Фразы, употребляемые при знакомстве
Let me introduce Mr Smith/ Ann/ myself? (formal)
May I introduce Mr Smith/ Ann/ myself?
This is a pleasure, Mr/Mrs…
I’m happy/ glad to meet you… (less formal)
Pleased to meet you.
How do you do?- How do you do? (formal)
Фразы, употребляемые при прощании
It’s been nice meeting you! (formal)
Hope to see you again! (less formal)
See you! (informal)
See you later!
Have a good day!
So long!
All the best!
Выражение благодарности
I appreciate it so much! - Don’t mention it! (formal)
Thank you very much! - My pleasure!
Thanks a lot!-My pleasure! (less formal)
Thank you!-Not at all!
Thanks! –You are welcome! (informal)
Упражнение 18
Выберите из списка необходимую фразу, исходя из контекста и обращая внимание на стиль общения.
1. (Извините) Could you tell me the time? (to a stranger)
2. Will you come in and sit down, (пожалуйста)? Mr. Black will be with you in 5 minutes (a
visitor and a secretary).
3. (Привет) My name is Jack!-(Привет) I’m Bob! (Two students).
4. (Извините) - That’s all right! (You broke the vase)_
5. Excuse me…!-Yes…? (A police officer and a stranger).
6. ……? - I’m fine, thank you!
7. How do you do? – Здравствуйте.
8. Let me introduce my colleague Mr. Grey.-(Здравствуйте, приятно познакомиться).
9. It’s been nice meeting you! – (Взаимно).
10. See you! - (Пока).
11. (Спасибо)! - You are welcome!
12. Thanks a lot!-(Пожалуйста).
13. (Извините). Can you repeat, please?
14. Excuse me.- Yes, (пожалуйста)
15. May I introduce … My name is Helen.
16. (Пока)!-So long!
17. (Боюсь, что) you are wrong.
18. Oh! I’m awfully sorry! – (Ничего страшного).
19. I speak three languages. Oh, (да, неужели)?
20. Can you tell us your name, (пожалуйста)?
21. Will you give me the passport, (пожалуйста) - Возьмите, (пожалуйста).
Упражнение 19
Прослушайте аудиозапись и заполните данную таблицу.
Name | Age , place and date of birth | Marital status | Relatives | Faculty and year of study | Favourite subjects | Abilities and traits of character | Hobby |
Расскажите о Треверсе Смите и его семье.
Упражнение 20
Составьте вопросы, чтобы узнать
-Full name
-Date of birth
-Place of birth
-Country of origin
-Marital status
-Home University
-Field of study
-Home address
-E-mail address
Упражнение 21
В университете, где вы будете учиться, на вас необходимо заполнить анкету. Ответьте на вопросы секретаря.
1. Как вас зовут?
2. Сколько вам лет?
3. Когда вы родились?
4. Где вы родились?
5. Из какой вы страны?
6. Какое ваше семейное положение?
7. Из какого вы университета?
8. Какая ваша специальность?
9. Какие у вас интересы?
10. Ваш домашний и электронный адрес?
Letter № 1.
23 Oxford Rd.
Dear Gill,
Thank you for your postcard from New York.
I really envy you going to all those exciting places!
There’s no chance of a holiday for me this year, I’m afraid. I’m saving up to buy a car. The driving lessons are going well, and my test is looked for next month. Wish me luck! I haven’t seen you for ages and I’d love to hear all your news. Why don’t you come down and stay one weekend? Let me know if/ when you’ll be free. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Love Hazel
Letter № 2.
MAR.13, 2007
Dear Nina,
Hi, welcome to the International Pen Friends! Your name is among the list they gave me. That’s why I would like to introduce myself and hope to make good pen pals with you.
I’m Hsiu-Yu Huang,if you feel my Chinese name is hard to pronounce, you may call me Emily too. I’m 23 years old, single, and working as a manager of one trading company. My job is to negotiate with buyers and makers, to ensure them to satisfy with good quality and considerable price. I have to take care of all the procedures of export and keep every step is going smoothly.
My hobbies are jogging, hiking, literature, music, movies, painting and travel.
I live in Taipei. It’s a prosperous metropolis located in the north of island with about two million population, busy and crowded. Taiwan is a mountainous island in the South China Sea. Between Mainland China and Taiwan is Formosa Strait. Surrounding the Pacific Ocean, Japan is in our north and the Philippines –in the south. Now, I believe you can get some ideals from where this letter is coming.
Would you tell me something about you and your family? I’m expecting to change more interesting experiences with you in the future. If you would like to correspond with me, I ‘m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
With my best regards,
Sincerely yours
23 Oxford Road
Cheltenham GL50 4QZ
GL50 4QZ
4 th August 200 –
Ms Elena Ivanova
Udmurt State University
Universitetskaya ,1
426034 Izhevsk
As you may know, the cost for
![]() |
Three years ago, in an effort to make an American LLM more accessible, we joint with Suffolk University Law School of Boston to offer a recognized LLM based in Budapest.
The tuition for this special LLM Programme over three years is less than $15,000.
Seventy- one participants from thirty two countries attended the July 2008 LLM session in Budapest.
I hope that some of your younger faculty members might have interest in obtaining an American LLM in Budapest.
I will be happy to provide full information to anyone who might be interested and to assist them with the application process.
Задание 1
Прочитайте письмо и поставьте части письма в логическом порядке, в соответствии с вышеуказанными образцами.
1 Well, I’m going to the library now and I’m short of time. I miss you and hope to see you soon.
2. At last I have some time to write and tell you about my roommates and studies here.
3. Miguel is a down-to-earth nice guy from Spain. He gave me a hand (to help) yesterday when I was cramming for the test and he explained some rules to me.
