Build background knowledge

As a child, I attempted, and failed, to read a number of books that were “classics”:Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women” leaps to mind. It probably should have been a fairly easy read, but it was so full of cultural references to life in mid-nineteenth century New England that I gave up in defeat each time. It was not at my independent reading level, even if the vocabulary and grammatical patterns were, because of its cultural references. Why, for example, would young schoolgirls lust after limes, as the youngest daughter in the story, Amy, and her friends do? Cultural material like this would stop me abruptly. Clearly, this was not independent reading for me because of its cultural references, and I needed help to navigate this text—to explain that limes, a citrus fruit, would have been rare and prized a century ago in New England with its freezing winters and before there were effective methods of transporting and storing fruit. Similarly, our students, many new to the U.S., would need equal help with such material. It is important for the teacher to anticipate which cultural references students might need explained or discussed. This is not easy, of course, but can become so through such techniques as related discussion before the reading (e.g., “Who knows what the American Civil War was? When was it? Why was it fought?” or “Where is New England? Have you ever been there? What is the climate like?”) A discussion before the reading on its topics builds background knowledge and the comprehensibility of the text as well as giving the teacher an idea of where students’ background knowledge needs to be developed more.

· 5

Expose different discourse patterns

The narrative form is familiar to most students.In addition, it is popular to teachers. It is easy to teach: we’ve been reading and hearing stories most of our lives. However, reports,business letters

, personal letters, articles, and essays are also genres that students will have to understand as they leave school and enter the working world. We understand the discourse pattern of a story: that is, its pattern of organization. It is related chronologically, for the most part; it is in the past with past tense verb forms; it is structured around a series of increasingly dramatic events that build to a climax or high point, and so forth. The discourse pattern of an essay for example, may be less familiar but still important to understanding the text: that it is built around a series of topics related to one main idea or thesis. Knowing the discourse pattern lets the reader know what to expect, and therefore increases comprehensibility.

· 6

Work in groups

Students should work in groups each session, reading aloud to each other, discussing the material, doing question and answer, and so forth.Working in groupsprovides the much needed interactivity to increase motivation and learning. Students may choose their own groups or be assigned one, and groups may vary in size.

· 7

Make connections

Make connections to other disciplines, to the outside world, to other students.Act out scenes from the reading, bring in related speakers, and or hold field trips on the topic. Help students see the value of reading by connecting reading to the outside world and show its use there.

· 8

Extended practice

Too often we complete a reading and then don’t revisit it.However, related activities invocabulary

, grammar, comprehension questions, and discussion increase the processing of the reading and boost student learning.

· 9

Assess informally

Too often people think “test” when they hear the word “assess.”But some of the most valuable assessment can be less formal: walking around and observing students, for example, discuss the reading. Does the discussion show they really understand the text? Other means of informal assessment might be short surveys or question sheets.

· 10

Assess formally

There is also a place for more formal assessment.But this doesn’t have to be the traditional multiple choice test, which frequently reveals little more than the test-takers skill in taking tests. The essay on a reading - writing about some aspect of Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” for example - demonstrates control of the reading material in a way a multiple choice quiz cannot as the student really needs to understand the material to write about the reading’s extended metaphor of the farm.


11/ do you use computer??

Of course …….it is so important nowadays…..

12- what are Contents of lesson plan ماهي محتويات الخطة الدراسية
1- the objectives الاهداف
2- the procedures الإجراءات او العمليات
3- the evaluation التقييم

13-what are the Elements of microsoft office
ماهي عناصر المايكرو السوفت
1- the word
2- the power point
3- the access
4- the excel

14-what are the tenses ماهي الأزمان او عدد الازمان وهي :
12 tenses

15- The difference between deductive and inductive method

Deductive teaching is a more traditional form of teaching. In deductive teaching you typically pr***de information (lecture), share specific examples of the concept or skill being taught, then, allow students to practice the skill being taught. This is a more teacher-centered model of teaching that is rule driven. Some of the positives of this method are that it is time saving and gets to the point of the lesson easily

Inductive teaching is a constructivist model of teaching that is more student-centered. In inductive teaching first pr***de examples, then have students practice and figure out the rule themselves. This method of teaching is more experiential and based on a guided discovery learning philosophy.

