e) for goodness’ sake

6. берегитесь проклятий f) to shed blood

7. освободить создание g) a secret compartment

4.5 Translate from Russian into English:

1. питаться человеческими трупами

1. вырывать кишки

2. острый раскалённый прут (кочерга)

3. вырвать язык

4. жизнь после смерти

5. быть погребенным у подножия статуи


4.6 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. Who can be buried at the base of the statue of Anubis?

2. What does Sah-netjer mean?

3. What does the mummification mean?

4. Where is the sarcophagus buried?

5. What do desert people protect?

6. What was the sign on the chest?

7. What was the sign in the sarcophagus?

8. Who are the scarab skeletons?


Ford Brydon – Cairo

Vocabulary notes:

to swear at manhood– поклясться человечеству

to stretch forth the hands– протянуть руки

to be terminated – быть завершённым

to have a single challenge – быть вызванным единожды

to chuck (in) – погибнуть

to rot of boredom – умирать от скуки

to consummate the curse– привести в исполнение

to choose human sacrifice – выбрать человека, которого принесут в жертву

on the contrary – напротив

she is an old carpetbag – она старая тряпка

to be immune – быть невосприимчивым; ничего не грозит

to get in gear – трогаться

to spare friends – пощадить друзей

to reconnoiter – произвести разведку

to justify the killing – оправдать убийство


5.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. His curse is going to spread until the whole of the Earth is destroyed.

2. The rivers and waters of Egypt ran orange and were as blood.

3. Ancient secret society have guarded the City of the Dead and sworn at manhood to do nothing in their power to stop the High Priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world.

4. Dogs are the guardians of the underworld.

5. The creature will fear the cats until he is fully regenerated.

6. He will get fully regenerated by killing everyone who opened that chest.

7. He stretched forth his hand towards the heavens and there was lightness throughout the land of Egypt.

8. The Black Book which was found at Hamunaptra is supposed to bring people back from the dead.

9. The Gold Book is supposed to kill Imhotep.

10. According to Bembridge scholars the Gold Book of Amun-ra is located inside the statue of Anubis.

11. The Black Book is located inside the statue of Anubis.

12. The Gold Book of Amun-ra is inside the statue of Horus.


5.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation:(Beni, Rick, Evy, Ardeth, Jonathan)

1. “Tail set firmly between your legs.”

2. “It’s better to be the right hand of the devil than in his path.”

3. “My favorite plague boils and sores.”

4. “You’re gonna get yours, Beni!”

5. “Patience is a virtue.”

6. “Live today, fight tomorrow.”

5.3 Translate from Russian into English:

1. невиновные люди 2. воскрешать из мёртвых 3. спасти кого-либо 4. чучело 5. держаться за 6. труп 7. превращать в

5.4 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. How many plagues do you know? Can you enumerate them?

2. What is the Black Book supposed to do?

3. What is the Golden Book supposed to do?

4. Where is the Black Book located?

5. Where must the Golden Book be?



a) At Royal Air Corps – Giza (королевские воздушно-военные силы)

B) Hamunaptra again

Vocabulary notes:

to live through it– выживать

to bump into –участвовать

What’s the challenge? – в чём состоит дело?

to rescue the damsel – выручить, спасти заложницу

to be in distress – быть в беде

to be at your service– быть к вашим услугам

pedal faster – давай быстрее

keep him busy –отвлеки его

it’s your turn – твоя очередь

look out – берегись

stay out of trouble – берегите себя

to get comeuppance– не остаться безнаказанным

a) At Royal Air Corps – Giza

6.1 Imagine a story ending with this sentence:

Rescue the damsel in distress, kill the bad guy and save the world!

B) Hamunaptra again

6.2 Translate from Russian into English:

1. зыбучий песок 2. быть непобедимым 3. найти заклинание 4. распознать последний символ 5. быть смертным 7. убить плохого парня 8. спасти мир 9. заработать уважение и благодарность


6.3 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation:(Imhotep, Ardeth, Evy, Jonathan)

1. “Nasty little fellows such as Beni always get their comeuppance”.

2. “With your death, Anck-su-namun will live”.