Do you remember Steve? He turned out to be such an airhead. Everything goes in one ear and out the other. Teachers are not on our backs all the time and sometimes it’s difficult to find get-up-and-go factor. Steve is falling behind on his work. I think they are going to throw him outof the University (to press him to leave the University).
4. Dear Mom and Dad,
5. All of us are good buddies (friends) and we spend time together, though we haven’t got much of it. I’m really busy with my studies, I always eat and run because every minute is scheduled. Yesterday, for example, I had a class presentation and I was afraid I was going to embarrass myself. At first I had butterflies in my stomach (нервная дрожь , вызванная нервным напряжением или страхом) and I had goose bumps all over. I think I looked like a dummy (a fool, a pumpkin head), but I managed to cope with (cправиться с чем-либо) my nervousness and everything was all right. The questions the students asked were neither tough nor tricky.
6. I’ve made friends with some students. They are also freshmen from the law and art faculties, and we share a room in the hostel.
Sam is a straight A-student (an excellent student) and a computer genius, but he is neither a workaholic nor a crammer 0(a person who learns by heart without understanding), though he is a teacher’s pet.
8. 54 Gooseberry Street
5 October, 2009
7. Love,
Задание 2
Прочитайте письмо и ответьте на вопросы, представленные ниже.
Dear Mom,
Sorry for the long silence, but I was very busy with the preparation for my interview for a mobility programme.
I had to prepare a lot of documents for it, such as CV, Letter of Motivation, a Letter of Recommendation and some others. It was something! I guess it was the most hectic (very busy) period of the academic year. The most difficult task was to get a letter of recommendation: all our professors are so overloaded (перегружены) that they haven’t got a spare minute. But I was lucky! My tutor was kind enough to write the letter of recommendation at the last minute (в последний момент). The content of the letter was a great surprise for me. She praised me high up to the sky (очень хвалила). She evaluated my academic achievements as excellent. I was among the top-ten students. She also noted that I was a diligent, hard working, self-managing and goal-oriented student. I was greatly encouraged.
The night before the interview was sleepless; I was nervous and couldn’t fall asleep.
In the morning I had a cup of coffee only to freshen up.
There were three interviewers in the hall. They were tolerant and not bossy, so the atmosphere was friendly. Their questions were quite predictable except one, about my staying abroad. They wanted to know if I was homesick. You know for me it is a tricky question. Do you remember my first letters from North Carolina? My answer was sincere and I told them as it had really been at first.
I think they were satisfied with my answers, my documents, and of course with the way I presented myself .
The results of this interview will be ready in 3 days. As soon as I get them, I’ll let you know.
Love to Dad and Granny.
1. There were six interviewees who applied for this programme. Who of them is the author of this letter?
2. Who are the author’s relatives?
3. Has the author been abroad?
4. Whereabouts?
5. What documents did the author prepare for the interview?
6. What was the most difficult task for the author?
7. How many interviewers were there?
8. Were the interviewers bossy?
9. Was the author afraid of the interview?
10. Were the interviewers satisfied with the interviewee?
Задание 3
Определите тип следующего документа:
- a letter of motivation
- a letter of complaint
- a resume (CV)
- a letter of recommendation
- a letter of enquiry
- a letter of application
- a simple commercial letter
- a letter of apology
- Memo
Задание 4
Самостоятельно выполните задания из приложения 3 и проверьте усвоение темы «Деловые письма».
Задание 5
Познакомьтесь с образцом резюме и составьте своё резюме по аналогии.
Name: Polina M. Sidorova
Address: 16-56 Pervomaiskaya St.,.
Izhevsk, 426072, Udmurtia,
Home phone: +7(3412)53-79-08
e-mail address: psidorova@kafat.udrn.net
Date of birth: 18/06/1982
September2000 - present - a fourth-year law student of Udmurt State University
August2003 - February 2004 -an exchange student at Oerebro University, Sweden. Studied International law and Human Rights. Got a certificate.
September 1997 - June 2000 - a student of the Law College. Got a diploma with honour.
July 1997 - attended the course on Environmental Law. Got a certificate.
September 1989 - June 1999 - finished school with honour.
Work experience:
April - May 2004 - worked as an interpreter for a University professor from the Northern Carolina.
August 2002 - practice at the local Government
Student activities
Participation in Annual Scientific Conferences in Moscow Law State Academy and Udmurt State University
Presentation of topics: "The legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons",
"The International Criminal Court: formation and functioning",
"The prohibition of the use of force in the UN Charter and its limits",
"The questions of immunity and impunity in International law",
"The consequences of contravention the rules about contract state registration",
"The problems of defamation in Russian Civil Law", others.
Active participation in open seminars on Public International Law and Human Rights conducted by the members of the National Defence College of Sweden,Uppsala and Stockholm
April 2004 - the first prize at the Student Scientific Conference of the Udmurt State University,
March 2003 - the winner of the European Union competition for mobility to Sweden.
April 2003 - participation in the International Conference at Moscow Law State Academy, got a publication,
June 2003- present - grant holder of the Scientific Board,
September 2002 - present - a member of a Students Scientific Society of the Udmurt State University
April 2002 - the second prize at the Students Scientific Conference of the Udmurt State University,
April 1997 - the winner of the Republic Law Olympiad.
Personal qualities:
Serious, goal oriented, creative, adaptable, sociable and industrious.
Other skills and interests:
Languages: English, German (basic), advanced computer user, lawn tennis and rollerblading.