Give a summary of the fragment

Chapter 6 (pages 23-29)

1. Remember the following words and expressions, make 10 sentences with them:

obstruction – преграда, помеха, препятствие

square – квадрат, квадратный

rectangular – прямоугольный

circle – круг

builder’s square – наугольник

corner – угол

to tie a string – завязывать веревку

equal – равный

right angle – прямой угол

nail – гвоздь, прибивать гвоздями

loop – петля, затягивать петлю

trammel – эллипсограф


2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, translate them into Russian:


a profile /a / can / using / moving / trammel / out / or / Curved / by / be / a / walls / set

b are / a / made / triangle / Right / traditionally / by / angles /3-4-5 / using

c on / building / of / set / profiles / outline / ground / the / fixed / and / The / with / the / out / is / lines

d by / and / center / positioned / Columns / lines / piers / using / are

e fix / two / should / at / each / One / profiles / corner


3. Mark these sentences as true (T) or false (F), explain your choice, translate them into Russian:

a The diagonals of a rectangular building must be the same length.

b Rectangular buildings need fixed profiles.

c A square consists of two timber posts with a horizontal board across the top.

d The walls of a square or rectangular building must form angles of 180 degrees.

e Circular buildings also need fixed profiles.

4. Give the three forms of the following verbs, translate them into Russian:

establish, can, measure, build, be, mean, position, show, cut, attach, see, make, describe, find, assemble, give, use, nail, level, fix, bear, mark, remove, complete, locate, finish, run, drill, loop.


5. Answer the following questions:

a How to use a 3-4-5 triangle to make right angles?

b What is the alternative way of making right angles?

c How to make a profile?

d What are the steps of setting out a building?

e How to set out a moving profile for a circular building?

f What are the typical levels that need to be measured during the building process?

g What are the steps of setting up and using a site datum?

Chapter 7 (pages 30-31)

1. Remember the following words and expressions, make 10 sentences with them:

indicate – показывать, указывать

carry out – выполнять

topsoil – верхний слой почвы

stepped foundation – ступенчатый фундамент

basement – подвальный этаж, цокольный этаж

to solve a problem – решить проблему

support – опора, поддержка

damage – повреждение, поломка

firm – крепкий, прочный, твердый

filler – наполнитель

to settle – давать усадку

to pack tightly – хорошо утрамбовывать


Chapter 8 (pages 43-47)

1. Remember the following words and expressions, make 10 sentences with them:

slab – плита

mesh – арматурная сетка

overlap – напуск, нахлестка

brick course – горизонтальный ряд кирпичной кладки

conventional – традиционный, обычный

to overcome the problem – решить проблему

bore – бурить, сверлить

trunk – ствол дерева, стержень колонны

to contract – сжиматься, сокращаться

clay – глина

moisture – влага

black cotton soil – регур (тяжелый глинистый грунт)

respond – отвечать, реагировоть

flint – кремень

bored (replacement) pile – буро-заливная свая

driven (displacement) pile – забивная свая


2. Fill the gaps with the necessary words, there is one extra word, translate the sentences into Russian:

solution, size, strength, short-bored, bearing capacity, piled foundations, building loads, mesh reinforcement, surface, framed buildings

a The total … and the load bearing capacity of the soil are crucial for the … of the pad foundation.

b The … of the raft foundation is increased by … .

c Poor soil conditions, lightweight … , small houses usually require … piled foundations. .

d If the soil has a poor … , raft foundations are a good … .

e The … should be built when the soil near the … is not strong enough.



3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, translate them into Russian:


a holes / soil / usually / The / load-bearing / trial / is / shown / depth / suitable / of / by

b thickness / should / change / strip / the / not / The / more / in / the / foundation/ be / level / than / of

c concrete / an / floor / that / of / formed / building / Raft / is / boundaries / slab / the / foundation / forms / the / ground / oversite

d be / some / pile-driving / with / auger / by / process / The / soil / an / should / removing / preceded

e piers / and / pad / free-standing / usually / Concrete / foundations / brick / supported / are / columns / by



4. Mark these sentences as true (T) or false (F), explain your choice, translate them into Russian:

a Piles should be placed on the centre line of the walls that need support.

b The slab that forms the raft foundations must be thickened at the edges with an edge beam.

c The higher level foundation should extend over and meet with the lower one for a distance not less than its thickness .

d The load is distributed evenly over the ground in case a rectangular pad foundation is built .

e Bored piles are normally hammered into soft ground at measured intervals .


5. Answer the following questions:

a When and why are the stepped foundations built?

b What factors control the width and thickness of a strip foundation?

c What is a pad foundation? What is it used for?

d What are the types of piled foundations?

e When is it impossible to use piled foundations?

f What is a raft foundation?

g When is it preferable to build a raft foundation?