3. “You’ve earn the respect and gratitude of me and my people”.

4. “Well, I guess we go home empty-handed…again.”

6.4 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. Of whom didn’t Bembridge scholars know?

2. What was the only way to kill Imhotep?

3. How can this book be opened?

4. How can Jonathan command Imhotep’s bodyguards?

5. How did they kill Imhotep?

6. What happened to Beni? What proverb can you remember in this case?


Part II


a) Thebes – 3067 B.C. – five thousand years ago. The Oasis of Ahm Shere

b) Egypt – 1933

c) Hamunaptra – City of the Dead

Vocabulary notes:

a fierce warrior– свирепый воин

a vicious campaign– злобное завоевание

to be awakened– быть пробуждённым

scorching sun –палящее солнце

to come back to life –оживить

not to have a decent night of sleep–не спать вообще

to sort out smb.–разобраться с кем-либо

to have a vision –иметь видение

to be pure myth– быть чистым мифом

in the meantime– тем временем

archival evidence– доказательство

to make a nice filled out of smb.–сделать хорошую отбивную из кого-либо

to acquire smth.– приобретать, получать

The opportunity passes us by.– Не смогли воспользоваться ситуацией

to handle smth.– заниматься чем-либо

to have different chore for smb. –иметь другую задачу

a) Thebes – 3067 B.C. – five thousand years ago. The Oasis of Ahm Shere


1.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. A fierce warrior known as the Scorpion King led a small army on a compaign to conquer the known world.

2. After a vicious campaign which lasted five long years, the Scorpion King and his army were defeated and driven deep into the sacred desert of Ahm Shere.

3. One by one they slowly perished under the scorching sun until only the great warrior himself was left alive.

4. Near death the Scorpion King made a pact with the dark god Anubis that if Anubis would spare his life and let him conquer his enemies he would give him his body.

5. Anubis didn’t accept his offer and spare his life.

6. Anubis gave the Scorpion King command of his army and like an evil flood, they washed away all that lay before them.

7. When his task was done, Anubis forced theScorpion King to serve him for a short time.

8. His army was returned to the sands from whence they came where they wait, silently to be awakened once again.


1.2 Translate from Russian into English:

1. потерпеть поражение 2. гибнуть, погибать 3. спасти, пощадить жизнь 4. принимать предложение 5. заключить пакт 6. вести армию 7. завоевать мир

b) Egypt – 1933

1.3 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Evy had a dream that she had been in the temple in ancient times.

2. Only one man had been there before at least 3.000 years ago.

3. The emblem of the Scorpion King had never been found before. No artifacts.

4. The bracelet of Horus was in the chest.


1.4 Translate from Russian into English:

1 собирать вещи 2 осквернять гробницу 3 быть ядовитым 4 быть чертовски очаровательным 5 пугать кого-либо 6 сводить с ума 7 стамеска и молоток 8 разбудить богов 9 голос разума


c) Hamunaptra – City of the Dead

1.5 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. The Book of the Dead takes life away.

2. The Book of the Living gives life.

3. They have found Imhotep in Caire and raised those that serve him.


1.6 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. Who wanted to conquer the world?

2. What was the plan of the Scorpion King after defeating?

3. What happened to the Scorpion King when his task was done?

4. What were the O’Connells looking for in the temple?

5. Can you describe the tattoo on Rick’s hand?

6. What was the sign on the chest?



Vocabulary notes:

to send troops – посылать войска

weird dream – странный сон

to coincide (What a coincidence!) – совпадать

to be cautious – быть осторожным

scepter – скипетр

to slap on smb. – наколоть (тату)

to beckon smb. to death – зажарить до смерти

to wink at travelers – моргать путешественникам

to lighten up – освещать, просветлять; облегчать; проясняться

to yell for smb. – кричать; вопить

dismemberment – расчленение

take out – справиться

Hooray! – ура!

the old play – знакомая история

a catch – подвох

2.1 Fill in the gaps with the nouns in the conversation between Evy and Rick at home and act the dialogue:

Evy:“I think the (1)…….. is some sort of (2)…….to the lost (3)………of Ahm-Shere.”

