Participle II — це неособова форма дієслова, що об’єднує властивості дієслова і прикметника .
Participle IIутворюється за допомогою закінчення -ed ,щододається доправильних дієслів,длянеправильнихдієслів використовується III формадієслова. Основні значення Participle II - стан як результат дії і сама дія.
Participle II перехідних дієслів має пасивне значення і відповідає українському дієприкметнику пасивного стану минулого часу: e.g. Forbidden fruit is sweetest. A watched pot never boils.
Participle II неперехідних дієслів має активне значення і відповідає українському дієприкметнику активного стану минулого часу: e.g. There was a tree fallen down in the storm last night.
Past participles show that the action of the participle has already happened, but the emphasis is on the present state or condition rather than on the action in the participle: e.g. The dish broken into a dozen pieces cannot be mended. The money found on the street was soon claimed.
In the sentences Participle II may have the functions of :
- Predicative (after the link verbsto be, to get, to remain, to become, to look to seem, to grow, to turn etc. ):Your offer sounds tempting.
- Attribute : Stolen pleasures are sweetest. The man injured in the accident was taken to hospital.
- Part of a complex object( a) after the verbs denoting sense perception: to hear, to watch, to see, to notice, to feeletc.:I've heard that tune played many times.; b) after the verbs denoting wish: want, desire, wish etc.: I want my blouse pressed.; c) after the verbs have, make, get: He made himself respected.)
-Adverbial modifier of : ( time, usually after the conjunction when): When asked about the accident, the girl began to cry; ( condition, after the conjunctions if, when): If taken literary, the sentence has no sense.; ( comparisonafter the conjunctions as if, as though):He suddenly stopped as if struck by the news.;( concession, after the conjunctions though): Though surprised by his arrival she did not show it.
Exercise I. Read the following proverbs and state the functions of Participle II. Memorize the proverbs.
1. Better untaught than ill taught. 2. One volunteer is worth two pressed men.3.When united we stand, when divided we fall. 4. Stolen pleasures are sweetest. 5. Ill-gotten gains never prosper. 6. Forewarned is forearmed. 7. A burnt child dreads the fire.
8. A trouble shared is a trouble halved. 9. Forbidden fruit is sweetest. 10. Once bitten, twice shy. 11. A watched pot never boils. 12. A fault confessed is half redressed.
Exercise 2. Complete these sentences by choosing an appropriate past participle from the box below. Do not use any participle more than once. The first sentence has been done for you.