✓fully equipped weight room

✓boxing ring

✓hockey field

✓badminton court

✓football pitches

✓basketball court

✓aerobics classes

✓tennis court

✓fitness programmes

✓swimming pool

✓skating rink


3. Translate the following useful words:

keep-fit centre - оздоровительный центр

to set (set, set) -

figure -

skater -

high jumper -

to participate -


to support -


fit -


sports ground -

local -

amateur -

sporting society -

tournament -

throughout the world -


1.What sport is each piece of equipment for?

racket – goggles – shuttlecock – ball – ice skates –weights – hoop – gloves – helmet

Play in pairs. Think of a sport and its equipment. Tell your partner one piece of equipment you are using or wearing. Add more information until your partner guesses the sport.

3. You are a swimming instructor. Use modal verbs must, have to, should and these phrases below as well as your own ideas to tell newcomers what the rules are at the pool.

•run near the pool • dive in the shallow end •leave children unattended • wear goggles •swim after a meal • bring your own hairdryer •join a swimming class • use all the facilities




Read the text and put a correct word from the box.

tennis court since There are great attention whenever all over the world

tournaments is amateur sports events jogging a friend of mine



Millions of people (1) … are fond of sports and games. Sport helps people to stay in good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organize and better disciplined in their daily activities.

We have always paid (2) … to sport in our schools, colleges and universities. You can hardly find a school without a gym or a sports ground. Every city and town has some stadiums or swimming pools where local competitions are usually held.

It’s been a tradition in this country to divide sport into professional and amateur. (3) … different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in different international (4) … and are known all over the world. Russian sportsmen have set a great number of world records: gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, and high jumpers. Our sportsmen also participate in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.

There are also a lot of (5) … clubs and keep-fit centres in Russia where people go for aerobics, yoga, body-building, swimming, skating, (6) … . Thousands of people come to the stadiums to support their favourite team and many- many thousands more prefer to watch the games on TV. But watching (7) … and going in for sports are different things.

My favourite kind of sport (8) … tennis. I’ve been playing it (9) … I was eleven years old and the more I play it the more I like it. There is a good (10) … not far from my house and (11) … I have a chance I go there with (12) … .


1. Write 100-150 words on topic ‘Sport in my life’.

Share your story and show some pictures in class.



1. Do you usually …?

•eat a balanced diet

• sit at a desk all day

• get enough sleep

• take plenty of exercise

• skip meals

• eat lots of fatty foods/fast food

• get stressed out

• drink plenty of water

• stay up late

• walk enough

• drink a lot of caffeine

• eat lots of fruit/vegetables

•exercise regularly


Read the letters Dr.Andrew received.

2. What is each person’s problem? Match Andrew’s answers to the letters.



1) Dear Andrew,

I'm really overweight! I've cut out breakfast and all fatty foods, but I just can't seem to lose weight. I'm desperate - please help!

Hungry & Miserable, Coventry

A) Try going for a quick swim in the morning or walking to work. When you exercise, your heart beats faster and your blood carries more oxygen to your brain. This gives you more energy and helps you to think more clearly! Also, do you get enough sleep? Remember, most people need 7-8 hours of sleep to function well the next day!

2) Dear Andrew,

I sit at a desk all day, but I always seem to feel tired! Any suggestions?

Sleepy, Cardiff

B) Don't despair! First of all, you should always eat breakfast! Imagine you're a car. If your 'fuel tank' is empty, it doesn't go anywhere! Also, if you skip meals, you often eat more later and put on weight. You should eat a balanced diet and take plenty of exercise. That's the best way to lose weight!

3) Dear Andrew.

I'm always stressed out! I work long hours and find it hard to relax when I get home. What can I do?

Stressed, Brighton

C) Take it easy! There's more to life than work you know! Why not take up a new sport or hobby to get out of the house? You could join a gym! If you exercise regularly, your body copes with stress much better. Also, try not to drink too much coffee and tea. If you drink a lot of caffeine, it increases anxiety.


3. Look at the letters again. What happens if/when...

• you skip breakfast?

• you exercise regularly?

• you drink a lot of caffeine?



1. Work in pairs .Imagine you are one of the people who have some healthy problems. State your problem. Your partner advises you what to do. Write and act a dialogue.


1. Read and discuss some laws of health. Which laws do you follow?


There are certain laws of health which deserve particular attention and they are so simple that even a child can learn them. A constant supply of pure fresh air is indispensable to good health. To secure this, nothing impure should remain either within or near our homes,

One of the first duties we owe to ourselves is to keep our bodies in perfect health. If our body suffers from any disorder, our mind suffers with it, and we are unable to make much progress in knowledge, and we are unfit to perform those duties which are required of us in social life.

Every room in the house especially the bedrooms, should be properly ventilated every day.

Perfect cleanliness is also essential. The whole body should be washed as often as possible. The skin is full of minute pores, cells, blood vessels and nerves. It “breathes” the way the lungs do. Therefore it should always be clean.

Besides its importance to health, there is a great charm in cleanliness. We like to look at one who is tidy and clean. If the skin is kept clean, the teeth thoroughly brushed, the hair neatly combed, and the finger-nails in order, we feel pleased with the person, even though his (her) clothes may be coarse and much mended.

A certain amount of exercise is necessary to keep the body in perfect condition. All the powers (mental and bodily) we possess are strengthened by use and weakened by disuse. Therefore labour and study should succeed each other. The best way of getting exercise is to engage in some work that is useful and at the same time interesting to the mind. It is most essential for the old and the young to do morning exercises with the windows wide open in your room or, if possible, in the open air.

Remember that exercises warm, invigorate and purify the body. Rest is also necessary to the health of both body and mind. The best time for sleep is during the darkness and stillness of the night.

Late hours are very harmful to the health as they exhaust the nervous system. We should go to bed early and get up early. It is a good rule to “rise with the lark and go to bed with the lark”.

Most essential to our body is food. Our body is continually wasting, and requires to be repaired by fresh substance. Therefore food, which is to repair the loss, should be taken with due regard to the exercise and waste of the body. Be moderate in eating. If you eat slowly, you will not overeat. Never swallow your food wholesale — you are provided with teeth for the purpose of chewing your food — and you will never complain of indigestion. We should abstain from everything that intoxicates. The evils of intemperance, especially of alcohol, are too well known.

Intemperance excites bad passions and leads to quarrels and crimes. Alcohol costs a lot of money, which might be used for better purposes. The mind is stupefied by drink and the person who drinks will, in course of time, become unfit for his duties. Both health and character are often ruined.

Thus we must remember that moderation in eating and drinking, reasonable hours of labour and study, regularity in exercise, recreation and rest, cleanliness and many other essentials lay the foundations for good health and long life.