Rick: “Evy, I know what you’re thinking and the (4)……..’s no. We just got (5)……. .”

Evy: “That’s the (6)……… of it. We’re already packed.”

Rick: “Why don’t you just give me one good (7)………?”

Evy:“It’s just an (8)………, darling. A beautiful, exciting, romantic oasis.”

Rick: “The (9) …….with the white, sandy (10)…….. and the palm (11)……..and the cool, clear, blue (12)………? We could have some of those big (13)……….with the little (14)……….. .”

Evy: “Sounds good.”

Rick: “Sounds too good. What’s the (15)………?”

Evy: “Supposedly it’s the resting (16)………. of Anubis’s (17)………. .”

Rick: “You see? I knew there’s a (18)……… . There’s always a catch. How did I know that? And let me guess. It was commanded by that Scorpion King (19)…….?”

Evy: “Yes, but he only awakens once every 5.000 years.”

Rick: “And if someone doesn’t kill him, he’s gonna wipe out the (20)……… .

Evy: “How did you know?”

Rick: “I didn’t, but that’s always the (21)……….. .”

Evy: “The last known (22)............. to actually reach Ahm Shere was sent by Ramses the Forth over 3.000 years ago. He sent over a thousand (23)…….”

Rick: “None of them was ever seen again.”

Evy: “How did you know?”

Rick: “I didn’t, but that’s always the (24)……… .”

Evy: “Did I mention the (25)……… of gold?”

Rick: “Twice”.

Evy: “Alexander the Great sent (26)……… in search of it”.

Rick: “Hooray for him”.

2.2 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Evy’s first weird dream coincides with Russian New Year.

2. Evy and Alex are the only things that matter to Rick.

3. The Bembridge scholars have been begging Evy to run the Egyptian Museum.

4. Egyptian asps are not poisonous.

5. Ardeth Bay is a Medjai.

6. Mr. Hafes (the curator) works at the British Museum.

7. They could not remove the creature from his grave.

8. That woman with him (Anck-su-namun) knew things no living person could possibly know.

9. She knew exactly where the creature was buried.

10. She would obviously lead them to the bracelet.

11. When Alex stuck the bracelet on, he saw the Statue of Liberty then straight across the desert to Karnak.

12. Alex had started a chain reaction that could bring about the next apocalypse.

13. They had 5 days before the Scorpion King awakened, because the bracelet was on.

14. If Imhotep was not killed, he would raise the Army of Anubis and he would save the world.

15. Whomever could kill the Scorpion King could send his army back to the Underworld or used it to destroy mankind and ruled the Earth.

16. Imhotep was tough enough to take out the Scorpion King.

17. Ardeth could drive the bus.


2.3 Complete the sentences:

The sacred mark says:

Ardeth Bay: “If I were to say to you, I’m a stranger traveling from the east seeking (1)……………………….”.

Rick: “Then I would reply that I am a stranger traveling from the west. (2)………………………”.

Ardeth Bay: “That mark means you’re a protector of man, (3) ……… ………., ………….”.

Rick: “Sorry. You’ve got (4)…………….”.

2.4 Match these phrases with their equivalents:

1. испытывать терпение a) to fear for smb.

2. проиграть в карты b) to behave oneself

3. быть свободным человеком c) to make an arrangement

4. бояться за кого-либо d) to try one’s patience

5. вести себя прилично e) to lose in a card game

6. научиться от отца f) to reflect the sun

7. договориться g) to be a free spirit

8. отражать солнце h) to learn from the father


2.5 Translate from Russian into English:

1. уничтожить весь мир 2. ради спасения 3. ружьё 4. истерика 5. двухэтажный автобус 6. заслужить 7. быть похищенным 8. быть холостым 9. защищать машину

2.6 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What was the plan of digging up Imhotep?

2. When was Anck-su-namum reincarnated?

3. What was Imhotep going to do with his love?

4. What was the first vision when Alex stuck the bracelet on?

5. Why did the O’Connells want to get to Karnak before Imhotep?

6. What were the sightseeings while driving along the streets of London by double-decker bus?

7. What was the curator of the British Museum afraid of?

8. When would Imhotep’s powers be regenerated?



Cairo, Egypt