Lesson plan

At the beginning , the teacher writes the title at the middle of the page and the title should contain the unit the lesson and the page .

Learning Objectives

This step should involve the objectives - the aims - that should be achieved by the end of the period . Objectives should be written in a behavioral items .


This step contains a question or an exercise to get the students out of the previous period and make them think in English so it would be easy for them to perceive the following materials .
The question may be of two kinds :
* A question about the surroundings .
* Or : a question about previous learned material to be as a kind of revision .


And it contains :

New Vocabulary :
the new words in the lesson and their meaning in English
New Structure
The new grammar items of the lesson .

New Idioms

The new phrasal verbs , the expressions and proverbs in a lesson.


this step is intended to reinforce the items that the teacher has explained and both of drill and practice are exercises but there is a kind of difference between them :

Drill :

is intended to reinforce the students' motor skills or the material they have preserved .
As for Practice

is the intelligent application of what the students have learned

For example : the students may drill the text of a theory but they apply it to the exercises in Maths

هى تمرينات على ما حفظه المرء و على الحركات الآدائية Drill
Practice هى التدريب و التطبيق العملى للمهارات و النظريات

some exercise items intended for the students in the class , it is important for the teacher so as to be easy to know how far the teacher has achieved his objectives.


Exercises for the students to apply what they have learned at school

17- ستراتيجيات التعلم النشط هي :

- الحوار والمناقشة .

- التعلم التعاوني .

- لعب الادوار .

- العصف الذهني .

- حل المشكلات .

- الخرائط المعرفية .

- الاسئلة .

- التعلم الذاتي .

- تعلم الاقران .

18-الفرق بين الاستراتيجيه وطريقة التدريس؟

Method of teaching is directly related to the presentation of the lesson. Which a teacher should use, depends on the nature of the subject, and the tact of the teacher .

this term is meant those procedures and methods by which objectives of teaching are realized in the class.

- عن طرق تدريس القواعد teaching of grammar

The deductive approach

The inductive approach

طرق تدريس المهارات الأربع:

SPEAKING Approaches:

Asking and answering questions

Imitation and repetition



Role play

READING Approaches:

The whole word approach

The linguistic approach
WRITING Approaches:

Free writing approach

Controlled approach

Paragraph pattern approach

communicative approach

LISTENING Approaches:

Interactive approach

One-way communication approach

Non-interactive approach

اسباب الضعف والعلاج المفترح
From my viewpoint as a teacher , the
following are among these reasons of why students tend to be passive listeners rather than active learners in the
oral English class
1. Lack of confidence
2. The psychological pressure of making mistakes in
the presence of their classmates
3. The feeling of having nothing to say on the subject
4. Lack of appropriate language
5. lack of practice in conventions of
conversational interaction

When you ask your students to speak, they
themselves have many worries, like
1. What if my vocabulary or grammar is
not as good as his/hers?
2. What if I can not think of anything to say?
3. What if I can not find the proper word?
4. What if I look silly or sound dumb?
5. What if the teacher and everyone in the
class are judging me?
6. In short …….. what if I fail?

There is another reason, as I think, that cause students'
inhibition to speak. This reason is our community culture
In our schools, students are usually taught to be
quiet and respectfully listen to the teacher
However, this is not what we want to teach students
We want them to ask for help if they do not understand
We want them express themselves and exchange
their ideas freely without worry
Actually, we can do this if we pr***de our students
with appropriate activities and games
that make them want to speak

How to deal with weak students.


•Weak students are those who are very poor in studies, reason can be any. But these students really need motivation. Moreover, these students have.. Inferiority complex among themselves because they can’t cope with Intelligent one. So it is the responsibility of the teacher to motivate them, to make them understand what is being taught in the class with extra attention and most importantly to make them comfortable with extra care.


Dear ********

All of us are dealing with different levels in each class

Some are excellent. Some are average and a number of them need help and support

We can't say they are weak because they can understand but they can't cope with the curriculum level and mostly because their foundation in English wasn't that much solid and helpful

So, How about sharing with each other

any action plan you have done to improve their level

any extra task you have been pr***ding them

any strategies you have been using and worked very well

Let's Cooperate together to make them Better