Tatiana: and perhaps this is also a kind of manipulation?
Tatiana: A place of the Russian mass media of America?
Alice: All at least relevance. Meteorite happened - talked and forgotten. Now actual explosion in Boston. About it and interpret it. And everywhere it is mentioned that the suspects demolition-Russian, Caucasian origin somehow lost in the stream of consciousness produced by journalists. Russia seems to be some other planet where the meteor rain falls on the season, the terrorists are moving slowly in America, and the president regularly toured their possessions in the brown bear
If something is happening in Russia (something worthy of attention), talking about it. About the death of Mr Berezovsky, for example, said, but about the "Magnitsky list" - not a word, but America takes no small part in this story. For me, so at every corner have to say about the endless mayhem that is associated with this case, but the importance is not even the fact that America has responded and banned from entering the conflict parties, and how badly treated by Mr. Magnitsky, with his family, being banned adopt Russian kids to American families - that's where the real tragedy. And here a word about it, but emphasized its involvement in the case, and it is quite fleeting. This shows the superficiality that is ... Do not even know how to say ... It's disgusting, and from both countries.
Tatiana: How do Russian interests of American citizens (discussed whether in television programs, whether it is mentioned in the media)
Alice: It's not enough people are interested. As well as Africa, and Austria, and Poland. Nobody's business. Said something about a meteorite, but now everyone knows what Chelyabisk. Tatiana: The image of Russia in America - how it forms the American TV?
Alice: This question is difficult to answer because I hardly watch TV, and Russia I still love that would not talk about it. I can only answer by the example of bombings in Boston. As is known, the suspects announced brothers from Chechnya, but their guilt has not been proven. However, the phrase "russian suspects" I hear news every three minutes. And "suspect" sounds like "guilty." The audience is not given a choice, the other suspects did not even identified. I would like to add that I have always paid great attention to the program "More news" in the Russian First Channel - is the news without policies such good stories about interesting topics. And I was always concerned by the question: why can not we do more than just these programs? After all, when people every evening, coming from work, on each channel sees a continuous film (and we have only this news feeds and composed, agree), then their life becomes negative, hence the overall decline and so on. can continue for a long time, I wanted to note that here with news of such programs without a policy very much, which is certainly pleasing to the eye and uplifting.
Tatiana: and perhaps this is also a kind of manipulation?
Alice: Yes, perhaps here, too, you can take it all for manipulation. Just a little bit on the other end: because all Americans are narrow-minded, so let it do not think over especially in politics. This again suggests superficiality. And Russian resources brain is very good, so they try not to give the people to act. In America, this resource is not very developed, so try not to let people understand that change is theoretically possible at all.
Tatiana: Do you think there is some in the U.S. media propaganda targeted against Russia? Do you consider Russia as an enemy?
Alice: Absolutely not. Especially, now all busy showdowns between the Koreans and they are really waiting for the third world. Russia for them - an ordinary country where it is very cold, people are poor and crazy. This image has always been, and they do not particularly want to change my view of it.