The earliest advertising was done by__________
· Public criers
· Passerby
· Recorded messages
An advertising symbol, like a barber’s pole,__________
· Was an emotional lure in attracting consumers
· Told nothing about what shop offered
· Represented available goods or services
The main purpose of advertising before modern times was________
· To inform
· To persuade
· To decorate
Advertising changed radically when________
· People doubted the truth in the messages
· It became hard to contact the public
· New products were discovered or invented
Over the last several decades, advertising methods have become_________
· Haphazard
· Scientific
· Impulsive
According to modern research, today’s consumer buys__________
· After careful consideration
· On impulse
· Without regard to the appearance of the item
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How was the earliest advertising done?
2. When did advertising begin?
3. Which two methods of recording ads were devised by ancient Romans?
4. When was symbolic advertising developed?
5. What was advertised with the help of symbols?
6. What two historical changes caused an explosion in the advertising fields?
7. Why has advertising changed since the 1920’s radically?
8. What are two particular techniques used today?
9. What is the key to success in modern advertising?
Текст 13
We talk to various people from different countries about their attitudes to television. Does TV educate and stimulate? Or is it a drug, a tranquilliser, used to control the population? Here are some views:
"Television has been the greatest instrument of social democracy in Western European societies," says Mr Anthony Smith of the British film Institute. Mr Neville Jayawera from SriLanka disagrees. 90% of the TV programmes in his country are foreign, and mostly inferior, material. He feels that TV has disrupted local culture and social ties. '
Why do Third Word societies introduce TV in their countries? Perhaps governments do it for prestige, to show that they have introduced new technology into their societies. Another possible reason is that political leaders want their people to see them on TV. But the politicians cannot be on the screen all the time, so what other programmes do they show?
TV is a very expensive medium, and most Third World countries do not have the technology, the expertise or the money to make their own television programmes. The result is that most Third World countries are dependent for television on Britain and America. It's easier and cheaper to buy inferior foreign products, mainly American "soap" operas. So, a lot of people feel that TV is a danger to local cultures in poorer countries. It could be an even greater threat to national identity than colonialism.
1. How often do you watch TV?
2. What are you favourite programmes?
3. Which is your favourite channel?
4. The average Russian teenager spends about 20 hours a week in front of the TV-set. What about you?
5. Why is TV often called "the window on the world"?
6. Do you agree that television has the power to educate?
7. What do you think of commercials? Do they annoy you?
8. Do you enjoy watching "soaps"?
9. Do you think that there's too much violence on TV?
10. Do you believe that violence on TV may turn people into criminals?
11. Some people say that television kills conversation. Do you agree?
12. Do you use TV intelligently?
Текст 14
Modern Technology has had a tremendous effect on the lives of people and their entertainment habits. Today, the Internet has undergone a phenomenal global growth. It has become such an important data-gathering and communication source that few can't afford to ignore. The Net encircles the globe.
Young people spend a lot of time on their computers because it’s exiting and they have found in the Net new ways of meeting a basic human need: the desire to communicate with other people. E-mail sends electronic messages from one person to another – like letters, but capable of crossing the Atlantic in 15m. File transfers move bulk data from one computer to another with these capacities, the Internet becomes post office, printing press and meeting-place all in one.
Some people are making a fortune in cyberspace. Most companies have their own websites; others exist only on the Internet. They are something called “dot com” companies. Some of the most successful Net entrepreneurs are teenagers who are still at school. They are called internet nerds.
Tom Hadfield, 16, started a football results website called soccer-net and it became a great business.
To become a successful entrepreneur all you need is: to start a webpage of your own, have a good idea for a business, think of a catchy name and find someone to lend you money. And remember! English is the most used business language!